Author's Notes – Addendum

Hey, guys. Thanks for all the support over the years while I got my ass in gear and finally wrote this fic out properly. A few things before I sign off for good from this one

1. I know I said this before but I apologise for the weird switching of perspectives throughout the fic. The rough was all written in third person but I changed my mind and made it first at the last minute. I tried to change them all but I know I missed a few and the first few edited chapters are now on my old, broken-down laptop that no longer works so... yay for disorganised me. However, the prequel and all sequels are in first (there are AT LEAST 2 sequels to come and the prequel is currently being uploaded.

2. I massively arsed up the dates. I don't know where the hell I got 1992 from (!) The fic takes place in 1988! Not 1992! Definitely 1988! (and the Michael Jackson album mentioned in the chapter "Pool pool pool" was 'Bad' not 'Dangerous'). Again, I couldn't go back and change it because the original files are on my broken laptop and I'm a lazy arse who can't be bothered to go back and rewrite it.

3. As I said, the prequel is being uploaded at the moment. I am nearly done with chapter 3 as of writing this so there are 2 chapters ready to go. In CHRONOLOGICAL order, the fics go as follows...

Across Time and Space – A Good Place to Start

(year: 1983-1985Age: 15-16)

Across Time and Space

(year: 1988 Age: 20-21)

Across Time and Space – Fracture

(year: 1990 Age: 23)

Across Time and Space – TBD*

(year: 1995 Age: 28)

*To be decided

4. The twist end. ...Yeah. There's a curveball coming.

Again, thanks to the readers who stuck with me. I know it's frustrating to have such long gaps between updates. BUT I MADE IT! And I was so insecure about uploading it too. I was sure I'd get a bunch of really nasty reviews, which is why I just posted an extract at first. But I was super pleasantly surprised by all the nice reviews I got from you all. I can't tell you how much you've boosted my self-esteem over the course of this fic.

I'm going to keep on writing this series until the day I die, trust me. Yeah, there will be time jumps but I'm keeping the diary of Jac in the world of 'Karate Kid' going :)

You're all wonderful and I love you.

Cobra Kai never dies!

Jac xx