Before I start: I'm not actually into this fetish myself. I don't even know why I wrote this. It just kept nagging my mind as something to explore in some way.
I think /mlp/ can probably take some of the blame for this. In any case, there's next to know sex in this story, it's more a exploration of a fetish then anything else.
Other then that, enjoy, I guess. Or get weirded out. That's fine too, I guess
It was a rather shocking scene, to say the least. And, a rather avoidable one, at that. They'd all come to Twilight's as a bit of a surprise, a bit of relief from Twi's hectic, organized lifestyle. So when the door to Twlight's room opened, having seen nobody in the main room of her library, they expected Twilight to be busy, studying hard and long into the night.
But there was Twilight & Spike, nestled together. Comfortably, across her bed, no covers. It wasn't that unusual on it's own; the two had fallen asleep together on several occasions. Spike more so, tired from running around helping his... well, no better word then big sister came to mind.
But they weren't asleep. At least not Twilight, who gently stroked the Dragon's head gently.
No, what made it shocking was the fact it looked like Spike had lifted part of her clothing off, and had latched his lips onto her breast, sucking softly as he sleep, like a newborn would.
More shocking still, he seemed to be getting rewarded for his efforts. There was the slightest stain of milk that had spilled from his lips, across arching swell of her breast. A tiny puddle forming in the crest between her chest.
"WHAT IN TARNATION!?" Came AJ's natural response, alerting twilight that they, were, in fact, not alone at the moment.
"Huh? Oh... AH-!" Twilight hugged spike, twisting and hiding him off to the side. "W-what are you doing here?!"
"We could ask you the same thing!" Rainbow Dash yelled. Fluttershy had frozen in complete shock. Even pinkie had, for once, had been rendered speechless. "W-what are you doing with spike!?"
"Shh!" Twilight chided, "You'll wake him up!"
"Twilight, dear, you have more scandalous matters to deal with." Rarity said with some air of manufactured calm in her voice. "Why... is spike drinking from your chest?"
"Y-yeah!" Pinkie managed to mutter finally, like an old engine struggling to a start. "Better question is, why is he able to? Twilight are you pregnant? Oh my gosh am I going to be an aunt again? Who's the daddy, is it big mac? How far along are you? Oh my gosh, I haven't even planned a party, well because I didn't know you were pregnant till just now and -"
"I'm not pregnant pinkie, and Big Mac is not the father." Twilight said in a hushed tone, gingerly trying to remove spike's grip on her chest to sit up. "Gently... gently... there we go." With an audible pop, Twilight's nipple came into view, shocking the girls further as a few drips of milky liquid squirted out before Twilight manage to cover it with a napkin. "I... can explain everthing."
"You'd better, Twi." Applejack warned. "This is the craziest thing I've seen since that time Granny Smith thought Pinkie was a long lost cousin."
"That was fun." Pinkie added.
"Look, can... we talk about this outside. I don't to embarrass spike." Twilight said, motioning to the door, napkin still clutched firmly at her chest. "G-give me a moment, it takes a while to stop..."
With bearings (and a still frozen Fluttershy) gathered, they five waited awkwardly in silence for Twilight to emerge. She did, bra, shirt, and vest back in proper place, face down, with supreme interest in the wooden floor patterns.
"Okay, talk Twilight." Applejack said, arms crossed. "What were you doing with poor spike?"
"Uh... well... you see..." She sucked in a breath, probably her last, and slowly began. "Spike... likes to nurse... He's never gotten over it... and neither have I."
"Likes to nurse? Darling, how did he even get a taste for it? You're without a foal yourself, it should be impossible... Oh... oh my!" Rarity cocked back in her usual exaggeration. "You... used one of those spells?"
"Yeah... a nursing spell for mothers having trouble." She nodded slowly. "It helps the body produce milk by stimulating the hormones..."
"When did you start doing this, Twilight?" AJ continued, not wanting the full explanation. "When did... you two get like that?"
"Oh... um... I dunno... a little bit after he hatched." There was a collective gasp. "I didn't know what to do! He was hungry, but he wasn't eating the food I was giving him! I didn't know much about dragon care and all that... so I... went to library for clues and tips, anything really... And... well... it worked... A little too well."
As the red set in their cheeks, she took another breath, and continued. "It was awkward, the first time. I was so young, and I didn't have a complete grasp of what I was doing. I was going to use the stop spell, but when I tried to ween him onto jewels and other foods, he just cried until I gave in."
"So, eventually you just gave up, dearie?" Rarity said. "Gave into Spikey-wikey's little fetish?"
"Well... actually... I sort of enjoyed it, too."
There was another bit of awkward silence, Twilight looking away, rubbing her shoulder, as if to urge herself on. "Beg yer pardon?" Applejack said. "Ya'll enjoyed it?"
"Yeah. It's... actually fun for me." She said, blushing as wildly as her friends. "The way he needs me... how he tugs at my blouse, his impatience to get my breast free. And... then..." She sucked in a breath, reveling in the glow of past experiences flooding her thoughts. "It's really amazing, that feeling of lips, pressed against your nipple, hungry for his favorite treat."
"E-enough, Twi, I think we get the idea." Rainbow dash said, hiding her face in her hand, the other pushing the powerfully emotional words away from her mind, to no avail. "S-so it feels really, good, we get it."
"Twi, ya gotta get him off yer teats." Applejack said. "It's not right."
"Says who?" They all jumped at the little grunt coming from Twilight's room. He played brave, but it was readily apparent the little dragon of the hour had overheard their conversation, and was getting scared. "I... I like it! It's not hurting anybody! And Twilight likes it!"
"Spike! Go back to bed!" Twilight scolded.
"Spike, darling." Rarity huffed. "Why don't you think about Twilight for a second? I know there's no perverse intentions, and I might be forgiving of it-"
"You are?!" All six of them shouted. Well, spirit of generosity and all that, they figured. If anybody was going to find some merit in such things, it probably would be rarity.
"*Ahem* Well, maybe, maybe not. There are worse things they could be doing. That being said." She clarified. "It's simply something you shouldn't be doing at your age, dear. Especially not with Twilight."
"I bet you'd like it, if you tried it." Spike said. "I bet your breast make delicious milk."
That managed to catch the fair furred girl off guard, covering her breasts from Spikes hungry eyes. Despite her appallment at Spike's bold statement, she couldn't help but note her own chest reacting to his challenge.
"Spike, it's impolite to talk about a girl... bosom like that."
"S-sorry!" He quickly replied, not wanting to offend his crush even further.
"He's got a point, Rarity." Twilight added in. She seemed to be back to her normal self. "I bet you'd all like if you gave it a try."
"Twilight!" Rarity cried in protest. "You can't be serious!"
"Why not? I think you should all give a go before judging me and Spike. Spike would love it, at least."
"Twi... I..." Rarity tried to argue.
"Okay Twi. If you think it'll change our minds... I'm willing to give it a go." Applejack said, her orange complexion now a match for her big brother's coat. They all turned to her, even Fluttershy, who seemed to be just on the verge of blowing a gasket. "But if don't. You and Spike have to start weening yourself, deal?"
"...Deal." Spike said.
"...Deal." Twilight said.
"Hold on! Don't the rest of us get a say?" Rainbow Dash protested. "I don't want spike grabbing onto my boobs!"
"The spell usually increases the breasts a couple of sizes." Twilight pointed out.
"... Okay I'm in." Rainbow muttered, looking down at her own petite chest through her loose t and sports bra. She looked over at her oldest friend, and sighed, realizing the girl's already impressive bust, and hoped it didn't affect larger chests as much. Still, realizing Flutter would be in that state for a while, she turned back to the unicorn and motioned to the Pegasus. "Flutter's in as well, when she comes back to us."
"You can't be serious!?" Rarity said. "It's-"
"It's not the worst thing in the world, isn't that what you said, Rarity?" Pinkie said. "I dunno, it might be fun, but I'm having a hard time getting my head around how. It's a private thing. I'll figure something out... but okay Twilight, if you think I'll enjoy it, I'll give it a go!"
"Rare?" Twilight asked her friend. Rarity sighed, and looked at her friend, then back over to the dragon, who seemed excited at the prospect at seeing Rarity in a more intimate light. She was outnumbered, she knew, and Pinkie had taken away her only argument. Still, it was something she could walk away from, being unique in it's private request. She bowed her head, and noted her breasts urged her on as, rubbing against her silk bra.
"Fine." She finally muttered. "But Twilight... you must allow us the freedom to go at our own paces. Whether or not we approach spike... or another party... that should be left up to us."
"Yeah... I don't need spike coming up during work and asking for a snack just because he knows I've got full tanks. Actually, speaking of that... is there any outside problems we should know about?"
"Well... your chest will hurt if you don't get it milked in some way, but I can turn it off if it gets too much to handle. You'll be able to eat a little more, since you're burning a couple more calories. And like I said, you'll grow a couple of sizes, depending on how big you are..and there's one other thing?"
"You'll leak, right?" Rainbow asked with a sigh.
"Comes if you ignore the pain for too long. Nothing major... just don't get overly excited when your full, and you should be fine."
"Is that all?" Applejack said, arms crossed.
"Yes, I swear. That' all I've had to deal with, and I've never taken the spell off."
"Never? Like, neverevereverever?!" Pinkie repeated with some look of shock. "Isn't that dangerous?"
"If it was dangerous, they wouldn't allow it in the hospital. Some mother's keep it up for a few years. There's never been any case of it hurting people." Twilight stated in her usual matter of factly voice. "And I think I'd know If there was a long term effect. Really, guys."
"So... are you all really doing this?" Spike said, not even trying to hide his joy at the chance to being able to sample a few more favors of pony milk. Rarity lifted up a finger to Spike, shaking it at him.
"You, young man, better realize we're not going to just offer up our bodies to you. If you want to sample my divine nectar, you're going to have to earn it."
"Yeah" Came the other (functioning) four's response, with some air of satisfaction as the smile dropped into a snort on his face.
"Well... no better time to start then now." Rarity said. "Twilight, if you would..."
"O-okay! Hold on!" She said, as her horn began with it's usual purple glow.
So yeeeeaaah... actually taking a few suggestions. I did have a couple of scenarios in my head like RD/scoots and that sort of thing, but really, I'm open to suggestions at this point.