Do let me apologize now for the long absence. I think a lot of my lack of need to write comes from role-playing, but I'm going to try and break a line and make more time for this.

I've finally graduated high school (actually that was back in May I haven't written all summer OTL) and am starting college here on the 19th. But I promise to make more time for this.

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"You're going to kick my ass?" came that ever snarky reply to Shizuo's previous threat, Izaya clearly enjoying this just a little too much, "What a concept. I'd much rather you do something a little less violent, but well, I can be a bit of a masochist."

What was that? Did Izaya just imply that he wouldn't mind having sex with him?


No he did not. Not in his mind.

While Shizuo stood with that confused and angered look on his face, the raven took this opportunity to slip on by him, brushing his shoulder in the simplest of ways with his own, but managing to send a million different signals. Yes, he had indeed implied that they have themselves a bit of natural fun only two horny humans could have, where was the point in hiding it? He supposed the real question was whether or not he meant it, and boy did he.

He was human after all, right? He had the same needs as any other man, occasionally waking up with that ever annoying morning wood as they called it and having to stroke himself to elation in the bathroom just to get himself in order. He hated it. Up until a year ago he was easily able to find himself a partner when he needed one, spending a night or two together before parting ways. Now it's not to misunderstand, Orihara Izaya was not a whore. He did not sleep around with anyone and everyone; in fact, he often had a select few that he would call upon when the need arose—no pun intended—. But here, sitting in this facility and dwindling away his days in which he should be working, he was left with nothing. More than 365 days had passed and he was left hanging.

Whish wasn't fair either. He was sure Masaomi and that little raven haired kid had gotten down and played a few rounds of the hanky panky, something he was jealous of. A month prior to his little riot, Izaya himself had been working on the blonde, befriending him and making subtle hints in such a manner that Kida had considered him a good friend in a place he didn't want to be. It wasn't until the Sociopath had pulled a stunt which resulted in humiliation that he began to hate him.

With a psychotic chuckle, Izaya shook his head of his no longer needed memories and went back into the building, leaving Shizuo to stand dumb founded in the grass. It took him a moment, but the blonde did regain himself, cursing under his breath and following after the raven, making sure he headed back to the floor.

Why was it that he had to be that way? He was sending him mixed signals all over the place and frankly, it was pissing him off, and even unnerving him. Hell, he had a mental patient coming onto him now, the same one whom he had fought with just the other day. It was ridiculous. He didn't know whether he was mocking him or if he should be flattered.

It wasn't like he was some prepubesant virgin teen. He was currently 24 and in charge, getting himself a date every now and then with the occasional bedroom fun. Sure, he was awkward and worried far too much about hurting other people with his inhumane strength, but he did manage to have a bit of a life despite it, even if it never lasted.

The RN near violently shook his head once he was back on the floor, fixing his attention back on the situation at hand as he searched for Izaya. Once more he found him, sitting in that same spot in the day room and talking to Niekawa, the pair exchanging small words here and there, mostly focused on the topic of people and their love for them. If he didn't know any better, he'd say they belonged together, but the thick scars that covered the woman's skin convinced him otherwise. She'd murder her next lover just as she had tried to do with her first, even if it was one sided.

"Shizuo-kun, how are things." As if on cue, the blonde let out a noticeable sigh at the familiar voice, turning around to see the man that had started him on all of this.

"Shinra, I don't know if I can do this," he admitted, turning to face the man as he rubbed the back of his head, "It's barely been a day and he's already got me up the wall. I'm gonna kill him before it's over." Just thinking about it made his muscles tense.

Shinra laughed and shook his head, patting Shizuo on the shoulder as he looked up to him with strangely grey hues, "Don't let him get to you. He's crazy remember? Aha, he's nothing but a delusional bully. If you remember that, I'm sure you'll be able to handle him. Look, you haven't lost your cool yet right? Just be positive."

There it was, Shinra's innate ability to see the glass as half full rather than empty. It was a pain in the ass sometimes but he had learned to put up with it, even when he was sure the other was wrong.

Heaving another sigh, Shizuo pulled out a small smile, nodding his head as he looked over his shoulder to make sure his patient hadn't snuck off again, "I guess you're right."

"Glad to see you understand. Now, for the reason I came to find you, " he paused to smile, fixing his glasses. Shizuo near flinched at the ominous relfection that masked the brunette's eyes from sight before realizing that he was indeed a barer of bad news, "It's bath time, and guess who you get to help."




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Yes, next chapter will be interesting indeed~. Make sure to leave a review guys. I thank those that continue to follow and review the story. 3