A/N :Been swamped with angsty ideas that I just had to try to do some fluff :) I think this is going to be a short one, only a few chaps. Happy Holidays everyone!

Chapter 1: The Meeting

Two years after Reichenbach Fall and a year after Sherlock's return.

Doctor John Watson has come to consider Wednesdays as please-let-me-wring-his-neck days, Thursdays are give-me-one-good-reason-to-kick-his-arse days. But Fridays, oh sweet Fridays are definitely maybe-no-one-would-find-his-body days because the last weekday is when Sherlock Holmes goes to St. Bart's to check on his on-going experiments when they don't have a case. Therefore, those are the days when John gets a front row seat of when the detective becomes a complete git towards Doctor Molly Hooper. One would think that Molly's contribution to the great drama known as The Fall would actually lessen Sherlock's insensitivity towards the good pathologist but all through out the year after his return, John only saw how it intensified.

Before the drama of The Fall, Sherlock would drop hurtful comments about the pathologist simply because he is ill-equipped with social graces. His remarks could be grudgingly forgiven because of his unfortunate nature of being blunt and tactless at the same time, but ever since his return, Sherlock seems to find something wrong with Molly every time they meet. To John, it seems as if the detective is actually looking for them. He'd relentlessly pick on her clothes, her choice in make-up or lack of, the style of her hair, her stuttering - which in John's opinion, is simply a result of the existence of a certain someone - and her nervous rambles and the state of her love life.

Especially the state of her love life.

Due to Sherlock's undoings, John had been privy to the information that Molly tried to date four men during that year. The first one was a lawyer named Marcus whose excessive need to show off - Sherlock's words not John's - stems off from being a neglected child. The second was named Andrew, an accountant who has never moved past the phallic stage of the Oedipus complex resulting to a self-assured, borderline disturbing -again, Sherlock's words- narcissism Apparently, the third was a barista called Eric who'll probably end up dragging her to the latest comic convention and leave her in one corner in favour of the latest issue of his favorite Japanese comic strip- still Sherlock's words. The last man will remain unnamed simply because the day of their first date fell on a Friday and Sherlock without looking away from his microscope simply said "Another gay."

Molly took everything with strength and patience that John can't help but admire. He knows, welleveryoneknows, of Molly's feelings towards the detective except for the man himself, but instead of hanging on to the cliff, she chose to be a realist that made the jump in order to move on with her life. Unfortunately, Sherlock's continuing intervention acts as a trampoline that sends her shooting back up only to experience falling again. Those were the days when John wants nothing but to grab a duct tape and wind it around the detective's mouth.

Because of Sherlock, John is not a fan of Fridays anymore.

Except for this day.

This particular Friday, John found himself sitting in his chair after another heart wrenching visit at the lab. Normally, at the flat, John would want nothing but to give Sherlock a lengthy lecture about his attitude during the visit, but not today. Definitely not today.

Because today, John is sitting at his chair, highly amused, while watching a very agitated detective as he wear out their carpet with his incessant pacing.

"Does she have a memory of a goldfish?"

'Should I take out my phone and record this?'

"Does she need a printout to be plastered in her lab and at her house?"

'Maybe I could show this to Mary afterwards. And Lestrade too.'

"Do I have to get it tattooed on her?"

'Maybe I can show this to Molly too.'

"Is she purposely being daft?"

John quirked his eyebrows as he watch his flatmate cross their sitting room to pick his skull and hold it in eye level before turning around to resume his pacing.

Today started on as usual, bored out of his wits, Sherlock dragged John to St. Bart's in order to examine his cultures. When they entered the lab, Molly wasn't there but Sherlock paid no mind and directly went towards his workstation while John plopped himself in a nearby station before wiping out his cellphone. Everything was going on smoothly until the steel doors of the lab opened to admit the petite pathologist. Only, she wasn't alone. Beside her stood a tall raven haired man, wearing a simple black jumper and grey slim fit trousers. What's interesting, is the beautiful smile plastered in the woman's face as well as the confidence in her actions around the stranger. The bloke seemed very comfortable with Molly too and his focus was directed only to the pathologist despite the presence of two other people in the room.

If John were asked to describe the man in one word, he'd say, smitten.

At that realization, John's heart gave a lurch. He couldn't help but question Molly's astuteness to the situation he'd come to name: Sherlock's cockblocking 101.

'She should have known better! It's Friday. The guy's going to be diced into pieces!'

John only hoped that this is one of the guys that actuallydeserved to be 'diced into pieces', otherwise, he could already see bits of Molly's heart on the floor. It's not that he has no faith in Molly's choices, it's more of the fact that Sherlock's tendency to lay the cards early on the table, regardless if it isn't his, can make even the most trivial quirk of a person sound like murder. The man, however sincere his intentions are, would be subject to scrutiny like a bacteria under Sherlock's microscope. If Molly wants to get to know this person, she shouldn't have brought him in the lab during a Friday.


His musing was cut off when Molly and her companion finally realized that they weren't alone and are in fact in the presence of an amused doctor and a seemingly oblivious -'but definitely not'- consulting detective.

"Oh, hello Sherlock, John!" With a wave of her hand and a sweet smile, Molly greeted the other occupants of the room.

"Hello Molly. Sherlock's just checking his cultures again." John, who had always been a gentleman and has good social graces greeted her but also eyeing the stranger in the hopes of an introduction. He could only wish that Molly make it quick and usher the visitor out of the lab before Sherlock becomes bothered enough to pull himself away from the microscope to state his observations. The good doctor would rather have the stranger outside and away from the lab when Sherlock fires off his criticisms rather than inside and near punching distance. Although if it comes to that, John knows Sherlock had it coming.

'He always had it coming...'

The detective in question still didn't flinch and John almost pleaded to the high heavens that he stays that way until the visitor goes away or better yet, until both Molly and the visitor goes away. John, who by then had come to treat Molly as a close friend, would rather suffer alone and in silence when Sherlock rattles off his complaints about Molly's current choice rather than see Molly take another blow in the heart from the man who is in his own right, the biggest source of her heartaches.

The stranger, who by then was standing close to Molly, -'First flag!'- was standing in his full height with his hands tucked in the back pockets of his trousers and his face arranged with a pleasant smile. His eyes roamed around the cold laboratory, eventually landing to where Sherlock is seated before moving to look at John. The doctor may not be as observant as his flatmate but so far, he couldn't sense anything unpleasant about the man and he hopes it stays that way.

"Oh right, this is James Kirk my friend from Uni" John extended his hand towards the man. "and this is Doctor John Watson and that's Sherlock Holmes."

James Kirk, in turn mirrored John's actions and moved forward to grip the doctor's hands. Only then did John fully realized how tall the man was, almost as tall as Sherlock but definitely not as lanky. Also, unlike Sherlock whose brooding look and billowing coat gives him a mysterious aura, this James Kirk with his wide smile, strong grip and relaxed manner seems to have the pretty boy persona going on. Not to mention he has a face to match.

"So, your the famous duo then, Molls -'Second flag'- here had been sharing stories about you two." James then went on to wrap his arms around Molly, grabbing her by the arm and moving her close to him in a friendly side-squeeze-hug.

'There goes the third flag.'John inwardly groaned as he thought about how in a matter of five minutes from the moment he stepped inside, James Kirk had done three things involving Molly that would definitely pique Sherlock's interest.

'Please don't let this be messy.'

By then, Sherlock still didn't show any sign that he actually wants to be included in the conversation. John could only wish it is a sign that he doesn't have anything to say, otherwise it would only mean he already have a load full of things that's enough to drown the whole floor of St. Bart's. On a chipper note however, it seems that the coast is clear because James Kirk is apparently a friend and not Molly's date.

Or not.

John's eyebrows hiked up his forehead as he watched how Molly broke into a giggle that's hair-thread away from flirty and how James Kirk's arm is still snaked around her. He could have dismissed the giggle as something he just doesn't get to see because of the presence of a certain someone and that the close proximity is a result of comfort that comes with being friends for a long time, but not the look. Certainly not the look. Molly has that twinkle in her eyes, although it could still be passed on to the fact that Sherlock's in the lab or that she's a naturally... twinkly-eyed person, but Kirk's eyes is a different deal. John could almost hear, yes hear, the twinkling in the man's eyes.

He almost wants to push the two out of the door because whatever the deal is with Mr. James Kirk - plain friend, unrequited-love kind of friend, there-might-be-a-chance friend or friend-soon-to-be-boyfriend, Sherlock Holmes is not known for tolerance. If they want to save their friendship and whatever it is that is going on between them, they have to vacate immediately. That or it's him and Sherlock who has to leave because now that he knows the deep connection between the other two, it wouldn't just be Molly and Kirk who might experience a fallout.

The other end of the stick will definitely be messier. Probably because it would most likely involve bullet-riddled walls, lots of tears, odd hours of violin playing, a sad smiling pathologist that would make him feel like he whipped a day-old kitten, frustrated and bored sociopathic flatmate who will probably complain his way into a restraining order from their neighbors and, not to mention, an angry girlfriend who will somehow be involved one way or another.

Maybe this time he will use the duct tape.

"Molly I need the C. perfringenscultures." Like a god awaken from eternal slumber, or in this case self-absorption, Sherlock lifted his hand expectantly and opened his palm in the air without taking his eyes off his microscope. John simply rolled his eyes, typical Sherlock - attention-grabber extraordinaire.As the detective's demand resounded through the lab, John watched as Molly's face fell into a look of doused cheerfulness and embarrassment while Kirk, who is either a naturally friendly person or someone who simply can't read the atmosphere, kept the smile on his face.

And the tight hold on Molly.

"That's on the fridge in the microbiology lab..." To John's surprise, Molly seemed to be hesitant in fulfilling Sherlock's request. In fact she made no move of getting out of Kirk's embrace.

"I need it." Still with outstretched arms, Sherlock continued to glue his focus on the microscope. How John wished Mrs. Hudson was with them right now so she could lecture the detective on keeping eye contact during conversation.

"...which is on the second floor." Carrying on with her previous statement, John could see Molly trying to subtly declare her protest but he could already see her shoulders sagging and her voice decrease in decibels - early signs of resignation.


As the single word bounced through the walls, John can't help but turn his head towards the detective. As it goes, the word "please" could only mean two things in Sherlock's vocabulary. It's either I'm-using-a-fake-courteous-persona-to-get-this-over-with please or a you're-really-testing-my-patience please. The one that had just been uttered doesn't seem to fall into any of those. It's a new kind and for a moment, John thought the word was used in the way that it was supposed to be used. Whatever it is, it actually worked and Molly slowly disentangled herself and stepped away from Kirk. The man however, made a move to follow Molly but was immediately stopped.

"No, you should stay here Jamie."


"I know you're tired from the long travel. Just sit in a chair and rest." Molly reached over and patted Kirk's arm. "I'll be back real quick."

With that, Molly left the lab leaving three men to deal with the awkward silence. Well, awkward mostly on John and Kirk's part, the other man in the room doesn't seem bothered at all.

After a few seconds of standing, James Kirk eventually heeded Molly's advice and went to sit on the chair across John.

"So you're the bachelor blogger everyone's talking about." Kirk's cheery demeanor didn't lessen the wince John felt upon hearing the word bachelor.

"Not much of a bachelor now, really." John can't be sure but he thinks he could actually hear Sherlock roll his eyes.

'It seems that I'm hearing a lot of things today.'

"Oh I see." Kirk's smile grew even wider and before John could stop him, the man's eyes skittered towards the busy detective whose arm remained extended. "Congratulations then."

"Girlfriend!" John's outburst earned him a raised eyebrow from the man sitting across. "I mean, I have, ahem, a girlfriend who, if fortune allows, could actually become my fiancée soon." He can't understand why he still have to go through defending himself given that Mary and him had been together for a year and a half now. It's true though, he was planning on asking Mary to marry him. He just can't find the right time with all of Sherlock's drama.

A drama that might soon escalate into something else if Kirk is not careful with the words he is going to utter during the entire visit.

"Oh, congratulations!" The warm smile was back in place as Kirk tried to relax on his stool. "You know, Molls had been sharing all these stories about the two of you."

"Did she now?" A deep voice rumbled from the corner of the lab.

John almost emitted a groan.

'Oh whatever higher power there is, now's the right time to intervene!'