Hello! I do not own Harry Potter! I hope everyone had a good Christmas! I'm so looking forward to seeing Les Miserablés! It's times like these that I hate living in England! Anyway… this fanfic, like Taming The Dragon, is set in the 6th year of Hogwarts. Again, if anyone has any questions, queries, constructive criticism, suggestions for where the story might go or just want to let me know what you think you are more than welcome to review or PM me. Enjoy the story!

Hermione enjoyed being at Hogwarts she enjoyed the lessons; there was always so much to learn! She enjoyed going to the library; there were so many books to read! She enjoyed spending time with her best friends Harry Potter and Ron Weasley most of all. There was only one downside to being at Hogwarts: Draco Malfoy. He hates her. She hated him. He made her life a misery. But one day this would all begin to change...

For the last lesson of the day Hermione walked down the stairs to potions with Harry and Ron. Straight away Draco had it in for them. "Oh, here's the mudblood. I'm surprised even you hang around with her, Weasley." He jeered. Hermione took a breath and held Ron back. They managed to get him to his seat. Snape began the lesson as normal, taking the homework in, taking house points off for talking and forgetting the homework, mainly Gryffindors. Then he began talking about the potion they were to make. Hermione kept looking over to Draco. He kept on glaring at her. What is his problem?

At the end of the lesson Hermione, Harry and Ron walked outside. "Why do you never say anything to the Malfoy scum?" Ron asked Hermione.

"Ron, there's no need for name calling or anything like that. It won't solve anything. That's why." She said firmly. The subject was dropped as easily as it was picked up. Deep down, Hermione was bothered by the way Draco treated them, but that wasn't going to bring her down today. It was her birthday! She was happy enough, but she'd noticed that Harry and Ron had obviously forgotten. They hadn't even wished her a happy birthday! She loved them both but they could be clueless sometimes!

After dinner, when they started to walk back to the common room Hermione realised that Draco and a couple of Slytherins were following them. She stopped and turned around to face them, prompting Harry and Ron to do so as well. "What do you want, Malfoy?" Hermione asked.

"Nothing," He smirked.

"Why are you following us then?" Ron snarled. All of a sudden Draco sent a spell at them. Harry and Ron managed to dodge it but it hit Hermione.

Once the spell hit her she began to shrink and turned into a beaver. She looked up pleadingly at Harry and Ron who were both gobsmacked and didn't know what to do. The gaggle of Slytherin boys just stood there laughing and pointing at her. "There hasn't been much of a change in the size of her teeth! They're huge!" Draco jeered. To Hermione's relief she heard Professor McGonagall come towards them.

"What on Earth has happened? Who is this?" McGonagall asked.

"It's Hermione, Professor. Can you change her back?" Harry replied.

"Yes. Who did this?" She asked.

"It was Malfoy." Ron replied, glaring at him.

McGonagall turned to Draco. "Mr Malfoy. I am very disappointed in you. This is no way to behave. It won't surprise you when I tell you that you have a detention on Tuesday and 15 points will be taken from Slytherin house." Draco groaned and McGonagall sent the Slytherins away. Once they'd all vanished she turned to them. "Now, let's sort Miss Granger out." She said, looking down at the little ball of fur.

Hermione was changed back quickly. Once she was turned back to normal she ran away in tears. Harry and Ron decided to leave her to herself.

Hermione ran into the Gryffindor 6th year girls' bedroom and lay face down on her bed.

I just wish he understood what it was like.

Hermione cried herself to sleep.

When Hermione woke up in the morning she walked to the mirror opposite her bed to prove to herself that she wasn't still a beaver.

"Holy shit!" She said.

Looking back at her in the mirror was Draco Malfoy.