me: *dancing to music* I'M SEXY AND I KNOW IT!

Bakura: Are not...

me:What was that, bunny boy?

Bakura: O_o Bunny boy?


Ryou: *backing away* Now, now, lets be reasonable... AAAAHHHHHHHH! *runs away*

me: READ AND REVIEW! AND i do not own the song in this chapter. it is the song "because of you"

Safe and sound

Illana reached for the fruit that hung on the branch. Just as she grasped the pomegrante, she heard someone call her.


In her surprise, she slipped and fell out of the tree...mostly. She managed to hang on by her ankles, hanging upside down in front of her brother.

"What are you doing in a tree...?" Seto sighed, facepalming.

"Getting a snack," Illana said indignantly, holding out her fruit.

"Why? It's almost dinner..."

"ohhhhh..." Illana flipped down from the tree. "Kay then!"

Seto began to walk away when Il;lana grabbed his arm. "Hey Seto, I need to talk to you-"

Seto yanked away. "I don't have time for your games, Illana. I only found you because Mahad was worried so the pharoh ordered me to."

Illana paused, then her glare hardened. "Oh, Okay then. I'll see you at dinner."

"Meh..." Seto walked off.

Illana allowed her eyes to fill up with tears. Why couldn't Seto give a care? She sighed and climbed the wall surrounding the palace. She stood at the very top, watchinthe sky began to darken and the full moon rose. Her bottled up emotions were spilling out through the clear liquid that poured out of her eyes and the words that flowed out of her mouth.

I lose my way

and its not too long before point it out

I cannot cry

because I know that's weakness in your eyes

I'm forced to fake a smile, a laugh, everyday of my life

My heart can't possibly break

When it wasn't even whole to start with

Because of you I find it hard to trust

Not only me but everyone around me

Because of you

I am afraid

Illana brought her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, watching the full moon rise over Egypt. She sighed as she realized that she would have to go inside eventually.

Standing, she jumped off the wall and started for the palace. Once she was a ways down the stone hall she heard hoovebeats pounding behind her. She whipped around to see a huge black horse with a white-haired rider flying toward her. It was upon her before she could move an inch and slid to a stop, bucking and throwing the rider.

The man hit the stone floor with a loud thud, but within a few moments was back on his feet, storming for her. His hand latched around her neck, almost completely cutting off her air supply. As, she struggled to breathe, he pulled her face close to his. "You have a death wish, girl?" he hissed, hot breath blowing in her face. "I should kill you right now, for getting in my way! But..."he fingered the necklace that she had gotten to let her in and out of the palace. "It seems you may important in the palace..."

""N-no" Illana gasped," I-I'm not. I'm just the h-high preist's little sister. T-this is so they let me i-in-"

She shut up as the man barked a harsh laugh," Ah, my dear, you do not realize what potential a sister is. You will be the perfect bait." He laughed again.

She shuddered as he, still almost strangling her, climbed onto his horse and continued for the throne room. 'This is the Thief King Bakura!'

He took her into the throne room, swinging the both of them down.

"Bakura!" the pharoh shouted. "Why are you here?!"

Bakura laughed harshly," I have something of yours. Or I suppose it would be your high preists." He swung Illana down, dangling over the side of the horse. "Don't you want it back?"

The pharoh's court gasped, except for Seto. Seto stood there quietly, glaring at the thief. Illana could still barely breathe. "S-seto, help me please!"

Seto just looked blankly at her, expressionless. Bakura chuckled. "Oh so you don't want her?" He pulled out a blade and held it against her throat. "Then I guess she's expendable."

"No!" Mahad yelled, stepping forward.

Bakura raised an eyebrow. "Oh what's this? And here I thought she was the High Priest's sister." The thief smirked. "Well then, I guess that she is useful. But I don't think I should give her back yet."

He pulled her back onto the horse and rode it out of the palace. Gaurds chased them but could not catch them before he left the palace city. Once they were a few miles out, she knew she had to get away. Her elbow was slightly loose and an idea popped into her head. She pulled her elbow back and jammed it as hard as she could into his crotch.

Bakura let out a cry of pain and his grip on her loosened. Illana shoved thethief away and slid off the horse. She landed on her feet and swung around, slapping the horse's rear as hard as she could. The horse bucked, throwing its rider to the ground. Bakura lay there for a few moments, unmoving.

Illana ran for her life, barely getting a hundred yards before someone caught her. She knew it was Bakura and fought feircely. A sharp pain ran through her head and the world went black.

me: Bakura's mean ain't he?

Bakura: *holding ryou in a headlock* am not

Ryou: *choking* read and r-review