Summary: Sad...Broken...Lost...Hurt...her soul was undergoing changes, and they were beginning to take a toll on her. The Dark Lord has a new recruit, and Severus Snape is desperate to save the girl before she's completely enveloped in darkness...
Anime: InuYasha/Harry Potter
Main Couple: Kagome/Severus
Genre: Romance / Adventure
Rated: M (Mild Violence) (Excessive Sexual Themes) (Mild Language) (Mild Blood and Gore) (RAPE)
Sing to me...
...can you hear me...
I need salvation.
I need help.
No more tears...
...there is no one left to save me...
Only darkness exists.
Sing to me...
...can you hear me...
June, 3, 1994
Her breath was shallow, in it was a plea for help, but words would not break through the pain she felt coursing her very veins. As she worked hard to heal her injuries, the blood loss was significantly large, and she knew, even if she managed to heal the wounds she had recently accumulated, she would still, undoubtedly die from the loss of blood, the rain and the chill air would see to that. She could already feel her body going into shock...her eyes blurring...a figure stood before her; perhaps death had come to greet her?
"I can save you, bring you back to full strength..."
' that possible?'
"Join my Lords cause, and I will make you strong again."
"...what cause..."
"A see a world filled with only purity."
"...purity..." Her vision now fading, with a single breath she sighed, "Alright..." then gravity took her, and her body grew heavy with the ache of the world. A light shined through the blurring of her eyes, and she was enveloped by warmth. This...was the start of her own hell...what had she done.
August, 22, 1994
"Three blind mice...three blind mice..." Blue eyes looked over a group of kids who were yelling out loudly as they excitedly made their way through a large crowd of people...wizards and witches. "See how they run!" She whispered as a cruel smile formed on her lips, it was an unusual look for her, but one which drew you in all the same. "They all run after the farmer's wife...and she cut off their tails with a carving knife..." She laughed softly to herself as the kids ran around in circles; their mom playfully sending out sparks at them. "Did you ever see such a thing in your three...blind...mice...!" Her hand was held up and a finger extended towards the small group when a hand on her shoulder drew away her attention from the kids.
"What are you muttering about over here?"
"..." Lowering her hand, the girl turned her eyes onto a boy a little younger than herself, with platinum blonde hair and grayish blue eyes. "Do you have a problem with people talking out loud, Draco?"
"Not really, but isn't it one thing to talk out loud in private, something else to do so in public?"
"That depends on where you are, I'm surrounded by witches and wizards, I figure talking out loud to myself in public is the least of my worries."
Rolling his eyes, Draco sighed, "How did I become your babysitter?"
"Because you volunteered,"
"Why though, I must have been crazy!" He threw his hands up exasperatedly, leaning over the bars of the walk the girl stood at.
"You thought I was cute," She smirked, "For a fourteen year old, you at least have good taste in women," She laughed as his cheeks flushed pink.
"Humph, anyways, you should put a coat on, Kagome, the temperature is going to drop later into the night; you don't want to get sick, do you?"
The girl now identified as Kagome smiled at his kindness; it was rare, but it was kindness all the same. "Thanks, oh...where is..."
"Don't...try not to worry about father; we are at the Quidditch World Cup!" He yelled out happily, " Kagome, for today, you can be Kagome."
"Does that mean that today, you will be Draco?"
He scoffed, "Not a chance, I still have a reputation to stand by! My classmates are here." His eyes widened, " way!"
Kagome turned to see a couple people talking with the House Elf in charge of caring for her, Winky, was her name. "Who are they?"
"Harry Potter, the one talking with Winky, and beside him, starting on the left, Ronald Weasley, and moving to the right Hermione Granger, behind them is the rest of the bloody Weasley Clan, too many kids to live a comfortable life style...they can barely afford the clothes on their backs!"
Kagome chuckled at the sound of disgust in her friends' voice, "Does that really matter so much to you, Draco?" He narrowed his eyes at the group and she figured it really must have. "Winky!" Kagome called out, catching both the group and her House Elf's attention, "Please keep from conversing with this particular group; I would hate to see Draco anymore upset than he already seems to be,"
Winky was quick to apparate beside Kagome and bow apologetically to her Young Master.
Draco scoffed, "I'm surprised they let your family in, Weasel, how did you afford the tickets? Your parents aren't starving you, are they?"
Kagome shook her head and took Draco's ear in hand, "Forgive him, he's grumpy because his daddy isn't present and his mom is late."
"Draco, is that any way to act?"
The group turned and Kagome bowed, a hand was placed gently on her head and she raised it once it was removed. Lucius Malfoy stood tall with Narcissa standing next to him. Draco frowned, it was moments like this that he really wished his father hadn't found the girl, it was sick the way he treated her as if she were a pet. She was beautiful, one of the most beautiful girls Draco had ever seen, and seeing her treated the way she was made his stomach turn. But he had no say in such things, he just stepped aside as his father shared a few words with the Weasel siblings father, before following his own parents with Kagome at his side.
Me: Hope you guys enjoy, let me know what you think, kay! :D