Coordinates – Epilogue

In which we find out where things stand.

In the end, Victoria didn't struggle too much. Ron and John managed to catch her as soon as she rushed out into the corridor and had hauled her back into the dissection room, where she came face to face with not just Lilly, Sherlock and that whole ridiculous situation, but her mother and stepfather also. Truthfully, between her mother's weeping , Henry's stern scowling, Lilly's oh so forgiving face, and that man Sherlock completely ignoring her to text on his mobile, she rather wished someone would have just shot her in the head or something. Anything would have been preferable to spending another minute with these people. It became most unbearable for her when Sherlock finally finished his texting and after sighing deeply as if the current proceedings were boring him beyond belief, took to observing Victoria as if she were a disgusting specimen of some kind, which he found ultimately to be most uninteresting after all. Turning abruptly away from Victoria, dismissing her completely, he then turned his full attention toward Lilly, which brought a complete change to his facial features. The bored look gave way to an expression of utter concentration as he regarded Lilly with what could only be interpreted as absolute awareness of her, and no one else. It was completely outside of Victoria's understanding what it was exactly that Lilly had done to so clearly captivate the man. Who would have thought it possible?

The thought of escape again crossed her mind. However, once Victoria realised her obvious need for help in overcoming her disorder - or rather once her options were presented to her - she decided that she may as well go along with it. The little mousey woman explained where they were taking her, and though it appeared that she would be spending some time in a locked psychiatric ward, it would certainly be preferable to serving time at Her Majesty's Pleasure. Just to think of those nasty prison outfits made her shudder.

Victoria, as to be expected, would have preferred to have been escorted to the other hospital by that dishy DI, but evidently Sherlock let him know his services were not required (hence all the texting) and so a very relieved Lestrade had headed back to the Yard. He was accompanied by the mildly irritated Sargent Donovan, who never was to figure out that the freak, Sherlock Holmes, had been involved in the Lady Lillian Fairfax abduction case, or further that it was he who had whispered in Lestrade's ear about the text. Bit suspicious the way the case was closed suddenly with all the details hushed up after that, but then some things did remain forever a mystery.

Lilly expressed a desire to speak with her stepsister alone before they departed, but Victoria really couldn't see any point to it. She didn't want Lilly's sickeningly sweet forgiveness and quite frankly, thinking of Lilly with that gorgeous Not-Arthur-Sherlock was nearly enough to make her vomit. Surprisingly firm for timid little her, Lilly had insisted on it without regard to her stepsister's wishes on the matter. Victoria was quite certain that her lovely face would retain that red mark from Lilly's hand for hours! Completely outrageous and so unlike Lilly…

Once the path to the elevators has been cleared of police personnel, Victoria Burke left Barts, walking under her own power, between Dr. John Watson on her right and Ronald Somers on her left, with Lord Henry and Lady Constance closely bringing up the rear. Victoria hadn't the time of day for Ron Somers, however that Dr. Watson was quite fit and she wouldn't have minded chatting him up a bit, but he wasn't having any of that from her. Pity.

Lord Henry Fairfax was loath to leave his darling Lilly, so recently returned to him, alone with that boy of Alistair Holmes. Still, Constance needed him to go with her for support, and honestly, after Lilly had explained the situation between that Sherlock person and herself, Henry had a notion she would not appreciate his interfering. After that uncharacteristic demonstration of displeasure she had vented on Victoria, Henry was quite sure he personally did not wish to chance Lilly's disfavor. Nevertheless, Henry resolved that the first opportunity he had to be alone with Sherlock Holmes, they were going to have a serious and frank discussion regarding the man's intentions toward Lilly and Henry would be sure to share his own misgivings as to the man's parentage. Too bad Henry didn't stop to compare feelings with Ron Somers. If he had, he would have found a comrade in arms, as Ron clearly had similar misgivings himself.

Dr. John Watson was very pleased overall. Sherlock and Lilly seemed to be getting on. No one had punched anyone. Yet. Well, with the exception of Lilly slapping Victoria, which the woman more than deserved, in John's humble opinion. Well done, Lilly! John felt rather proud of his little Lilly for standing up for herself. Once Victoria was settled, John and Ron planned to stop off at a pub and drink themselves silly. They really did deserve it after all they had been through. John thought he might even try to bring Ron round to Sherlock's side. Or maybe not. In any case, he planned to do his best to keep the man occupied so Sherlock and Lilly could spend some time alone this evening.

After the rest of the company had decamped for parts elsewhere, Molly excused herself to go get a coffee, leaving Sherlock and Lilly alone in the morgue. The subject of Lilly's plans for living arrangements reared its uncomfortable head once more. Sherlock impatiently insisting that she return with him to Baker Street. Lilly firmly declining the invitation. She explained about her plans to move into the empty flat which was located above her book shop, although because it was not quite ready, she would be staying with Molly for a few days.

Sherlock was less than pleased, as he really thought it would be easier for him over all if Lilly just moved into Baker Street, where John and he could protect her best, not to mention his not having to venture out of the flat to see her. Though admittedly he was immensely relieved that she did not plan to return to live with her family and further that she agreed to come to Baker Street often, thus preventing him from having to venture out all the time. After insisting on looking over the above-the-shop flat, and with promises that he could see to the installation of additional security measures, as he deemed fit, Sherlock reluctantly subsided and accepted her decision. By the time Molly returned with coffee for the three of them, the negotiations were complete and Sherlock's mind had moved on to the consideration of whom in his network would be best placed to provide constant reliable surveillance to the area surrounding that odd little book shop known as The Whims of Serendipity.

~The End~

A/N: It's been a trip to write this fic, and I feel that I've made a pretty decent job of keeping Sherlock (and John) real and in character. It's been a challenge, but what a ride! My goal throughout was to keep it as accurate and realistic as possible, without being a medical expert or able to travel to London. So while any errors are mine and mine alone, they are not due to intentional disregard. I did do a lot of research and learned all kinds of new things. There were many times when I wrote myself and the characters into a corner and then had to figure out how to get us out of it. Some of the things that ended up fitting together so perfectly actually came about as a result of these mad scrambles.

For instance, when I first had to come up with a device where it was possible for Donny Thomas to pick up the information and the money without any actual contact with 'The Boss', I just thought well, he can pick it up at any old train station. Easy peasy, right? Wrong! Quite a bit of digging earned me the knowledge that the only place where you can pick up left luggage without ID and with only the claim ticket and the money to pay for it is at Victoria Coach Station. And that pillar with the pipe next to it? It's there people, right where it's described in the story. (Very proud of that bit, I am.) So I didn't pick Victoria Station…it picked me. But it sure fit nicely with the fact that my villain's name happened to be Victoria. Wasn't planned, just serendipity, and it allows me to be able to say "the clue is in the name" just for giggles.

For those of you who would like to continue to share Sherlock and Lilly's on-going relationship development (aka Lillock), the first installment of Coordinated Love – Holmes Style it is now up and posted, and you can access it via my profile in My Stories listing. I hope you will join us. Once again, thank you so much for your support and please remember I'm very open to suggestions for story ideas for CL-HS, so feel free to PM me. Cheers! - RS