AN: Um sorry? ^^;; I realize that it's four months after New Years, but my only explanation is that applying for university has been the biggest pain in my life. And now that I've been excepted I'm having trouble deciding where to go . Life is so complicated. ^^;; Well enough of excuses, here's the last chapter of Catching Me. I feel so proud of myself, my first WK story completed T_T

Thanks to everyone who reviewed! It means a lot to me to see so many positive feedbacks and as lame as it may sound, it gave me to courage to write more, since I was never sure if I can write a yaoi story in the first place.

Disclaimer: Don't own anything.

Chapter 3

"Ouch! Have some pity for your poor personal slave please, your royal pain in the neck," Schuldig complained as another box was added to the heavy load already in his arms.

"No one asked you to be here," Aya replied absent-mindedly looking around the display cases for another gift all the while keeping a safe distance between him and all the other last minute shoppers. There was already several cases when over enthusiastic shoppers grabbed him instead of gifts. "And who's fault is it that I have no time to shop until now?"

"Just wanted you to see the world outside of that damn flower shop grumpy. You never complained before so how should I know that you minded," the telepath murmured crossly as he 'unintentionally' changed the mind of a shopper, making the middle aged man suddenly freeze and walk away from the same soccer jersey Aya was interested in. The sooner they finish the kitten's Christmas shopping the better. He was beginning to hate crowds as much as the swordsman now, after having people bump, push, and even trip him to get their hands on a gift he had a pretty reasonable excuse too.

"Okay, got one for Ken, one for Omi, have the jacket for Yohji. Already bought the earrings for Aya-chan. Who am I missing?" the Weiß red head mused out loud.

"What about me? Don't I get anything?" Schuldig asked eagerly trying to sound as cute as possible.

"How about a sword in the stomach?" Aya replied without thinking before he remembered. "Manx and Birman. Two more presents to go. What do women like?"

"How should I know?" the German asked incredulously when Aya looked at him expectantly. "You're asking the wrong guy here. I thought that you out of all people should know where my interest lie… or do I need to give your further proof?" the telepath ended with a leer and freed one of his arms to try and reach the swordsman… and promptly got kicked at the shins.

"Forget it. I'll just get the rest of the things myself." with that Aya walked away leaving Schuldig still trying to recover his balance and wincing from pain. The telepath glared at the shorter man's back and couldn't do anything in his present injured and encumbered situation to stop Aya from ditching him. But might as well use Aya's absence to finish his own shopping.

Even with a considerably shorter Christmas list than the swordsman's, the gifts that he had to buy had to be much more meaningful and thoughtful. Something that could convince a certain stubborn assassin of his seriousness in pursuing him. Of course, Aya-chan gave him a mile long list of everything her brother enjoyed, but Schuldig was reluctant to accept the girl's help this time. He didn't simply want Aya to be happy because of a present, he wanted Aya to be happy because the present came from him.

And speaking of Aya-chan, the German slapped himself mentally as he spotted the nearby sweets section. Before he left for his shopping date, Aya-chan practically ordered him to bring back some candy canes, and made it very clear that he would be locked out if he came home without them. Schuldig chuckled as he picked up a box of strawberry candy canes. Sometimes the sister could be just as stubborn as the brother.

"Those are Aya-chan's favourites," the calm voice almost made Schuldig drop the sweets in surprise. "Aya! When did you get back?"

The shorter man shrugged aside the question and looked at the candy canes still in the telepath's hand. "I got everything now, do you want to go?" Without waiting for an answer, the Weiß redhead turned and headed for the cash register leaving a quietly cursing Schuldig to carry the bulk of the merchandise.


"Ah come on kitten, can't you even give me a little hint?" Schuldig tried for the hundredth time, looking at Aya with his own trademark pitiful look. The two were currently sitting on the floor of Schuldig's penthouse having fun wrapping the Christmas presents… at least Schuldig was having fun while Aya was wrapping the presents and trying prevent the Schwarz from wrapping him.

Taking out another bow from his hair, the swordsman sent a death glare at the German, who grinned this time. "What?" Schuldig held his hands up innocently. "If you didn't get me anything for Christmas, then I'll just have to get myself one," he finished while eyeing Aya hungrily.

"For the last time Schuldig! If you don't stop asking me about it, I'll seriously consider giving you a sword in the stomach on Christmas morning! And don't you dare try to read my mind either." Aya growled out. "Now stop whining and give me a hand."

"Aw, is the great powerful Abyssinian actually begging me for help?" the German quickly held back his smirk as a hand shot out and tugged his orange locks.


He serious regretted his decision to ask the Schwarz for help. Aya groaned and thought to himself after ten minutes. And it wasn't hard to see why either. The shorter man sighed under his grinning boyfriend who conveniently prevented him from moving by lying on top of him. And by the satisfied expression on Schuldig's face, he wasn't about to move anytime soon. "Schuldig, get off of me!"

"Hum? Why? I think that this is more fun than wrapping presents don't you thing?" the telepath yelped when his poor hair was yanked again. "And it's not like I can move even if I wanted to," he gave the multicoloured ribbons around their bodies a small jerk as to prove his point.

"Who was the one that got us in this position in the first place?" Aya tried to sound grim, but the effect was seriously impaired by the blush on his face from the way the older man was slowly moving on top of him.

"But I warned you beforehand that I liked to unwrap presents more than wrapping them," the husky voice brushed sensuously against Aya's pale skin before the swordsman gave a little gasp of surprise when he felt soft lips on his neck, slowly worshipping the pale skin of his throat.

"What… what about when you started to play Twister while pretending to help?" Aya's breath caught in his throat as teeth nipped him playfully and pulled down the neck of his orange sweater.

"That was just a plan to get you into this position," Schuldig admitted giving his kitten a dark look full of promises, pleased at how the younger man started to breath faster. "Now that I have you under my mercy, what are you going to do in exchange for your freedom?"

Aya closed his eyes tightly and shook his head refusing to raise to the bait.

"You can't think of anything? Well let me give you some suggestions then. You can go and dress up in that sexy little Mrs. Claus costume of yours again and let me kiss you in front of Weiß. Or you can stay here tonight and play a little game of master and slave…" the telepath's grain widened when Aya turned almost as red as his hair and really had to restrain himself from pouncing his kitten then and there. Who would've thought that his beautiful and pure little kitten could have such a positive reaction to naughty thoughts?

"And the last choice, I'm sure that you'll find this to be the most attractive of the three," here the German paused dramatically, purring in delight as Aya took a deep breath. "I'll let you go if you'll just tell me what you got me for Christmas."

The younger man snapped open his eyes, the German had no time to react before he was rudely shoved (ribbons and all) off of the redhead.

"Aw, you're no fun Aya!" the telepath complained getting up and rubbing his arms.

"I warned you before baka," the swordsman snorted but the violet eyes softened a little as they settled on the where Schuldig was rubbing his arms. Walking over, he pushed away the German's hands and expertly began to massage the bruised muscles. "Does that feel better now?"

A look of pure bliss on his face, Schuldig nodded. The feeling of those warm strong hands were starting to wake up the lower parts of his body, and the thought of Aya volunteering doing this was speeding up the process.

"Didn't you say that you wanted to visit them again today?" the sound of Aya's voice woke him from his little daydream.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"It's already nine pm."

"Shit, didn't even realize it was this late," Schuldig quickly got up and walked to the door, grabbing both of their coats on the way, waiting for Aya who went to pick up a large bouquet of red roses before walking toward the door.

"Should I be worried?" Schuldig raised an eyebrow staring at the flowers cradled carefully in Aya's arms. "Who are they for?"

"For them of course baka. Don't tell me that you're jealous of them," Aya joked.

"Of course not ! But you never know, after all there are several pretty ladies who work there," Schuldig said bending down to give the shorter man a quick peck on the lips. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw the bedroom door at the end of the hall open quietly and a hand stuck out to wave goodbye.


"Aya," Schuldig asked as they drove across town in his BMW. "Aren't the other kittens suspicious why you're suddenly going out all the time?"

"Is that a hint for me to decline our next date?" the redhead teased. "They are curious. Yohji thinks that I met someone and spending all of my time getting laid to make up for lost time," Aya frowned as the recalled his blond teammate, but the frown quickly changed to a smirk as he remembered his response to Yohji, who had to cancel his date that night because of a 'small injury'.

Beside him, Schuldig laughed out loud as he caught the last thought from Aya. What he wouldn't give to see the expression on Kudou's face at that moment. "I feel almost guilty for disappointing him though." he turned around to give the swordsman a leer as he pulled up to their destination.

The two men barely had time to take off their shoes at the entrance before they were surrounded from all sides.

Schuldig chuckled in amusement as he ruffled the head of a little girl clinging onto his leg and turned to see Aya picking up a little boy in his arms.

"Merry Christmas kids!"

The greeting was returned cheerfully by a dozen childish voices.

"Flwrs!" the little girl Schuldig was holding suddenly let go when she saw the red roses in Aya's arms. At her cry the rest of the girls also swamped up to the redhead like a group of bees, making the German chuckle at the slightly panicked look on Aya's face. The kitten could hold his own in any combat, but put him in a company of kids and he would lose in seconds.

"Really Schuldig! When I finally manage to put them to bed and you show up to ruin my hard work!" a middle age woman with a motherly air scolded, coming down the stairs of the little two story house.

"Sorry Nina, but Aya wanted to see the kids," the German grinned and gave the woman a chaste kiss on both cheeks.

"He does seem to have a way with them doesn't he?" Nina said as the two watched the redhead bend down and distribute the roses to all the children, who were staring at the red flowers like they were little miracles.

"He doesn't realize it yet, but it's because he's as innocent as them, that's why they love him so much."

"Don't let this one get away Schuldig, or else the kids and I will kill you for real this time."

"No need to worry Nina, I would be a fool to let him go," the German grinned confidently.

The woman snorted and Schuldig gave her a hurt look.

"Whatever, for now since you got the kids out of their bed, you'll have to put them back again." Nina grinned as her boss groaned. "Goodnight Schuldig, and don't you dare bribe them back to bed either, it took me forever to get them to brush their teeth."

Rolling his eyes, he had to give the woman credit for knowing him so well. Guess he would just have to save the chocolate cookies for another time. "Alright kids, the love fest is over, lets get you to bed!" the telepath said and walked behind Aya to pull the younger man into his arms.

Immediately he was attacked by twelve adorable pouting faces. "But Aya-kun just got here! We don't want to go to sleep yet. We want to play with Aya-kun!"

"Yeah, he promised us that he would show us fighting moves!" the boys joint in the complaining also.

For once it was the telepath's turn to get a headache. "Kids, if you don't go back to bed right now, I'll never bring Aya-kun here ever again."

The effect was immediate as the room became deathly silent before twelve pairs of little feet scrambled to run back to their second floor bedrooms.

"Come on kitten, let's go up before they decide to get out of bed again to look for you." with that the two men walked up the stairs to the large room where all the younger kids slept together.

"Tell us a story before you leave please Schuldig?" a sleepy voice asked under the covers.

"Just a short one, and you have to go to sleep afterwards deal?" the older man asked, before settling down comfortably on a soccer bean bag and pulled Aya onto his lap. The girls giggled and the boys rolled their eyes as Aya blushed and attempted to struggle.

"Now what story should I tell you?" the German mused out loud before the jaded eyes fell on the red roses clutched in the children's hands. A wicked grin lit up his face as he purposefully pulled Aya around and tucked the red head under his chin and began the story. "Do you want to know how roses are red?"

All the little kids nodded and an uneasy feeling settled in Aya's stomach as he saw the expression on Schuldig's face.

"Once a nightingale loved a rose, and the rose, aroused by its song woke trembling on her stem. It was a white rose, like all the roses at that time- white, innocent and virginal. It listened to the song, and something in its rose heart stirred.

"The nightingale came ever so near the trembling rose and whispered words that the rose could not help hearing. Ben seviyorum seni gül, gül.. I love you rose, rose.

" At those words, the little heart of the rose blushed, and in that instant, the pink roses were born. The nightingale came closer and closer, and though God, when he created the world, meant that the rose alone should never know earthly love, the rose opened its petals and the nightingale stole its virginity.

"In the morning, the rose in its shame turned red, giving birth to red roses; and although ever since then the nightingale comes nightly to ask for divine love, the rose refuses, for God never meant rose and bird to mate. The rose trembles at the voice of the nightingale, but its petals remained closed." (1) Schuldig finished softly against Aya's ear and listened to the peaceful breathings from the beds. Which was a good thing because the things he wanted to do to his blushing rose was inappropriate for young eyes.

Softly running a hand along Aya's smooth cheek, he smiled as Aya held back a moan refused to meet his eyes. "Stubborn kitty." Bending ever so slowly, his lips caressed Aya's just when…

"Schuldig? What does virginity mean?" a soft voice asked quietly, but it was enough to make Aya jump up from the German's lap like a spring.

Trying very hard not to laugh out loud at Aya's behaviour and trying to keep a stern expression on his face, he turned to the little girl. "Didn't we have a deal Ruka? One bedtime story and you'll go to sleep or else I won't bring Aya-kun to visit next time."

"But…" the little girl's words stopped when a wave of sleepiness took over. The telepath smiled softly before tucking the young girl back to bed.

Aya was already waiting for him in the car when he came out of the house. He started the car and pulled out of the drive way in silence.

"I can't believe you did that."

"Did what?" Schuldig asked stopping at a red light.

"That story baka," Aya replied with a hint of amusement in his voice. "Only you can tell a bunch of kids a story like that. Even Yohji isn't that bad when it comes to kids."

"Hey, are you insulting me here?" a fake offended look appeared on Schuldig's face. "And it got the job done right?"

"What? Making a five year old girl wonder what virginity is?"

"No, putting them to sleep and making you blush."

"So that story was more for me than for the kids?" Aya rolled his eyes but couldn't help but redden a little.

"I'll leave that up to you to decide… Aya?"


"Can I ask you a question?"

"You just did," the younger man grinned as Schuldig sent him a half hearted glare.

"Why are you being so complacent now? At the beginning you always put up such a big fight , but now I don't even have to mention Aya-chan's name to get you to go on a date with me.

"Well…" Aya began after a long pause. "because you're strange."

"Excuse me? I'm strange?!" Obviously that wasn't what Schuldig was ready to hear.

"Well yeah. You used to be part of the biggest terrorist groups, but now you operate an orphanage. You evoke fear and hatred, but those kids adore you. Kids don't lie. And it was interesting being around you," the younger man admitted grudgingly.

"Interesting?" the telepath echoed. Aya certainly had a way with compliments. "What about your sister? Don't you hate me for using her to force you to do whatever I want?"

"I have my own reasons for that." the swordsman said and turned away. The rest of the ride back to the Koneko was silent.


"Back so late Aya?" Yohji greeted his redhead leader as he opened the door. "Who's that hottie that just drove away? You know, let me share my philosophy with you," Slinging an arm over Aya's shoulder, Yohji pulled the younger man into the house. "Here's my motto: Why come home late when you don't have to come home at all?"

The redhead didn't answer before slamming the door in the blond's face. He was going to win the bet against Ken for sure now. Yohji thought as he stared at Aya's door with a grin. He knew a lovesick expression when he saw one, and Aya was demonstrating all the symptoms of being in love. Now all he had to do was win the bet against Omi, then he would be shift free on mornings for the next six months.


Something sounds very happy… too happy. The grouchy redhead thought as he cracked open a violet eye and stared incredulously at something that didn't belong in his room. After all, he had a strict rule about no living creatures in his room except for him. And he didn't exactly have that much time last night to sleep after thinking about Schuldig's questions.

"Merry Christmas Aya-kun!" Before he had time to go back to sleep again, his three housemates practically broke down his door. Too tired to deal with them, the redhead murmured a greeting and turned around in bed.

"Um Aya?"

The leader scowled, didn't the bakas take the hint that he wanted to have some peace and quiet so that he could go back to sleep? " What do you want Yohji?"

When he didn't get an answer right away, Aya sat up thinking about kicking out the intruders personally when he froze. He started at his friends, who stared back at him, then he looked around his room which was covered in rose petals, especially on his bed. Putting a hand on his head, the swordsman brushed away a few white petals and stared at the centre of his room, where a nightingale was chirping away in an elegant brass cage.

Like a flood, the story from last night came pouring back. Acting fast before his friends could open their mouths to ask him any embarrassing questions, he pushed them out and locked the door.

A minute later the pounding on his door began again and he could hear Yohji and Omi shouting questions at him, asking if his lover was male or female.

Lover indeed, he wouldn't mind getting his hands on Schuldig and… Aya blushed when he realized the path his thoughts were going on.

You want to get your hands on me and what kitten? An amused voice asked in his head. Did you like the first part of my present?

Schuldig! Where the Hell are you hiding?

Merry Christmas to you too Aya. Can I get my present now?

Show yourself first. Came the stubborn reply.

Fine. Get dressed and jump out the window. I'll catch you.

Jump out the window? Why can't I just walk down the stairs like a normal person?

Because you don't' want to answer Kudou's questions. Did you know that those three put a bet on you?

What kind of a bet? Aya asked silently reminding himself to have a 'talk' with Yohji about it alter.

On whether you're lost your virginity or not and on if your lover is a man or a woman.

Schuldig , you have my permission to scramble Kudou's brain… whatever is left of it anyway you please. I'm coming down now.

Normally, jumping down a second floor window was no big deal, but today, he couldn't stop his pounding heart as he saw Schuldig standing under his window arms wide open and wearing a big smile on his face.

Aya couldn't stop the grin from his own face as he recalled the famous Shakespeare play. "O Romeo, Romeo. Wherefore art thou Romeo?" Aya recited before jumping down, just when Yohji, Omi and Ken burst through his bedroom door for the second time.

The trio ran to the window where they caught sight of Aya and a very familiar man getting into a sleek BMW.

"See Yohji! I told you that it was a man!" An enthusiastic Omi jumped up and down slapping the older man on the back.

"AYA?! With another man?!" Ken flushed at the mental image and promptly had a nose bleed.


"So Aya, can you tell me what my present is now?" Schuldig practically begged as they stood in the elevator.

"Stop being so childish! You'll know tonight." The younger man replied as the elevator came to an stop and a pair of hands covered his eyes.

"Why are you covering my eyes?" the redhead asked as he was carefully pushed out into the German's penthouse.

"Hush, it's the second part of my present to you." Schuldig whispered. "Now, what do you smell?"

"Turkey… the way okaa-san used to make it," Aya whispered in a surprised voice.

"What do you hear?"

Aya grinned when he noticed the music in the background. "Aya-chan used to play this song at Christmas."

"Keep your eyes closed Aya," Schuldig instructed as he took off his own hands and led the younger man towards the baby grand piano. "Keep your eyes closed still, but slowly put your hands in front of you. That's it. Now, what do you feel?"

"Aya-chan's hair."

"Onii-chan!" the loud whining made Aya smile and open his eyes. And true to his guess, his imouto was sitting in front of him pouting. "How did you know that it was me?"

The brother rolled his eyes. "With all the clues that Schuldig has been dropping and the fact that you have been a horrible actress. Even Ken would be able to figure it out if he was in my place." The redhead answered dryly.

"How did you know that Schu-chan didn't hurt me then?"

Aya raised an delicate eyebrow and mouthed 'Schu-chan' over his sister's head and was amused to see the telepath blush.

"That time at the club when you were pretending to be the waitress. Then there was the time when Schuldig bought the candy canes for you. And last night when I saw you waving to him before we left to go to the orphanage."

"So that's the reason why you weren't worried when I made you go out with me? Because you already knew that you sister was safe?"

"I also knew that it was Aya-chan who came up with those ridiculous plans right?" here the redhead broke off and sent his imouto a glare.

The girl giggled nervously. "Enough about me, aren't you suppose to kiss Schu-chan now?" the girl pointed towards the ceiling where the twig of mistletoe hung over head.

Aya blushed but did what he was told as his imouto let out a cheer.

"How do you like my present?" Schuldig asked softly in his ear.

"I love it." and he meant it with all his heart, he finally got his family back.


"Aya? Where are you love?" Schuldig held back a yawn as he felt the empty space next to him, . Totally drained after making love to his kitten for the first time.

"I'm over here," the younger man answered as he sat next to his lover, glad that the darkness hid this wince as he sat down.

"Sore?" an amused voice asked him, too bad that he forgot that his lover could read minds.

"Baka!! Do you want your present or not?" Aya blushed and stood up slowly, throwing Schuldig his coat.

"I thought that I already got my Christmas present?" the older man asked teasingly but did what he was told.

"That… that was part of it," Aya's embarrassed voice said softly. "I'm going to take you to see the second part right now."


"Aya love, are you sure about this? You don't have to do this now you know."

"I know, but I'm ready and I want to."

The two men stood in front of the Fujimiya tomb in the dark.

"Okaa-san, Otoo-san. Merry Christmas."

The older man smiled at his younger lover's shaking voice and bend to kiss the red head, silently encouraging him to continue.

"It's been a while since I came here. I have a lot of good news to tell you though. Aya-chan is back and safe. She's more happy that she has ever been since we lost you. She's currently attending Meiou Academy and has made lots of new friends. I'm finally ale to move on too." A pale hand reached dup to grip the arm around his waist. "I want to tell you that you won't have to worry about the two of us anymore."

~*~*~ End~*~*~

(1) It's an Arabic story that I found while doing an English project.