Avenging the past

All rights go to JK

Happiness was a understatement to the way Ron was feeling now. He was on his way home from getting off work early, because it was Rose's second birthday. He had one hand occupied by a chocolate cake he had picked up on the way home, while the other was wheeling a pink thing, with three small wheels. Ron had tried to convince Hermione to let him buy Rose a broom, but she said no and told him that this muggle tri-thingy was a much safer option. Of course Rose was not ready to ride this thing yet but by the time the summer rolled around she would be able to.

He hid the gift behind the house, where Rose would not be able to see it. The door creaked slightly as Ron opened it, when he was hit with an aroma of perfectly cooked BBQ ribs. He removed his thick coat and work boots, then walked into the kitchen.

Ron watched his pregnant wife from the door frame as she cut the meat off the bone of a rib, and placed it on a princess plate. Ribs were Rose's favourite food and she had demanded that they be served on her very special day. He tip-toed up behind her and covered her eyes lovingly.

"Guess who?" whispered Ron in her ear. Hermione laughed because Ron had been doing this too her since they were dating.

"Did you get the gift?" whispered Hermione in fear her daughter might hear.

"Yep, and the cake," retorted Ron proudly.

"You're the best," she said kissing him quickly on the lips.

"I know," he said puffing out his chest.

"Shut up," she said rolling her eyes and hitting him on the chest with a nearby dish towel.

A giggle from behind Ron made him turn around. He only saw a dash of curly read hair vanish from in the doorway. Ron smiled and ran after that head of curly read hair.

"Hmm I wonder where she went?" questioned Ron playfully, even though he could easily see tiny socked feet sticking out from the side of the couch. He sneaked up to the couch and stuck his head over the top. "Got cha," he picked her up swiftly and sat her on his lap, all while she was giggling madly.

"Were you hiding from me?" he asked while tickling her. She just squealed in response.

"Happy birthday baby," he stopped his ticking attack and kissed her forehead.

"Did you get me a present daddy?" the two year-old asked excitedly.

"You bet I did. And you are going to love it," assured Ron.

"Can I have it now," she asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Not till after dinner love. In fact I think mummy has it all ready, so let's go wash up," he picked her up and took her to the bathroom to wash her hands.

"There you two are," Hermione said putting Rose's plate of boneless ribs in front of her.

"These smell good love," praised Ron when she put his own plate in front of him.

"Thanks sweetie, I used a recipe your mum gave me," she replied.

Rose was a mess when dinner was finished, so Hermione took her to get cleaned while Ron lit the cake.

"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Rosie happy birthday to you," sang Ron and Hermione, then Rose blew out her two candles.

"Can I have my present nooooowww daddy?" asked Rose.

"You sure can princess," Ron said getting up and going outside to retrieve the pink tricycle. He found Rose waiting expectantly in the living room with Hermione.

He wheeled it in and she gasped in surprise and scrambled to grab the sparkly handlebars.

"Do you like it sweetheart," asked Ron already knowing the answer.

"I do very much thank you mummy and daddy," she said jumping on the couch to give Ron and Hermione a kiss on the cheek. "Will you help me ride it daddy when the snow goes away?"

"Of course Rosie," said Ron sweetly.

"Okay bedtime missy," Hermione said when she glanced at the clock.

"Okay mummy," Rose groaned, as she took Hermione's hand and followed her up the stairs.

Hermione returned downstairs about half and hour later and found Ron passed out on the couch. She grabbed one of her books that was on the coffee table and smacked him in the leg with it.

"I'm up, I'm up," said a groggy Ron.

"Yeah you get to sleep while I have to put the toddler that was hyped up on chocolate cake to bed because you let her have a second piece," huffed Hermione.

"You'll get over it," Ron retorted, which produced a "humpf" from Hermione.

"That aside," said Ron changing the topic, "there is something I need to talk to you about," all seriousness was evident in his voice as he put an arm around her.

"What's that," she asked worriedly moving farther into his side.

"Today there was a breakout from azkaban. And the wizards who escaped we know a little all too well," he said and started rubbing her arm.

"Ron who broke out," she demanded.

"Well Fenir Greyback, Dolohov, and some others that were close with... Bellatrix," he said slowly afraid of her reaction. When she just sat there in shock he continued. "It is said they are trying to avenge her death, and my mother killed her so they are probably after her."

"Ron," was all she could get out before beginning to cry.

"I know love I'm scared too, but we will put up protective enchantments tomorrow and everyone will be safe," he soothed as he held her to his chest and stroked her temple with his thumb.

An ear-splitting scream and a smash broke them apart. Ron was up the stairs in a flash and sprinted towards his daughter's room. He felt his blood run cold at the sight:

Rose's bed was empty, her sheets were in a mess on the floor and the window was smashed open.

A scream from his wife behind him broke him out of his trance. He ran to the window and stuck his head out in search of his precious daughter, but she was no where in sight.

"Ron," said Hermione. "I don't think it is your mum they want to avenge. They want to avenge me," she whispered in fear.