I slept in really late on Saturday. Even when I did wake up I didn't get out of bed. My stomach was filled with nervous butterflies. I was scared for tonight and I kept asking myself why I did it. Why did I have to cave in to Tucker and agree to meet Nomad? What if he knows exactly who I am and turns me down? I didn't want to check any text messages in fear that he has written something to me.

I'm just lying in bed, trying to go back to sleep. I look at the clock and its only 12:00, so I still have a whole 8 hours to do nothing. Through the moaning sounds I make as I roll around in my bed I manage to hear talking down stairs, one of the voices is my mom's and the other one is…Danny! What is he doing here?

"Okay thank you Mrs. Manson. No that's okay I know where to go."

I hear footsteps outside my room, and then my door opens and in walks Danny Fenton.

"Hey Sam." He says so casually.

"Your mom just called me and said that you have been bed ridden all day and thought you could use some cheering up. I thought it must be really bad sense she called me. So what's wrong?" He pulled my computer chair, sat it beside my bed, sat in it backwards, and stared at me waiting for an answer.

"Nothing Danny, I'm just…a little nervous about something is all."

"You're nervous? About what?"

I took in a deep breath and sat up.

"My mystery person and I are meeting up today and I'm nervous about seeing him."

"Really? Well congratulations for one thing but what could possibly be so scary?"

"He's expecting this great girl to come to him and what if I can't fulfill his expectations. What if in real life he hates the loser me and rejects me? What if…" I was cut off by Danny grabbing my shoulders.

"Listen to me Sam. There is nothing to be afraid of, if you two really have been talking for 2 ½ days and he hasn't turned from you yet then I'm sure he is expecting exactly you. As for the loser part, that's just crap. You are most defiantly not a loser Sam. But if he does reject you then it's his loss, any guy would be lucky to go out with you."

I wiped away a tear I didn't know I had let slip through my eye.

"You really think so?"

He moved his hand to hold onto mine. "I know so Sam."

I looked down at our hands then back in his eyes. They were still looking at me but he soon snapped out of it and looked down at our hands too. Sadly he let go of mine and pulled it back towards him.

"Sorry." I heard him mumble, he was blushing too.

"It's okay." I blushed too.

I wish I could just kiss him right now but I held myself back. I have now made a commitment with this Nomad guy and I should see it through before I make decisions like that.

This silence was killing me but I didn't know what to say. What could I say?

"So, would you like to go out and do something with me?" Danny said cutting the quite.

"What?" I said snapping out of it.

"Well you know, if you're still upset, maybe we could go out somewhere and I could take your mind off of things."

"That sounds great. Just let me get changed" I said smiling.

He smiled down at me then politely left the room while I changed out of my pajamas. I also brushed my hair out and brushed my teeth after I looked in a mirror and saw how much of a mess I actually was.

I walked out the hall to him.

"So where to?"

"Well I thought maybe we could go to The Nasty Burger first then maybe we could go bowling."

"Sounds like fun. Let's go."

At The Nasty Burger Danny ordered his usual burger and I ordered my usual salad. We talked a bunch, mostly about random things like our favorite animals and crazy things to do before we die, just about anything that could get my mind off of Nomad.

Then we did 4 rounds of bowling. I won 2 and Danny won the other 2, I think he cheated, or got very lucky. I was having a lot of fun and I loved all the time I was spending with Danny. But of course I had to look down at my watch and see that it was already 7:00. We were already putting back on our shoes and getting ready to head out.

"Hey Danny, it's 7:00, I'm suppose to meet this person at 8 so we should get going."


We got up and paid for our games and started walking home.

"I still think you cheated."

"How? You saw me standing in front of the lane the whole time, how could I have used any powers to cheat?"

"I don't know; just give me time to think."

"Hahaha, well good luck with that."

"Hey Sam, there's something that I want to tell you."

"Okay, go on."

"Well I just wanted to say that I'm meeting my person tonight as well."

"What? Really?"

"Yeah, I just didn't want to mention it sense you were so upset about your meeting."

"Oh, well I hope yours goes well. Why don't you seem nervous about it?"

"Well if she doesn't like me then I guess it just wasn't meant to be."

"I wish I could think like that."

We reached my front door.

"Well good luck Sam. I hope this man is good to you."

"Thank you and I hope yours goes well too."


I walked in my house and ran upstairs to my room. I fixed my hair, did my makeup, and changed into a ruffle black shirt that covered my stomach and a purple skirt. I kept my purple tights and combat boots. I also wore a black jacket because it got cold out. It was 7:50. Time to go.

I walked as slow as humanly possible to the park. I was nervous as I have ever been. On the way there I took out my phone from my jacket pocket to check my text messages just in case Nomad had to cancel. Scrolling through my phone and…nothing. Looks like I'm going through with this.

I made it to the park and I am a few steps away from the bench under the oak tree. I look down at my feet, walk a few steps, then take in a deep breath and let it back out. I can do this. I look up and see.


What is he doing here? I walk a little faster and stand in front of him. He looks up at me confused.

"Hey Sam what are you doing here?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing."

"Haha, well I am here to meet my mystery person."

"Wait, your meeting her here? I'm meeting him here?"

"Wow that is weird. What are the odds of us picking the same spot?"

"Well this spot is sentimental to us both so I guess it's not that odd."

"Yeah I guess so. Would you like to sit and wait with me?"


I sat down next to him and we talked.

30 minutes past and we were becoming impatient. Where were they? How were they both late?

"I'm going to text her, see where she is."

"Yeah, I think I might do the same."

We both wiped out our phones and texted them. Then at the same time we got a message.

"Where are you?" I read. What?

"I'm on the bench where are you."

"I'm on the bench too."

Wait a minute.

Danny and I slowly turned to each other.


"Mystery Girl?"

"YOU'RE HIM/HER!" We both yelled at the same time.

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. This is so weird!

"Oh my gosh." I said out loud.

I put my elbows on my knees and put my head in my hands. I didn't know what to think so I just sat there. It has been 15 minutes, I didn't even know if Danny was still there or not, that is until he spoke.

"Are you disappointed?"

I slowly lifted my head and looked at him.


"Are you disappointed it's me?"

"No…no, I'm just in disbelief." Should I ask the same?

"Are you disappointed?"

"Of course not."

"So now what?"

"Now I think it's time for honesty?"

"Honest about what?"

"Sam, do you remember when I asked you if you liked anyone else. Then I told you that I liked someone else as well."


"Well that someone else was you."


"I love you Sam."

I stared at him with wide eyes and my mouth hanging open slightly. This all can't be real. First I find out that the person that I have been flirting with for more than a week was Danny then he tells me that he loves me. I stood up from the bench and turned around so my back was turned towards him. Then I heard Danny get up and take a step to me.

"Sam?" He sounded hurt like I ripped out his heart.

Then in one swift movement I quickly turned around, grabbed his shoulder, pulled him towards me, and kissed him. It was meant to be quick and I was about pull away but Danny put one of his hands to the back of my head and kept me there. Then he wrapped his other hand around my waist and pulled me closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. Eventually we had to breath so we pulled apart but my arms stood wrapped around his neck and Danny moved both his arms around my waist.

"So I'm guessing you love me too?

"Yes Danny, you were my other person."

"When I saw you I fell in love and you smiled because you knew."

"Was that Shakespeare?"

"Why yes it was. I still studied him you know."

"That's so sweet."

"I try my hardest."

We leaned in and kissed each other again but this one was a little shorter than the last.

When we broth apart I laughed a little.

"What's so funny? Do I kiss badly?"

"No not at all. I was just thinking how dumb we are for not being able to figure this out. We were always texting each other from right across one another. We were the only two left that we didn't guess; well us two and Tucker."

"Hahaha Aww man I do feel dumb now. If only we could have just said each other's screen names in front of each other, would have saved a lot of time."

We laughed about it but then Danny got a strange look on his face.

"Oh no."


"I just thought of something. What is Tucker going to say?"

"Well I'm sure he will be very happy that we have finally come to our senses and started dating. Then he will rub it in our faces for a very long time."

"Yeah that seems about right. Oh wait a minute. So we are dating now?"

"Well we both said I love you and we did kiss twice so I'd say that we are dating."

He smiled down at me then pulled me in for another kiss making it our third one that night. He pulled away still smiling at me.

"You know you technically didn't say I love you to me."

I giggled at him. "I love you Danny."

"I love you too Sam."

(A/N) I hope you all liked this story I spent much more time than needed on it. Please review what you thought and tell me if you would like to read a song fiction for these two people.