This is one of my first fanfics but I got the idea form a song fic I wrote a while back.

I hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I Don't Own Ouran High School Host Club or any of the characters

Chapter 1: It Begins


It was two in the morning. It was pouring. I was scared, hurt, and running. Where was I running? I had no idea. The only thing that I knew was that if I had stayed there anymore I wouldn't be alive to see the sun rise.

I stopped to think. Where could I go? All the idiots would never let me into their house without questions and I can't have the world find out what happens behind closed doors…

I started walking again. I was heading towards her house. I wasn't really sure if she'd let me in but it was my only option at the moment. I was hoping she'd let me in. It was either that or I was sleeping in the rain tonight…

I was finishing up my work. I was hoping he wouldn't come in. It was so late and he'd hate that I haven't finished yet. Maybe he won't come in tonight…

I heard his foot steps and then his drunken voice echo in the hall. "Kyou-ya! Me Boyyy! Are ya shill up?! I was hopin' to talk to yer!"

My heart sank and I kept typing. Tonight was not going to end well…

I finally made it to Haruhi's door. It was two thirty in the morning during a storm. Thank God there hadn't been thunder yet. I hoped she was still awake. It was a Friday night, but then again this is Haruhi.


I was reading to myself happily lost in my book when I heard someone knocking on the door. It was probably Dad. He's always losing his key. He's just lucky I was still awake at two thirty… Wait Dad was working extra tonight. He wouldn't be home till tomorrow afternoon. Who's knocking on my door at two in the morning?!

I tip toe over to the front door and look through the peephole. At first I don't recognize the drenched stranger. Then I saw a flash of lighting make his glasses shine and I knew who it had to be at once.

"Haruhi…" he whispers but even through the door I heard him. I slowly open the door and he looked at me. I'm shocked silent. There stood the great Kyouya Ootori looking at me with fear, uncertainty, and pain. There was blood running down his face, a large crack in his right glasses lens, his eye behind it was black and puff. He stood favoring this left leg and right arm, and he looked about ready to collapse.

"Kyouya-sempi? What happened?!"

"Haruhi?..." He sounded a little confused at first and than continued as if he remembered. "Haruhi, may I come in? Maybe…maybe stay the night?" He whispered this part as if ashamed.

"Kyouya-Sempi… Yes please come in. I'll make some tea," I said quickly. I wasn't really sure what had happed that had brought him here but I was going to worry about that later and take care of him first. I put some water on for tea and then grabbed some of dad's cloths and a towel for him.

"Haruhi, I'm sorry to disturb you at this hour. I will-"
"Don't worry about it Kyouya-sempi. Friends help friends. Here's a towel and some of dad's cloths. Go dry off and get changed. I'll finish making the tea and then see what I can do to help you with that cut." I smiled at him to reassure him I was there for him.

As I made the tea I couldn't help but think that if I had put my book down and hour ago like I wanted to I wouldn't be awake and only God knows what would have happened to Kyouya…


I looked into the mirror of the Haruhi's bathroom and started to cry. I must look pathetic and weak to her. Who would think otherwise? I was limping and cradling my arm. My face was cut to shreds and bruised and my glasses were broken. I looked horrible.

As he came into my room and saw me working his happy drunk turned into angry drunk very fast and I mentally prepared for what was to come.

"Kyou-ya, why are you still workin'? I gave that to ya t'is mornin'. That Should be d-done by now! WHY ISN'T IT DONE?... AN-answer me!"

"I had homework and school, I've been working all day, sir."
"NO you weren't. D-don't lie to m-me! It was t'at damn clumb! You know I don't want y-ya in t'at useless t'ing! AND YER HAD TO WORK ON IT! MY WORK COMES FIRST!"

"I know that father."

"No, no yer don't!" he grabbed my chair and span me around to face him. "If yer knew t'en yer wouldn't b-be workin' on my stuff now. IT WOULD BE DONE! Maybe ya need a reminder that my w-work comes first? Huh? Yer need a reminder?"

"No, no sir. I know your work come first and foremost!" I was scared. I knew what came next but I could never really be use to it.

"YES! Yes, ya do need a reminder! And I'll give it to ya!" and with that he hit me across the face with is hand. But, just like always, that wasn't enough for him. He proceeded to punch me in the stomach. "Stand up boy! FIGHT M-ME!"


"No? NO? I'll show you NO!" He grabbed my collar and dragged me to my feet. I always try not to hit back. I don't want to become him.

He punched me in the stomach and I fell back onto the floor where he loomed over me. That was when I noticed the beer bottle in his hand, and just as I did he slammed it into my head and broke it. I tried to block it but it just cut my arm instead. That's when he yanked me back up and threw me to the ground. I fell on my school bag and twisted my leg the wrong way. I stood back up though. I wasn't going to put up with another hit.

"Gonna fight? Eh? Weak little boy gonna fight pa? HA!" He threw a punch at me and knocked me right in the eye. I heard my glasses lens crack.

"No, stop! I did your work! Please stop!" I was at the end. A few more hits I'd be out and I don't know if I would wake up tomorrow.

"PLEADING! OOTORI'S DON'T PLEAD!" he kicked me in the leg I fell on and I could feel the bruise forming. "If you're going to PLEAD then get outta my hause!" I tried to stand with difficulty. "GET OUT!"

Before I knew I was running/limping in the dark rain.

I sat on the bathroom floor remembering what had lead me here, and crying to myself. Haruhi could probably hear me but I didn't care at that moment. I was tired of not being good enough. Not being perfect. I just want to be worth something to someone. That's when I remembered the smile Haruhi gave me as I walked back here. That had to mean something, right? Could she actually care?


As I was pouring the tea for Kyouya and myself I heard a whimper. I stopped to listen a little closer and realized it was Kyouya, he was crying.

"Why can't I be good enough? I just want to be worth something to someone…" I heard him whisper. I think he was whispering to himself but I couldn't tell. I walked back to the bathroom and saw that he had accidently left the door open slightly.

As I peaked in to see if he was okay I saw a very surprising sight, as if tonight wasn't already a huge surprise. The Shadow King was sitting on the floor of my tiny bathroom shirtless and crying. He sat with his back against the wall and this knees curled up to his chest. His glasses were on the counter and this eyes shut trying to quietly cry. I tried to back away from the door but my old apparent betrayed me as I stepped on a squeaky floorboard. Kyouya shot up instantly and looked straight at me. I froze when I saw him both in guilt and shock. His torso was covered in scars. The most noticeable was a scar on his right side. It was thin and dark but I couldn't tell what I was could possibly be, it seemed to be just a bunch of squiggly lines.

Kyouya moved to cover his right side with his arm and I snapped out of it. "I'm… I'm so sorry," I turned to make a bolt for it but I felt him grab my arm and pull me back slightly.

"Please don't go," he whispered looking at the floor like it was the most interesting thing he ever saw.

"Oh… Okay," I smiled weakly at him. I walked towards him a little and reached up and brushed a tear off his soaked cheek. He jerked away at my touch but than fell into me. Before I knew it he was hugging me and crying outright on my shoulder. It was like he was trying to hold it back all these years and finally just lost it. I wrapped my arms around him rubbed his back.

"I'm….sorry…So sorry..." he kept mumbling into my shoulder over and over in between his crying.

After a while he stopped shaking as much and tried to stand up a little straighter. He looked me in the eye as if he was about to say something but didn't. I knew what he meant though. I reached up and stroked his cheek.

"It'll be okay. Why don't you sit down on the toilet and I'll fix up those cuts?" He just nodded his head and took a seat looking anywhere but at me. I knew he was ashamed of crying. The Shadow King crying, on my shoulder, at three in the morning, on a stormy Friday night… I don't know what had happened but I was going to personally kill the person that did this to him.