So this is my first Fanfic, I decided to give it a try, I really hope you all like it. In this story Olivia, Elliot and his kids are younger. Elliot is 42, Olivia is 40, Maureen is 24, Kathleen 20, Lizzie and Dickie are 18. Story takes off sort of slow but it will pick up. I am an EO shipper, so this story will be EO. Read, Review and enjoy

Chapter 1

She laid there in her bed just wondering. How could her dad cut off all contact with Olivia? In her heart she believed that her dad and Olivia were meant to be together. She accepted the fact that her parents were not in love with each other anymore years ago, and was glad they finally realized it too. She really wanted her father happy, he deserved to be happy. She had an idea.

"Hey Mo I think I know how to make dad happy, truly happy" She said with a smile

"Katie what do you have in mind." Mo said smiling also

Katie smirked as she began to relay her plan to Mo. "Dad was happy when he was working at SVU…"

"Wait" Maureen interrupted "his job was always stressing him out"

Rolling her eyes "If you let me finish, I was going to say that when he was working there, he was always around Olivia, so…"

Maureen now knew where Katie was going with this idea of hers. "Yes that's true but dad has not spoken to Olivia in two years. Even if we tried to reunite them, how do you know if Olivia would be happy in seeing dad, especially on how he left without speaking to her?"

Katie thought about that, this was going to be harder then she thought.

"Maybe we could make them both see how much they mean to each other" Katie said.

"And how are you planning on doing that", Maureen said with a questioning look. "We both know how stubborn they both can be."

"Hey, what are you two talking about?"

"Hey Lizzie, we were just trying to figure out how we can get dad and Olivia together. Dad was always happy when he was with her." Katie said

"I always figured that they would somehow get together." Lizzie said

"We all thought that, mom even thought that he would go after her when their divorce was finalized." Mo said

"She just wanted that to happen to prove dad was cheating on her with Olivia, which he wasn't." Katie said rolling her eyes. Katie knew that her dad would not hurt her mom like that; he was always faithful to her, even though he wasn't in love with her anymore. She also knew that Olivia would never break their family up, at that anyone's family, even though that meant that she would be unhappy. She would sacrifice her happiness for the sake of others. That's why Katie love Olivia so much and wanted her to be their stepmother. Now that her dad was available, maybe her and her sibling's dreams of having Olivia as their stepmother would come true. But first they would have to get them talking, that will be a challenge in itself.

"Ok, back to how we are going to make Olivia our stepmother." Mo said with a smile. Maureen could see from the beginning that Olivia made her father extremely happy. He would always say Olivia did this, Olivia that; he was always talking about Olivia. If it wasn't for Olivia she believes that her dad would have left SVU sooner than he did. Olivia kept him grounded and she was grateful for that.

"Let me go get Dickie so he could help us think of something also. We are going to need all the brain power we can get with these two." Lizzie said leaving. She always like Olivia, she was cool hanging out with. She would prefer Olivia as her stepmother than anyone else because she knew that she would love them as if they were her own children. She knew how difficult it was going to be to get them to even speak to each other, at that see each other. She only hopes that their plan would work.

Lizzie went to get Dickie and explain what they were thinking about and planning on doing. Dickie knew that they would need to enlist some other people to accomplish this. He felt bad about accusing Olivia for sleeping with his father a couple of years ago when she was just there to help him. He will apologize for that when he see her again. He was just going base on what his mother Kathy said, which he now understood were lies to get them to hate Olivia, but he could never hate Olivia even if he tried. As he entered the room he said "So we are going to try to get dad and Olivia together?"

"YES", all three of his sisters shouted with smiles and hopeful eyes.

"We should ask dad's former co-workers for help also, like Fin, Munch, Cragan, Casey, Alex, and Melinda." Dickie said

"That's a great idea Dickie, the more the better; we just have to make sure that they don't tell Olivia on purpose or by accident." Mo said

"Then we have to make sure Alex, Casey, and Melinda stay quite. They are all best friends with Olivia." Lizzie said.

"Ok, let me call Cragan to run this idea by him, and see to if he could get everyone in the squad to meet us at a café to discuss it further." Katie said

Katie got her phone to call her dad's former boss, hoping that he would go along with the plan, if so they would have ten people working together to get two people that they all love dearly together finally after 14 years. On the third ring Katie heard Cragan speak.

"Hello, this is Captain Cragan."

"Hi, this is Kathleen, Kathleen Stabler."

Ok so what you all think? Like I said it's my first fanfic hope you like it. If you all want more let me know. Up next conversation with Cragan, will he agree with Katie, what will the others say? Want to find out let me know. Reviews are more than welcome.