In the year 2014, Solid Snake completed his final mission. He put an end to Liquid Ocelot's Insurrection and uploaded the FOXALIVE virus into the GW, one of the Patriot AIs. FOXALIVE not only destroyed GW, but it spread to all the other AIs, finally eliminating the Patriots. The days of being Solid Snake, the legendary soldier who saved the world from nuclear war several times, the man who single handedly took down Metal Gears, a Hind D Gunship, and a Tank using only frag grenades, were over. There wasn't a Solid Snake anymore, he chose to go by his name, David. David refused to be acknowledged as Solid Snake, because doing so referred to him as a soldier. David isn't a soldier. David is a man, a man who was intent on living the remainder of his days as a man, and not as a Snake. This was the dying wish of David's father, the legendary soldier Big Boss. Now David was 42 years old, but his body & face looked like it was in its late 70s, due to the accelerated aging that his body was going through. People stared at David when he went out into public because of the severe burns that covered the left side of his face. David wanted to find a peaceful place that he could spend the remainder of his days. He thought about all the places he had traveled throughout his career, trying to figure out which one was the most peaceful. Unfortunately out of all the places he had been to, most of them he was on a mission, and was either sneaking to an objective, or was in a firefight. But then, one place came to mind. A place he went to somewhere after the Big Shell incident in 2009. While he was on a mission there, it was unlike any of his other missions. David considered it to be his favorite mission. He didn't kill a single human being on this mission, because he wasn't fighting humans. For the first time in his life, he fought supernatural beings. He didn't have any regrets eliminating these enemies. But he made friends with several memorable characters. The names Meta Knight, Lucario, Princess Peach, Princess Zelda, Samus Aran, Luigi, Fox McCloud, and Falco Lombardi came to mind. This place was the Smash Bros Universe. The place he decided to stay at for 6 months even after the mission was complete. "That's the place I want to spend the remainder of my life" David said. There wasn't much he could pass on to the future on Earth. But in the Smash Universe, he had a load of knowledge he could pass, as the people in the universe were ignorant to most of the customs and activities that he knew of. David had made the decision. He was going to the Smash Bros Universe.