Author's Notes: I know... I know that this update took a very long time...

And it was because real life got in the way and...

I did not want to add something to this that would not be up to par with the first part's quality.

Until now... Hmm, well...

This is an AU story that is told from the great Hermione's POV.

I hope all of you will read, like, fave, follow, review...etc.

If you want t,o of course...

Disclaimer: I, unfortunately, do not own Harry Potter... and the song "Monster" by Lady Gaga (my beloved singer) who inspired this little story.

"Because," She evenly began, her voice steadily lowering into a smooth and teasing whisper.

"No matter how filthy your blood."

A brief pause easily cut into her words as the fingernails of her right hand dug almost hungrily into the tender skin of my abdomen.

"You look good enough to eat…"

She seductively-

Poisonously murmured; her thumb, ring and little finger curling themselves into her palm and leaving only two digits to press against me. Their slender shapes readily miming the innocent movement of a pair of legs walking as they steadily crept higher.

The cotton fibers of my shirt and my bra easily parted for them, leaving only clean edges that silkily fell to the sides of my torso.

"Get-get your hands right off of me!"

I nervously yelled at her in a high-pitched scream, the taut muscles of my abdomen growing even more rigid at her possessive touch and the cold air that carelessly caressed my now exposed skin.

"You amaze me…"

She huskily replied, her voice marginally becoming rougher as her dark, her beautiful-

Her evil eyes, that I just could not stop myself from staring into, snapped up again and easily recaptured my gaze. The upper part of her glorious, no, her dangerous body leaned closer into my own as she intentionally placed her smooth forehead against mine.

Her blood red lips smirked a mere millimeter away.

"Shut up..."

I breathlessly whispered, forcing myself to make only the most minuscule movements to keep my mouth from brushing against hers, as her fingers suddenly stopped moving. The sharp points of her nails greedily pierced themselves into the skin between my breasts as her heavy lids slowly lowered once more, her intense orbs gazing at me through her unnaturally long lashes.


She lazily murmured as she tilted her head to the side, her heated breath bathing the outer curve of my ear as the tip of her angular nose lightly caresses my right cheek.

Her other fingers slowly uncurled from her palm as well, their pointed ends dragging painfully against my skin until all five were burrowed deeply into the tender flesh above my now erratically beating heart. Its rapid movements seeming to pound a tattoo against my ribs as her left hand swiftly slid to the back of my head, twisted its fingers into my hair and harshly pulled.

"Stop," I mustered past gritted teeth, glaring at her through the throbbing in my scalp, as her smirk only grew wider; her eyes narrowing in blatantly displayed pleasure. Those dark and wicked orbs shining with utter resolve and malicious… desire?

I shook my head at the thought before gasping in pain at her tight hold of my curls, determinedly denying myself of what I saw in her eyes and what I know is also hopelessly reflected in mine.

"Please…" I desperately begged, purposely averting my gaze even as her right pressed itself even harder against my sternum: painfully –

Painfully restricting my movements and causing my chest to constrict severely, making each breath a shallow gasp that is not enough to help me form more than just one single word.


I automatically paused, taking in another sharp intake of breath as I fought for more air, her left hand sharply yanking on my hair to make me face her again. Her evil eyes incapable of letting me go.


I suddenly stopped, no longer able to finish what I was trying to say as I felt warm and thick drops of liquid start to pool in the valley between my breasts.

My blood…

My blood

The knot at the back of my throat tightened even more so, my eyes widening in shock as the excruciating pain reverberated throughout my entire body: quaking up my tense shoulders and pushing through my lips in a screeching scream.


I frantically accused her before I could stop myself, scorching teardrops starting to flow from my now closed eyes as I tried to struggle-

Tried so desperately to struggle against her.

"Hush," She firmly commanded me, her beautiful voice still so tantalizing in my agony as her forehead once again pressed against mine.

"Never again…"

She firmly promised, her quiet murmur drowning me in its solemnity as her hand pressed itself harder and deeper into me. Her warm- her smooth palm now sliding against my heart and enclosing it in her grasping fingers as her other hand suddenly tugged on my hair again to pull me closer, and to possessively capture my lips with her own.

And I burned.

And I froze at the same time.

Her kiss…

Overpowering –

Overwhelming my mind as the pain she caused, consumed my body.

And I was numbed, but I could not stop crying. Each single sob swallowed by her mouth as she continued to kiss me.

Her lips: so soft, so perfect against my own…

And so endless.

Until my eyes suddenly opened wide and she was no longer there.

And she was no longer mine.

"No," I achingly cried, shuddering on my bed as two familiar yet unwanted arms suddenly held me; the warmth of the embrace lost in the sorrow of my awakening.

"Hermione," I heard a female voice instantly whisper, the arms still holding me gently in earnest. "It's fine, it's fine."

She tried to soothe.

But it was not, and it never will.

"She ate my heart…"

I brokenly anguished, my hands clutching frenziedly at my shirt; grasping and scratching their way to my hollow chest.

"No, she didn't. She didn't, Hermione. She didn't." She immediately repeated, each word said with such urgency, begging me to believe her.

But I couldn't.

I couldn't.

Because it was true.

"She's gone now, Hermione. She's dead."

Her voice grew muted, muffled by my sobs that only grew louder because of that single word.


I denied vehemently in my mind as my frantic fingers started to tear through my shirt and as my body burrowed itself further into my bed and my pillows.

"Let me go," I shamelessly wept, wishing that those arms would just release me. "Just let me go!"

How could she have died so soon?

How could she have left me with such a lingering suffering?

"And she will never come back. She can never hurt you again…"

The voice steadily persisted, clawing at me with reality as I clenched my teeth and tried to raise my hands –

"She was nothing but a monster!"

The voice exclaimed before I could cover my ears.

And I was gone…


She was a monster…

And I…

And I

Could I really have loved her?

"She's a monster."

The voice repeated again, the finality in its tone echoing almost hauntingly in my room as I finally grew limp. My mind and body now exhausted.

And it was over.

I closed my eyes and resignedly confessed.

"There was a monster in my bed…"

Author's Notes: One very important question:

This part is supposed to finish the story but...

To you, the reader, does this story feel complete? And if yes, why? And if no, why not?

This is my first time to really try a Bellamione story, so bear with me.

Like it? Love it? Comments? Suggestions? Violent reactions? Questions? Let me know! Just type in the little box below and click the little button.

Reviews are greatly encouraged and appreciated. Signed or Anonymous.

P.S. Please check out and vote in the poll on my profile.
