Kriawesome: I'm a rollercoaster that keeps goin' up. Thanks for your reviews and just to let you know you're too sweet for words. If you have an account, feel free to PM me so we can incorporate your ideas exactly how you'd like to see them. I'd PM you myself, but for the life of me I could find you, just your reviews.

Well ennnnjoooooy! ^.^

Creel POV

Images of me and Luka riding through the clouds on Amacarin and Theoradus's backs flood my mind and make my heart soar. Amacarin and I, as usual, give Theoradus a fright and Luka, too.

A sudden gust of wind sweeps me off of Amacarin and plummeting to the ground. Dread floods through my body and Amacarin begins screaming my name. No matter how hard he beats his wings, he can't catch up. I fall below the clouds to see the sunset is a dark orange color, not all that far off from how my blood will look splattered on the floor in a few moments' time. Before I can crash to the ground, a pair of claws encircles me and we start climbing up back to the sky. I look up to see Shardas smiling back down.

"Looks like I came just in time, doesn't it?" He chuckles.

"You always are," I smile back.

"And I always will be little one. Count on me to be there to catch you when you fall, okay?"

"Okay." Without another word and just a grin, Shardas swings me onto his back and we start picking up speed. I grip on tightly to his horns as we break through the clouds and burst past Luka and the boys (or rather dragons). I let out a carefree whoop and it catches on. Soon the others are all cheering and laughing along with me.

"This is the best day ever!" I giggle as Luka jumps to Shardas's back just to give me a peck on the cheek.

My eyelashes flutter open to a scarcely lit ceiling. I cock my head to the side. I woke up early? Since when do I wake up before the sun is up when I have a good dream? I shrug it off, being that I feel fully rested. I may as well use the extra time to get farther ahead on some of my projects. I slowly creep out of the bed, careful not to wake the others. I slip on the first pair of shoes of mine I see and head downstairs to the shop.

I go to my cubby where all my projects are neatly stored and grab Isla's dress, some materials, and a candle to light. Once the room is properly lit, I get to work. The dress itself was already mostly done, so I added a bit more fluff at the bottom to give her a more flowing affect and make sure all the stitching is done properly. I pick up my embroidery needle with a smile and start my favorite part of dress-making.

Without realizing it, I start humming. My humming turns to mumbling and from the mumbling results soft singing. I let the words of the song, which I now realize as one of the ones Shardas taught me, slip out my grinning lips. No matter how strange this must sound to any other human who may hear me, I love singing this ballad. It talks about friendship, battles, and conquering all with unity. It's something to aspire to living up to and. Most importantly, it reminds me of home.

Home…it's an odd word to use because I have more than one. I have my home with my blood family: my brother, aunt and uncle. They're done their best to help take care of me and for that I'm eternally grateful. But then again, there's the home I've made with Theoradus and Amacarin. They've always been there for me and they supported me and just let me cry when times were rough. I didn't need to be tough for them, but I did for my original family. When things got bad I vowed to never let them see me cry. Everyone else was breaking down and someone needed to be the rock of the family, so I was by default elected into the roll.

In all honesty, I never imagined myself ever being close to anyone like I was with those two or let anyone see or hear me rant and rave about my problems and just listen and nuzzle me , but then Shardas came along and saved me. He housed me and treated me like one of his own even though he was under no obligations to do so. If I'm to be frank with myself, I wasn't fully prepared to go leave home when I did. I mean sure, I was physically ready and I was focused on my goal ahead, but was I really ready to let go of my family? My time with Shardas helped me feel better about leaving because he's only a holler away (if I'm wearing the slippers or calling bloody murder). It's nice to feel protected at all times, like someone's watching over you. It's easier to try new things with that mentality.

"In deep though, aren't you, little one?"

My head snaps up. Did I just…?

"Why yes, yes you did just hear me." There's a light tickling on the bottoms of my feet. "Now come out here so I may see you."

I drop the dress on the table and dart to the door. As I hoped, a golden claw is in front of the glass door. I fumble with the door, unlocking it as quietly and quickly as I can. As soon as it clicks, I'm through the door and latched onto Shardas's leg.

"I missed you," I mumble, nuzzling him without a care in the world. There's a risk that I can get cut by his scales, but right now it's the least of my worries. I finally get to feel this familiar warmth: the one of a family member.

"And I you," he says in his version of a whisper. He uses his other claw to press me against his leg a bit more for a light hug. I smile some more. I know he can't really feel my outline all that well under his thickly padded paw, but he does this anyway because even he know I've been dying for a non-human hug.

"How are you doing," he asks me after letting me out of the hug.

"I am a lot better now," I chirp. "I'm glad you see you."

"I'm glad to see you, or rather see you while you can see me," he chuckles, lightly shaking the ground. "I'm also glad that you had on the slippers so I did not have to find a way to tap on your window without breaking it. You know that kind is very weak and can be easily worn by a strong storm. Perhaps you could…"

Shardas goes off on a window rant and I let him. I miss his little mannerisms and his passion for glass. I listen until something he said hits me.

"I'm wearing the Dragon Slippers," I mumble to myself, my eyes wide.

"Why yes, yes you are." He brushes me off politely, "but as I was saying—"

"No, no, no," I interrupt him. "I never wear these. The last time my feet were in these was when I was in the cave with you. They had to get out of my bag somehow. I didn't take them out, not even to clean them."

Shardas's gold scales lose a bit of their glimmer for a moment. I think his blood just went cold, as mine is starting to feel nonexistent but at the same time very active. Slowly but surely, my heart rate picks up and worry floods my system.

"You must be careful of who you trust, Creel," he says, his voice sounding a bit shaky.

"I realize that now." I whisper. "I don't have a problem with the problem itself, but who caused it. Who did it?"

"That, you're going to have to figure out on your own. I heard movement in the shop and they will realize you were gone." Shardas gives me a quick nuzzling with his snout before pushing off into the sky. I stand watching him soar into the distance until the morning bell wakes me out of my daze. I mechanically walk back into the shop and put out my candle as I get back to my work. My thoughts begin to envelope me. Who could do this without my notice? Who would do this? I'm always with the four others who keep this shop running all day, so how could I not have seen them taking it out my bag? Why did they take it out of my bag and not just simply take them?

"Well aren't you up early?" My attention snaps to the voice to see Mistress Derda. "It's good to see you so enthusiastic about your work. Tell no one, but you remind me of myself when I was young. My parents wanted me to go into the family business of selling fruits and I used to sneak candles so I could work on my designs until the sun rose and work after it set. It's a beautiful artwork, clothes designing, isn't it?"

"I don't know where my life or my mind would be without it," I reply in all honesty. Even though my mind isn't all in it right now, my body relieves stress from itself and I can think properly. I guess doing something so familiar as I sort through my thoughts makes it easier to do.

"Well continue with your work," she nods to me as she continues walking to the front of the shop. "I would suggest you get some more comfortable shoes on before we open, those may be bothersome sometime soon."

I give her small nod. Despite her advice, I don't think I'll be taking these off today, I don't know what'll happen to them without me. These are by far the most important things in this kingdom and they can't fall into wrong hands, especially those who know what they're doing.

No. I'm not going to let that happen. Not even if it kills me.

Soooo, how'd you like it? I know it was only 1,653 words, not deducting the words I had before the chapter began, but did you still like it despite its lack of length (compared to the other chapters)? I hope so.

Anyway I'd like to thank you for reading this and, more importantly, the book that brought us all here. I know this isn't the best fanfiction on this site or even this archive, but I do try to give you my best quality. I think this story is turning out pretty well and, seeing that I started it when I was twelve, the expedition isn't all that bad.

Thanks for reading and sticking with me. Sorry for any and all typos. There's bound to be some since the majority of this was written with my face against my pillow and eyes closed. Well that and me spinning around in a swivel chair with my laptop without looking. Good thing I know my keyboard well, hu? Weeelllll see ya!

Again, sorry for any and all typos


P.S. If I wrote some angst and/or hurt/comfort for this fandom what do you think your chances are of reading it?