Yeah, sorry to do this, A/N instead of a new chapter.

You've probably noticed that I haven't updated in a really really long time and I'm sorry. I'm sorry to be doing this but I have to put this on pause. Please understand that there are reasons for me doing this.

1- School is incredibly tough right now and I am only just managing to get enough time in between studying, sport training, coaching and work to read a chapter out of a book, let alone update two stories.

2- I've kind of lost interest in this. I have no real motivation to write this at the moment.

3- Silent is a lot more theraputic for me to work on. If you have a look, you might understand. The emotions in it are far more complex and I can vent out my issues.

4-I have no idea where I'm headed with this. Silent has a basic story-line, and I have the major plot points planned out, but when I sit down to write this, I go blank. A bit of writer's block, I guess.

I'm not planning on deleting this, I'm probably just going to wait for term to break up and I'll try to work on it over the holidays. I just need to get into the right headspace for this. I have four weeks left until the holidays, and I get a two week break, so if you're patient, I might have a chapter up by then.

I know I've left you at a really bad place, it being the start of the date and everything, but I planned on having less fluffy bits, because a) I can't write fluff well. and b) I'm not big on it, due to the crap that's been happening in my life.

Again, I'm really sorry!
