I wasn't going to post a new chapter for this story until I finished writing the whole thing. The last chapter was suppose to be a really long one, but I just couldn't resist. With it being Faberry week and all that. Brittany and Santana are getting married. Reunion anyone?
"Where the fuck are you!?"
"Okay, don't be mad I-"
"You're not picking me up, are you?"
"You fucking asshole."
"We'll take a cab, thanks San. You'd think the maid of honor, who flew 5 hours with three screaming babies two rows behind her by the way, would-"
"Quinn, shut the hell up!" To her surprise, the line went silent, "Uh...I'm sorry."
"B!" strong arms were quickly wrapped around her body and brought in for a tight embrace. She squeezed back with the same excitement.
"I've missed you so much," was whispered into her ear and it warmed her heart instantly. She smiled and tried to blink away the stinging in her eyes.
"I missed you more."
Brittany laughs lightly and pulls back, her hands wiping at her fallen tears. Quinn laughs along with her and they just smile lovingly at one another for a few moments before being interrupted.
"Don't stare at my fiancee that way, Fabray."
Quinn cocks her eyebrow and turns to address the approaching woman. "You said it yourself, San…fiancee. There's still time," she quickly winks at the blonde beside her, causing her to giggle in response. Her best friend simply rolls her eyes and doesn't halt when she's finally reached her. She crashes into her, hugging her fiercely. It leaves Quinn winded and she couldn't keep her tears in any longer. She closes her eyes and holds her back tightly.
She doesn't know how much time passes before she hears the girl speak into her ear, "you should have never left," it makes her heart feel heavy. She pulls away from the embrace and shakes her head.
"Shut up, S."
Santana quickly dries her eyes, causing Quinn to follow suit.
"You've gotten fatter."
"Shut UP, S."
The two girls watching the exchange between the old friends laugh soundly. The woman standing behind Quinn finally grabs the attention of the room. She clears her throat and her eyes catch hazel ones.
"Oh…Oh! Sorry, this is Kristen," Quinn smiles apologetically at her companion and extends her arm toward her, urging the woman to come closer. The woman smiles brightly and holds the outstretched hand. Quinn smiles back and continues, "Kristen, this is Santana and Brittany. "
The exchange of greetings between her old friends and new…friend went a lot more solemn than Quinn had expected. Kristen liked them and Brittany liked Kristen, while Santana seemed to not hate her. Quinn couldn't really have asked for any better. It was actually perfect in their case. They would be staying at Santana and Brittany's place while in New York. Even after the wedding she was going to be staying in their apartment for the remaining days that were left until she had to fly back home.
By the time Quinn and Kristen had settled into the guest room, all Quinn wanted to do was shower and sleep, but she knew that wouldn't be happening. She had a pending conversation with her friends that she couldn't avoid any longer. And if Quinn was being honest with herself, she was done avoiding it.
Quinn was sitting on the edge of the bed when she let out a puff of air that caught the attention of the other woman in the room. She turned to look at her and smiled warmly. Quinn smiled back with unease, a smile that Kristen knew all too well.
"It's going to be okay, Quinn," she spoke softly, and stepped closer to her.
Her voice easily made Quinn tear up and she laughed at herself trying to keep the tears at bay, "I know-I know, its just been a hard day, Kris…emotional," Kristen nods knowingly and kneels in front of her, caressing her left cheek, "my emotions are all over the place right now."
"I know, babe," she leans forward and kisses Quinn gently on the lips. The kiss is slow and sensual and exactly what Quinn needs. "I know," Kristen says once more after pulling back with a smile.
Quinn moves forward one more time, quickly pecking Kristen on the lips. "Thank you."
"Of course…I love you, Quinn."
She laces her fingers through Quinn's and Quinn presses their foreheads together, letting out a content sigh, "I love you too. I wouldn't be here without you."
And Quinn says the words with all the sincerity in the world.
Kristen had asked her if she wanted the bathroom first for a shower, but Quinn told her to go ahead, and not to wait up after because she was going to catch up with her friends. Quinn guessed Santana and Brittany would be expecting her and she was proven right as soon as she stepped out of the room. They were both waiting in the living room talking quietly on their sofa, each a glass of wine in hand and there was a third glass on the stand next to the empty chair.
As soon as they see her, they stop talking and watch her as she takes the seat that was clearly intended for her.
"You know I've stopped drinking," she says right after she sits, raising an eyebrow toward the glass and then at the couple.
"What? Still?"
"I told you, Santana," the blonde says, chastising the woman beside her.
"It's not even li-"
"Leave it alone," Brittany glares at her, quickly silencing her best friend as she gets up and collects the glass that was offered to her. She disappears with it and leaves her with an unhappy looking Santana.
She doesn't hold in her chuckle, which causes the Latina to flick her off.
"What took you so long anyway?"
Santana seemed confused by her question and before Quinn could say more, a glass of water took the place of the wine. Quinn grinned at Brittany with appreciation.
When Brittany took her place again next to her fiancee, Santana wrapped her arm around her and kissed her cheek. "You know I'm an idiot."
At first Quinn thought she was talking to Brittany, but then she realized that she wasn't. She nodded and Santana smirked before their silent conversation was interrupted.
"I'm so happy you're here, Quinn!"
It made Quinn smile and her cheeks were seriously starting to hurt from all the smiling she was doing lately. God, she missed her friends so much.
"Me too, B."
"You know, I thought you weren't going to come," Santana says softly, while taking a sip of her wine. And just like that, the heaviness in her chest was back. The room went silent for a few seconds.
"…You know I wouldn't miss this," was the only thing she could get out at the accusation.
Santana only nodded but seemed to be holding something back. Something Quinn knew would be said if Brittany wasn't in the room. Santana brought her glass of wine back to her lips and took a gulp this time. It made Quinn thirsty and she took some of her water as well. She knew Santana was still mad at her for leaving and not visiting even once during her five years away. They spoke on the phone or texted regularly, but she hadn't contacted them for more than a year after she left. The guilt was coming back to her and Quinn avoided the eyes watching her. Brittany seemed to feel Santana's anger because she slipped her hand into the brunette's without even looking toward her.
"New Directions will be complete at the wedding now that we know you're coming for sure," Brittany said, laughing away the tension in the room, and winking my way. God bless you, Britt.
"And there is no way we can pass up the opportunity of having everyone sing together again!" Oh, Brittany, please no…
"Britt, I don-"
"Of course we can't let that opportunity slip away! Right, Q? After all these years."
Fuck. Here comes the guilt again. She suppresses the giant NO that wants to come out and just smiles, speaking through her teeth, "Right."
"Yay!" Brittany claps excitedly, while Santana grins wickedly toward her.
Ugh, Bitch.
Fine, I owe her anyway. Both of them…
If it makes Brittany happy, then she will gladly do this for her. With that thought, she gets a little excited as well. "So, what are we singing?"
Britt, shakes her head, "Me and San aren't singing. You and the rest of the group will be singing us a song," she says, turning to look at her fiancee with an adoring smile.
"Then…that really wo-"
"We aren't picking the song," Santana interrupts sharply, "…it's a surprise song for us."
"Oh…well, then wha-….Oh," she suddenly felt like she had an apple stuck in her throat. She tried to swallow down the feeling, but it literally hurt when she tried. She reached for her glass of water and drank until there was no more. Then she placed the glass back on the stand and sucked in some air. When she looked back at her friends they were looking back at her with concern. She loved them, but that wasn't fucking helping. Quinn shook her head at them, like it would erase the looks on their faces and the sad eyes staring at her.
"Of course Rachel is in charge of the song," she chuckled, trying to let them know that mentioning Rachel wouldn't bother her. Though, her previous reaction says other wise. But she was caught off guard. That's all it was. She was fine with this. She was fine with seeing Rachel again. She was fine spending a whole day in the same room as her…except that she wasn't. Just saying her name made her stomach sink.
But she was fine.
"I'm fine, S. I'm actually excited to see her," she smiles to reassure them, but Quinn knows they're not buying it.
It's been five years damn it, how can they both still see right through her? She wasn't even lying. It's Rachel…of course she was excited to see her. There is no way that she wouldn't be. Was she still fucking terrified by the prospect?
"Quinn, I know that-"
"Britt, please, you don't have to explain anything to me. She's your maid of honor," I smile genuinely this time, "and your friend. Both of yours friend," I glance at Santana then come back to sad blue eyes, "your wedding is going to be perfect," I reach for her hand and hold it tight, "you don't have to worry about me." Brittany really shouldn't feel guilty about this whole situation, but I know she does, Brittany wouldn't be Brittany if she didn't.
I just need to suck it up.
"Besides, you are going to have the sexiest bridesmaids of all time."
Their faces right now? Priceless.
It wasn't a big deal. Rachel was her ex-wife for crying out loud. She knows what she's got going on. When Quinn expressed these thoughts they all laughed heartily and Quinn knew she did well. There was no more sadness or weirdness from that point on. Though, there was a lot more laughter, everything just seemed to finally relax while they caught up with each others lives and reminisced. Quinn even had a glass of wine during all of it.
"I just don't get why you had to make me feel like shit for offering you alcohol and then drinking some fucking alcohol!" Santana ranted, causing both Quinn and Brittany to bust out laughing. That's what point in the night they found themselves in. Everything was funny to them now. They were drunk. Though, Quinn had only started her second glass.
When Quinn left New York, accepting a job offer in California, she had decided to stop drinking. She really wanted a fresh start in her new home and her new life. It was harder than Quinn had imagined it to be because she was incredibly lonely her first year there. Two times Quinn had purchased plane tickets to take her back home to her friends and to Rachel. Countless of times she found herself inside a liquor store wanting to get something that would ease the loneliness. She always walked out with orange juice instead. Every time it happened, Quinn was proud of herself for not giving in. Until one day she walked into a liquor store with her only intent being to get some orange juice. She laughed later on when she had realized.
She thinks that's when life started to get easier for her. Then it got better. Then she met Kristen.
Then she was happy.
She didn't drink a drop of alcohol for three years until things started going really well for her at work, and everyone was happy and she was happy, and so there was a toast. But her body just couldn't handle alcohol like it used to; she found out that day when she kissed Kristen for the first time in front of their co-workers. She was a light weight now and her max anytime and anywhere was always one. It doesn't matter what she was drinking, it was always one. Still, drinking for Quinn was a rarity.
At the moment, Santana was a lot drunker than either of the blondes.
"Okay, I do drink every now an-"
Brittany shushed her fiancee and Quinn brought a finger to her lips trying to do the same. Santana looked confused and Quinn placed a hand over her mouth to stop from laughing.
"Q's girlfriend is sleeping, San," Brittany whispered, and then shushed quietly again into Santana's ear.
Santana's mouth shaped into a circle and then nodded in understanding.
"I just didn't want to drink while I was here-"
"You lying Bitch."
"I don't even d-"
"Your girlfriend is hot, Q."
Brittany's admission catches her off guard. Then Santana is nodding vigorously in agreement.
"Yeah, she's really fucking hot."
The mention of Kristen makes her smile, and she was about to agree with them both when she remembered that said woman was one room away.
"SSHH, she'll hear you," and she points in the direction of the room where Kristen was most likely already asleep in.
And then they were giggling like school girls. Quinn couldn't believe it, she actually felt like she was back in high school.
"I know you know that Bryan is coming."
Leave it to Santana…
Yes, Quinn knew he was coming. Santana herself had told her he would be there.
"You don't care?"
"No, I don't care. I have Kristen."
"You don't care?"
Really, Britt? You too? I thought you had my back.
"Care about what?" Quinn shrugs.
They stayed silent, only staring at her like they were trying to solve a puzzle. Quinn just shook her head at them and reached for her wine to take another sip. Then she heard it..
"…about her."
Quinn couldn't believe it. Her head was pounding from drinking last night. She had two glasses of wine!
When she opened her eyes, she found Kristen smiling back at her with amusement.
"So this is what happens to you when you're with old friends."
"It's not what it looks like..?"
Kristen throws her head back and laughs loudly. It hurts, but Quinn laughs too.
"You know, I've never seen you drink more than one glass of wine or beer or anything, and yesterday you got trashed," she says, shaking her head playfully, "and let me not mention how you were giggling like a school girl!"
Quinn groaned in response and places a pillow over her head, making the other woman laugh again.
"I don't giggle," she mumbles through the pillow.
"Oh, yes, you do."
"No. I don't"
"Yes, really…wait!"
It was too late. Slender fingers were under her shirt, teasing her sensitive skin.
"No-please…my h-head," she manages to squeak out while fighting the attacking hands.
Thankfully, she was quickly shown compassion and released. Kristen was still on top of her however, straddling Quinn by the waist. Without leaving her spot on top of Quinn, she reaches to the nightstand and grabs a glass of water with two white pills.
"You have good friends," she says, putting the pills on Quinn's lips. She takes the hint and opens her mouth, letting Kristen drop them in, "Santana knocked earlier and brought this for you," she scoots a little lower down her body so Quinn could get up a little and drink some water, "she said you would need it."
When Quinn is done, Kristen places the glass back on the night stand, still leaving their two bodies connected. Their centers were pressed together and it was making Quinn's middle ache. She stayed silent; she really didn't trust herself at the moment.
"The wedding is tomorrow."
Quinn only nods in response. In response to that, Kristen rocks her body slightly, making Quinn gasp.
"Are you okay?"
Quinn knew she was talking about the wedding; she was tired of talking about the wedding.
"The pills don't work that fast, Kris."
Hungry mouths crash together seconds later, hips rocking strenuously against each other. A hand quickly shoves up her shirt and kneads a breast. They swallow each others moans and Quinn's hands move to the other woman's rear, pushing her down harder against her core. A loud grunt is heard around the room and they both come panting heavily into each other.
Rachel tightened the knot and then made sure the tie was straight and length appropriate. She took a step back to admire her work on the man and smiled, "perfect," she said, then stepped back into him to straighten his collar.
The man smiled down at her before asking, "How do I look?"
"You are a very handsome man, Mr. Locke," Rachel grins, then quickly pecks the man on the lips, "we'll be the best looking couple there…besides the brides," she winks then walks off.
"Now take everything off and hang it neatly please!" Bryan hears the brunette yell from somewhere in the apartment and chuckles.
"Yes, Dear!"
Rachel hears her boyfriend shout in the other room before she answers her phone.
"How are you feeling on this wonderful weddings eve?"
"Hung over."
"Excuse me?"
"Cut me some slack, Berry, I hadn't seen Quinn in years…and Britt was drinking too..," the other end of the line was silent so Santana continued, "it isn't bad though, just a little head ache."
An audible gulp is heard.
Rachel knew Quinn was going to be at the wedding. She knew that Santana and Brittany picked her up from the airport yesterday, but she just didn't know how she was supposed to act or respond to Quinn anymore. Was she allowed to ask about her? Does she just ignore the mention of her?
"…Um, when is Brittany coming over?"
Ignore it is.
"She isn't."
Before Rachel could say anything, she hears Brittany shouting in the background, "Yes, I am!"
"That tradition is fucking stupid and unnecessary," the Latina hisses to her through the phone, "We don't need to spend the night apart!"
"You are spending the night apart and the morning after because it's bad luck if you don't! You won't be seeing each other until the wedding-it's been decided already, Santana."
Rachel listened to Spanish ranting and cursing for about a minute before hanging up.
"What's so funny?"
Bryan asks while leaning against the door frame. He had changed back into his original clothes and hung up his suit for the wedding neatly like Rachel had told him to.
"Santana doesn't want to spend the night before the wedding away from Brittany," she says with another laugh.
"That's…kind of sweet actually."
"Yeah-but she's still a maniac."
Bryan nods in agreement then crosses his arms over his chest.
"You okay?"
"…Of course," no she wasn't. She was just reminded that she would be seeing her ex-wife again very soon. She has known about it for a few months now, but the realization of it was just starting to settle in. Quinn wasn't hundreds of miles away anymore, "why?"
It was a stupid question really. He knows, she's the one who told him
"Did they get Quinn yesterday?"
"Where you hoping she would bail or something?"
The question stills her for a moment. Is that what she wanted? She honestly has no idea what she wants when it comes to Quinn.
"I don't know."
"Will you be telling her what your friend from back home told you?"
"Puck? Absolutely not."
Rachel sighs deeply, "because it doesn't matter," and makes her way to her boyfriend. She stops when she's toe to toe with him and wraps her arms around his neck. Bryan holds her close and Rachel smiles contently.
"Quinn has a new life, and she's happy. I'm happy too," she says, but then pouts playfully, "are you not happy with me?"
He smiles down at her, but their moment gets interrupted by her ringing cell and she detaches herself from him to get her phone. She rolls her eyes when she sees that it's Santana again. The Latina is speaking into the phone as soon as she answers the call.
"We have a problem."
Then she hears a, "I'm going to kill you," right after in the background. Her breath gets caught in her throat.
Was that Quinn?
Santana was rambling about something, but Rachel wasn't really paying attention. She was more intent on the noises in the background, but she did catch that Brittany was on her way over already. And from Quinn…
Something about not attending the wedding, and then Rachel finally found her voice.
"What's going on?"
There was a response, but it wasn't for her, "Don't you dare! You're here and you're not missing mine and Britt's wedding!"
"How could you do this to me?" Rachel hears faintly and knows without a doubt that it's Quinn. Suddenly, there's a tightness in Rachel's chest and the brunette tries to calm her nerves by taking a deep breath. Then Santana spoke again, this time with a little more delicacy.
"It was an accident, Q, but I promise I'll fix it. I'll throw him out myself if I have to."
The phone was silent for a few seconds before she heard anything else.
"Berry? You still there?"
She nodded, but then realized that Santana couldn't see her so she cleared her throat instead, "Yeah…what happened?"
"….Finn was invited to the wedding."
Well they haven't reunited yet...but it's coming! Eventually...