Z= Zero number of SPR couples…. for now:

"Stop being a scaredy-cat shounen." Bou-san whispered.

"I'd rather not die, thank you though love."

While Monk and Yasu were busy planning on how to break the news to the boss, the others were watching them. Except for our cute little brunette.

Ayako sighed, "One of you have to tell that guy because I'm not doing it."

"Well, why can't someone else do it then?! You old-hag."

"I'm going to ignore that comment. I don't want to make noise and awaken the demon."

John chuckled.

Monk's face lit up, "why doesn't John do it? Naru can't get mad at him!"

"I admit I am a little afraid as well, Mate."


"Sorry, I truly am. However, God says to treasure your life. That's what I'm doing, treasuring my life."

Ayako, Yasu, and Masako couldn't help the laughs that came out of their mouths.

Then, the demon had awaken…..

"Where is Mai?" Naru asked as he walked out of the office.

Everyone in the room looked up at him as though they had seen a ghost. However, in their case, they had seen much worse than a ghost.


"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing boss!"

"… What is going on? I want answers, now."

That was when Lin decided to make an appearance.

"Noll." Lin started. "Mai-san is sick at home, apparently these people had her partying out until midnight and had her walk home by herself in the rain." Lin finished while glaring at the group. They looked away guiltily, until they felt a heavy aura, then they looked sick.

"We're sorry Boss, we swear that we are going to Mai's apartment after this to take care of her!" Yasu defended.

"There is no need. I'll go." Naru stated with a straight-face.

Everyone, even Lin, stared at him in awe.

Naru ignored their stares, "I'll be going now." Then he grabbed his coat and walked out the door before anyone could say anything; and made his way to Mai's place.


"Well, that was….. wow."

"My thoughts exactly…"

"Ha, those two are hilarious aren't they Mates."

"Yup, you said it John."

John looked at the group and smirked, "now…. I wonder which couple here will get together next."

"Huh, what are you talking about John? What couple?" Monk asked, sneaking a peek at Ayako, while blushing.

"Well, I need to wed more than just one couple in this group of irregulars don't I?" John asked innocently.

The two said 'couples' looked at John with utter shock while Lin was chuckling in the corner.

John then looked at Lin, "Oh and Lin-san."

Lin fixed his face, "Yes, John-san?"

"You also need to find a woman Lin-san, you cannot marry your laptop."

Then it was Lin's turn to be shocked…..

Now, you figure out what Mai and Naru are doing at her apartment!

I had really no idea, z is such a weird letter!

Reviews are appreciated. And I would like to thank every one of my followers and everyone else that have read my story up until now. You guys are awesome!