Alright, so I've finally worked up the courage to post a story here. I hope it's good. Enjoy!

AN: Lol so the first reviews i get are about people being confused with the title being about WH40k so i changed it. no need to get your panties in a bunch people

BT –Before Tevinter

IS – Imperial Standard

50,000 BT: During a Reaper attack a Prothean freighter carrying vast amounts of element zero jumps to FTL in an attempt to escape. Heavily damaged, it crashes into a nearby garden planet, leaving large amounts of eezo on the main continent. There it begins to affect the native species namely the most evolved; Humans.

20,000 BT: After many years people have begun to adapt to eezo, creating a small population of people who are able to manipulate dark matter, the largest concentration found where most of the element zero landed, in the land that while eventually be known as Tevinter.

5,000 BT: A very small percentage of people have begun to show the ability to work element zero ( called lyrium by the humans) without adverse effects. Because of their generally calm and passive temperaments they are named the Tranquil.

500 BT: Powerful mages calling themselves "Magisters" begin conquering the lands richest in lyrium. Essentially they are warlords, carving outs domains to rule and battling each other for supremacy.

30 BT: An incredibly powerful mage by the name of Thalsian begins defeating the magisters, taking control of their lands and installing one of his followers to govern the conquered territories as the new magisters. Thalsian was said to be so powerful that at his peak he was able to lift one city's entire wall up off the ground and fling it into the distance, leaving it open for his men to attack.

0 IS: After years of war Thalsian defeats all the magisters not loyal to him. He is crowned Archon of the newly named Tevinter Imperium, the first true civilization on the plant. Making his capital the port city of Minrathous, it is quickly turned it into a great center of learning and prosperity. At the center of the city is the Tower of the Archon, a great tower of black stone reaching up into four points (imagine the tower of Isengard). It is both the home of the Archon and the seat of imperial government.

150 IS: The Imperium has by this time conquered the entirety of Thedas, largest continent on the planet. It is during this time that slavery becomes a common practice in the Imperium, introduced by magi who believe themselves inheritably better than those who cannot use magic.

325 IS: Tensions in the Imperium rise as conquered people grow dissatisfied with their treatment at the hands of the magisters, who have grown corrupt after the death of Archon Thalsian. Things come to a head when a powerful mage named Andraste leads a slave uprising in the province of Fereldan. The rebellion finds great success in the outer provinces where the Imperium is weakest. However; things grind into stalemate when they try to attack the heavily defended and better organized inner provinces.

331 IS: After 6 years of war the new Archon, a young man named Hessarian, takes control of the Imperium. His first act is a purge of the magister lords before declaring an end to slavery. He meets stiff resistance from the general nobility but with the support of the general populace he eventually succeeds.

333 IS: Archon Hessarian then arranges a meeting with Andraste and the other leaders of the rebellion in hopes of ending it now that slavery has been abolished in the Imperium. After many months of negotiation the rebels lay down their arms in exchange for full pardons and concessions that non-magi have a larger part in the government and that slavery is permanently abolished and stamped out where ever it may be found. The long road to rebuilding begins but everyone agrees the future looks bright.

368 IS: After her death Andraste is declared a saint of the Maker, deity of the Imperial church, joining people like Thalsion, Valla the Healer who discover an incredibly potent healing agent (later refined into medi-gel in the distant future) and Romos the Prophet who first preached the word of the Maker.

712 IS: By this time the Tevinter Imperium has spread to encompass the entirety of the planet, named Thedas after the largest continent. Much great technological advancement is made, especially in lyrium based technology. One such technology are the Gateways, rings of lyrium that when charged can send vehicles to corresponding Gateways nigh instantaneously.

800 IS: It is eventually discovered after many years that magi are the result of lyrium based mutations in which nodes of lyrium on the nervous system allows for the manipulation of dark matter rather a mystical force only a few can draw on. Despite this, little changes in the ways of both terminology and government as both are ingrained deeply in Tevinter society.

858 IS: The first human, Jon Therin is the first human into space, orbiting Thedas and returning five hours later.

950 IS: Colonization of the solar system is in full swing with the 4th planet of the system, Dumat (named after ancient gods of old Tevinter), undergoing terraforming procedures to make it inhabitable. Interplanetary Gateways have been developed, leading to a massive colonization rush.

1012 IS: The third moon of Toth is discovered to be a massive ice-incased lyrium powered structure that works on a principle similar to that of Gateways, but more advanced and able to move things between star systems as opposed to planets. With undeniable proof of extraterrestrial life Archon Hadrian orders a massive increase military spending and weapons research in the event that aliens encountered are hostile. A fleet is quickly constructed and sent through the newly named Star Relay. They find a matching relay on the other side and a few inhabitable worlds. Extra-solar colonization begins with Imperium on the watch for any other space faring race.

1125 IS: Spreading out beyond its home system the Tevinter Imperium quickly establishes colonies on 65 new planets before intelligent life is discovered. A survey vessel finds a planet inhabited by humanoid race not to dissimilar to humans. They are of a much shorter and thinner stature than the average human with long pointed ears and rather large protruding eyes but with much different skin tones ranging from a purplish blue to obsidian black. After much debate it is decided to contact them and offer them a place in the Imperium. First contact is peaceful and after some talks the newly named "Elves" agree to join the Imperium as full citizens and uplifted into space.

1160 IS: The elves soon are given a planet to colonize which they name Dales. Due to the new and unique architecture of the elves it quickly becomes a popular location for humans to visit and sometimes settle. This goes a long way in strengthening the relationship between the two races.

1205 IS: Many years of research bear fruit as Tevinter scientists are able to replicate the Star relays although on a much lesser scale. The Tevinter made relays are not as powerful or nearly as durable as the Star Relays' hulls are incredibly strong; however, they are able to open up star systems previously not accessible. They cannot propel ships to new star clusters unfortunately, meaning Prime Star relays are still needed.

1256 IS: An exploration vessel is attacked as it is exploring a new star system. The weapons, though not as powerful as the Imperium's, are strong enough to damage the exploration ship before it can escape. When the news reaches the capital a fleet is immediately called in to retaliate against the unprovoked attack. The 2nd Imperial Fleet quickly defeats the attackers in the system in large part due to their vastly superior weapons, ship, and shield technology. No inhabited worlds are found so the system is search for a relay which is quickly found. After going through the relay they find a densely populated system ready to fight.

1258 IS: After a brief but brutal war the attackers, named Qunari, are defeated. They are an aggressive race who just left their home system and are far more physically more robust than humans and elves. Despite this they are no match for the superior technology and numbers of the Tevinter Imperium. The conquered race is then added to the Imperium who upon proving to be ready will be granted full citizenship and that it entails.

1278 IS: Despite several failed rebellions the Qunari eventually accept imperial rule and are assimilated into imperial society smoothly.

1400 IS: With the inclusion of two new races the Tevinter Imperium experiences a period of rapid growth, advancement, and peace. The Imperium quickly grows to encompass over 600 planets with around 60 billion citizens, the majority being human. This golden period does not last as on the 1st day of the month Pluitanis the colony of Highever reports it is under attack by unknown aliens.


Races of the Tevinter Imperium

Humans: Humans are the founders of the Tevinter Imperium and compose the majority of its population. They have a very large number of dark matter wielders, though the strength varies from person to person. In the old days these powers where augmented with staffs made with lyrium cores but in modern times implants are used to greatly increase the strength and control of magi, with staffs having being relegated to a largely symbolic role being marks of offices.

Elves: The second race to become part of the Imperium with population of around 17 billion. Hailing from the planet Elvhenan in the Larian system they are of a much shorter and thinner stature than the average human with long pointed ears and rather large protruding eyes but with much different skin tones ranging from a purplish blue to obsidian black. It has been discovered that elves and humans can reproduce, however the offspring tend to look more human with elf traits like slightly pointed ears and different eye and skin tones. Elves are quick and stealthy making them excellent for espionage, a role they tend to fill in Imperial Intelligence.

Qunari: The third and newest race in the Imperium, they were added after they were conquered in what is now called the Qunari Wars. Their home world Qun is found in the Par Vollen system. Qunari are taller and considered to be more physically robust than humans. They have metallic-hued skin (bronze, gold and silver are the most common), white hair, slightly pointed ears, and vivid eyes with colors like violet, red, or yellow. Most Qunari of both gender have horns though some do not. The horn itself has no nerve endings and can be painlessly removed much like human nails or hair. Once cut off, a horn does not grow back. They are usually at least a head taller than the average human. Their population has just reached prewar levels of 10 billion.

Let me what you think please