Author's note: okay...second try at this...haha. Lokie whump!

Chapter 1


"Tony, you finished the whole liquor bottle and now you're trying for a second? No, you're going to end up with liver cancer by next year" Bruce growled

He hated keeping an eye on this guy, he didn't need to but...he was part of the team and him being a doctor was obsessed with stopping his drinking habits. Tony looked up with a drunk look and just laughed, Bruce rolled his eyes and grabbed the alcohol away from him.

Tony only laughed and then got up, he swayed on his feet a little before walking towards the doors. Bruce couldn't help but laugh when the drunk man walked straight into the wall. Tony looked at it confused.

"When did that get there?" he asked

Bruce chuckled, "Since whenever you built this house"

"Riiiight..." Tony slurred

Bruce dragged the drunk Tony upstairs when he heard something hit the roof...hard. Tony snapped his head up. "What was that?"

"Oh now you can talk normally? I don't know..." Bruce said

He put Tony on the couch and then started towards the roof, when he up there he looked around but didn't see anything. Until he stepped into a puddle of blood, he jumped back when he saw how much it was. 'Whatever just hit the roof must be bleeding a lot...if it only took three minutes to form a puddle this big.' he thought to himself.

He followed the blood and gasped when he got to the cause of it. Lying down in his side, face white, tears streaming down his face, choking for air...was no other than Loki. Bruce knelt down next to the God, Loki saw him and shrieked. He instantly got up but then swayed dangerously towards the edge.

Bruce quickly caught him before he took a dive off the roof top, Loki cried out in pain and fear as Bruce grabbed his side. Bruce carefully lied Loki down and looked at him, his chest was soaked in crimson blood. He could tell he was either stabbed or someone sliced through his chest, he then looked at his stomach. He was stabbed about three times there and then he saw Loki's side. The left side was completely bloody, he could see four slices, opening up Loki's side. He could also see burn marks, he felt sorry for the guy.

"Loki...who...who did this?" he asked

Loki looked at him in fear, he winced as he whispered. "M-my...father...please don't...hurt me" he choked as he began to cry silently

Bruce smiled sympathetically, "Don't worry buddy, I won't hurt you one bit."

"Y-you forgive me?"

"Why wouldn't I, Thor was over a few days ago and was talking about how your eyes were blue during with us. And by the looks of it, they're supposed to be emerald."

Loki smiled slightly but then choked and coughed up blood, Bruce quickly and carefully picked Loki up. Loki was a little taller than him, making it a little awkward holding the God of Mischief and lies but he ignored it. As they stepped inside to the light Bruce saw way more than he did outside in the dimmer lights.

"Oh my god...Loki..." he gasped

Loki's lips were badly bleeding, like he tore something off of them. It looked as if something was stitched or sewn in his lips. Bruce didn't ask though, he carried the god quickly down to the infirmary. When he got there he saw Steve putting a band aid over a cut.

Steve didn't bother to look up when he heard Bruce's foot steps, "Cut myself on some glass...figured I would put a band aid on it"

"Well, I should make sure you don't stitches...after I'm done with Loki" Bruce replied, lying Loki softly onto the bed

Steve snapped his head up and whipped around, he gasped when he saw Loki. Anger filled him, "Who the hell did this!?"

Loki was barely awake when he looked at Steve. Steve was staring in shock but then snapped out of it when Bruce started talking. "He needs surgery and stitching up, but I have nothing here to put him to sleep."

"You don't have any sleeping medicine ?" Steve asked

"No, I probably left it at the hospital when I went to refill everything...dam it. He's going to need to bite on something"

"Well, he's starting to pass out..."

"I know, hurry up and wipe off his mouth and put the oxygen on him"

Steve obeyed as he wiped the blood off of Loki's mouth, Loki passed out right when Steve started. Steve looked at him with sad blue eyes, "We'll get you healed up...Loki" he whispered

Author's note: Ha! I actually like this one, not deleting my Thor story so don't worry! :D but um...does Steve have blue or brown eyes? I was guessing blue...