A.N: This is a Soul Eater story, a CronaXOC. Crona's an it in this story, someone who is both sexes.
"You are a worthless, pathetic, weak, and horrible child. You will never amount to anything and you'll always be an outcast of society. You'll never love yourself, because who could love something as hopeless at that? Not even your mother loved you, and not even I love you. The only thing you're good for is being a puppet, or being locked away in a madhouse and everyone you meet will hope they forget about you. Your name even means miserable and unlucky. I can't even believe someone would call you my own flesh and blood." I listened intently, and smiled at my dear lovely father.
Months of rants like the one I'd just listened to, numbed me to any emotional pain, and now was just the physical pain. He tied me up, and attacked me with his scythe arm, slicing my chest slowly.
So slow.
It was surprising that he found more skin to cut, over the scars he had made ever since he came and kidnapped me from the orphanage. I already was suffering from depression, I didn't need him to come and bring me even more depressing rants or harsh abusive cuttings.
He had escaped from the asylum I had been born in, where my mother had been and where he had lived in before he had escaped. The madness, I sometimes wonder if it's genetic, because I sometimes feel sadistic and wonder suicidal thoughts.
"Malory, do you know why I do this?" He asked me and I closed my eyes. "Yes, father. Because, I am a disgrace against nature."
"And why are you a disgrace against nature?" I didn't answer him and he plunged his knife into my leg, scraping my bone. I gritted my teeth, and my eyebrows knitted together.
"B-b-because. B-because I am a w-witch, a-and a weapon."
A.N: How did you like it?