An update! :D

I know this was a super delayed update, but I won't abandon this story. It will be finished!

After their first 'date' Hei made calls to November regularly. Conversations came easily between the two after the initial awkward stage had passed. It almost drove Hei mad with how much November seemed to care about what he had to say, but he was making steady progress. With their dates and regular phone calls it became clear that one of MI6's best fields agent had been utterly deceived by the enemy.

Hei hoped to gain more information with the bugs he planted in November's apartment even though he learned more about the contractor with their phone conversations, but when he settled down for the night to hear the Brit moving about in his apartment it almost seemed to calm him. Hei tried to steer his thoughts away from dwelling on the blond for too long or otherwise he'd end up awake all night.

In the day, however, November seemed to have the most interesting interactions. It was April and the blond child, July, that the Brit seemed to spend most of his time with. On the rare occasion it was Misaki he would converse with for a while about work and sometimes contractor related things, but nothing he didn't already know. Hei's thoughts his information gathering was going rather smoothly at the three month mark.

It was on a rainy evening when Hei tuned in to listen to another one of November's conversations with April. He was more than amused when half of the time the women managed to embarrass or anger the blond. She knew how to get the reactions she wanted like it was almost second nature.

'So, have you slept with him yet?' April teased, her voice coming in through Hei's listening device clear enough.

'Why do you always seem to ask me the same question every time we meet? Oh, and to answer that, no.' November deadpanned, and Hei didn't need too much imagination to envision the Brit's clear look of annoyance.

'It doesn't hurt to ask now, does it? And besides, you're taking an awful long time to with him. I mean, how many dates have you gone on or eight?

'I don't think that really matters April. I'm not rushing into anything with Li unless he wants to. Which he hasn't, if that's what you were going to ask.'

He was pretty sure his surveillance would never come that, but he couldn't say that thought didn't cross his mind. Hei found himself easily distracted at the idea of getting intimate with the MI6 agent, and he quickly reigned himself back into the conversation. His face didn't feel like a hot iron, nope, not at all.

'...the higher ups have got you heading to the PANDORA facility? What for?' April sounded curious.

'They need me to look at something. Nothing major in the works. Well, at least that's what Decade thinks I know."

Hei rolled his eyes at the smug sound of the Brit's voice.

'Don't go snooping around where you shouldn't, November.' April sounded rather serious, and that immediately caught Hei's attention.

'I have a right to look into business that might affect us.'

'There you go being all cryptic. Really, you can't just tell me what's going on in that head of yours.'

'If I did, then what's the fun in that?' Now November sounded amused. 'Don't worry, I'll make sure to inform you if anything important pops up. For now, mums the word?'

April didn't immediately respond, and Hei was well aware that even she knew November wasn't just hiding a couple of small secrets.

'Mum... Well, if you're done now let's go get a drink. I'm far too sober for-'

Hei had heard enough as he turned off the listening device. That tidbit of information was intriguing, but not enough to go after the Brit just yet. As Hei contemplated just what November could possibly be withholding from one of his own teammates the sound of something wet hitting the floor immediately had him whipping around in that direction.

"You have his apartment bugged, and yet you still see him?" Mao poked his head in through the window, his fur just a bit wet from the rain.

"He might let something slip one day." Hei replied, body relaxing once more as he moved into his small bathroom to fetch a towel. When he returned he unceremoniously snatched Mao up and proceeded to towel the cat dry. The feline meowed and hissed in protest until Hei finally released him and he was nothing more than a ball of fluff. Hei didn't show it, but his eyes betrayed his utter joy in messing with the cat.

"...Thanks..." Mao hissed once more as he proceeded to lick his fur smooth before motioning to the package he had carried in with him through the rain. "I came to tell you that you've got a mission. All the info is in that packet there."

Hei would never admit that he was positively thrilled to get off his ass and actually do something, but as he snatched up and tore open the plastic wrapped package he knew the job would be anything but a cakewalk as he scanned the information.

"Sending me into the belly of the beast?" He quipped.

"The Syndicate wouldn't just send in any operative for this job. They need experience, and that's what you've got." Mao was just about done with his fur as he watched Hei for any form of reaction.

"Well, I guess infiltrating PANDORA will put my skills to the test."

That wasn't quite the reaction Mao was looking for.


Two weeks.

That's how long Hei told November he would be gone visiting his family back in China. The Brit had no qualms or protests, and he even went as far as to offer Hei a ride to the airport. The younger man had refused of course, his destination far closer than what he let November believe. When Hei left for PANDORA, however, he did not anticipate to overshoot his mission duration by a week and a half.

He wanted nothing more than to return to his crummy little flat after everything he had witnessed. The mission had been more or less a success. Hei did manage to retrieve the meteor shard from the facility, but at the cost of nearly revealing himself and other Syndicate members working as sleeper agents.

It's done, for now. Hei thought listlessly as he settled himself back into his flat. He immediately went to pull open the curtains to his window, letting the noon sun steam in to illuminate the place. A rather thick layer of dust had settled over most of the surfaces of his flat, but he couldn't bring himself to clean. He knew he needed to get some rest, but while his body desperately sought such a reprieve his mind was racing with thoughts.

With thoughts of Bai.

The part of Hei that still had a sliver of hope of finding his younger sister was reeling with the idea that he had actually seen her, but there was also rational doubt. Bai looked just as had when she disappeared, and that couldn't have been possible. Unless he had just imagined her in the area of Hell's Gate.

I'm not crazy. I can't be going crazy. Hei thought as he set out to see if he had any edible food left. He was delighted to find a box of cereal with two days left before the expiration date. As he pried open the box for some much needed nourishment his phone, left forgotten on his futon by the window, gave a shrill chime. Hei could have sworn he turned the thing off before he left. He was even more surprised at the fact that it remained charged for so long, but he resisted the urge to check it immediately. There were only two people that had the number to his phone, and Hei was damn well sure Huang wouldn't just send him a text message to say hello.

He managed to ignore the urge to check the message for two handfuls of cereal before he went to go retrieve the phone. Flipping open the small screen Hei could confirm November had definitely noticed that he had been gone for far too long. He had three missed calls, and surprisingly only two text messages.

'Jack Simon:

How was your trip?'

He noted that message was sent the first day of his supposed return. The most recent one was rather alarming, but in an almost endearingly concerned way.

'Jack Simon:

Li, everything alright? Has something happened?'

Hei read the message once more before he shut his phone with a click and returned to his box of cereal. He couldn't quite wrap his head around the other man's concern. It was something Hei certainly wasn't familiar with because there was never someone who worried for him. For once Hei didn't honestly know how to respond, but he knew he had to in order to make sure November didn't go around snooping.

Tossing back another handful of cereal he flipped open his phone to type out a message, but thought better of it and instead he hit the dial button. As the first ring went through Hei almost hung up, suddenly thinking that calling the Brit was a bad idea. He could face life-or-death situations without batting an eye, but when it came to calling someone that was genuinely worried about him he couldn't help but feel just a bit apprehensive and a smidgen guilty. Hei's breath nearly caught in his throat when November finally answered.

'Li! I just sent you a message. Is something wrong?'

The Brit sounded more concerned that Hei originally thought, but he already had a rather perfect cover story.

"Hi Jack. Umm... I'm fine. Sorry I was gone for so long, but I guess I didn't know how homesick I was. I decided to say with my family for a while longer, and I should have called you. I didn't mean to make you worry about me."

'Oh no, no need to apologize! I just tend to worry a bit more for the people I care for.' As soon as those words floated through the receiver on Hei's end the younger man was at a real loss for words. November had inadvertently admitted to having some sort of feelings for him.

"I...u-uhh..." Hei couldn't form much of a coherent thought, and he blurted out the first thing that came to mind. "Why don't you come over! Maybe I can cook something and we can catch up."

The young man could feel heat scorching his face from sheer embarrassment and an emotion he couldn't quite place.

'That sounds fantastic. I could bring over a bottle of wine if you'd like? To go with that meal your offering.' November sounded like he hadn't realized what he had just admitted a few moments prior.

"Sure, sure. When will I be expecting you?"

'In an hour or so if that's alright with you? I have to finish up some paper work, but otherwise I'm yours.'

"That's sounds fine. I'll see you then."

Hei waited until November hung up before he practically flopped onto the dusty kitchenette counter. It was also at that moment that he realized that his flat was a literal mess, and he had no food to cook with. Hei tried not to groan as he picked himself up to look for his keys.

He still had a long day ahead of him.


Jack pulled up to Li's apartment complex just a tad earlier than expected. The blond didn't waste time in snatching up the bottle of wine he purchased before making his way up to the student's flat. Jack tried to remember which door Li had disappeared into when he dropped him off weeks ago after their first date, so he knocked gently at the door farthest away from the stairs. The blond just managed to pull his hand away before it swung open.

"J-Jack? I wasn't expecting you so soon!" Li looked surprised, but allowed the blond inside where he could smell the rather delicious aromas drifting throughout the small space. "I haven't finished cooking."

Jack gave Li's flat a quick once over and was surprised it was not as tidy as he had imagined it to be. He also hadn't failed to notice that the student was in a similarly unkempt state.

"I can help out then, since I've managed to surprise you." Jack replied, placing the wine bottle down before he shrugged off his jacket. The Brit was in the process of rolling up the sleeves to his button-down when Li practically tackled him.

"No! It's okay! It just took me a while to figure out what to make. I made some rice balls. You can help yourself if you'd like." Li spoke rather quickly before he turned back to mixing up what looked like some noodle and vegetable concoction at the stove.

Jack was rather surprised at the young man's scatter-brained behavior. "Li, I really think I should help out. You seem a bit stressed."

"Oh? What was that Jack?" Li turned around to regard the blond as he chopped into something leafy, and suddenly a pained look overcame him.

Blood dripped off of Li's index as he moved to snatch up a wash cloth to staunch the bleeding, but Jack beat him to it and quickly applied pressure to the self-inflicted wound. He even went as far as turning off the stove, least they have another problem to deal with.

"Do you have a first-aid kit?" The Brit asked once he made sure the younger man had a good hold of the cloth around his finger.

"I...uh, in the bathroom in the cabinet under the sink." Li was rather out of it as he allowed the Brit to sit him down at the table. He didn't realize when Jack had gone and returned, but when he did the panic had set in.

"This is a lot of blood Jack. I-I mean I thought I might have just nicked myself, but I really think I need stitches." Li rambled, his breathes coming in quick gasps.

"Li, you're alright. I need you to calm down before you give yourself a panic attack. In all honesty the bleeding isn't too bad. I just need to get a good look." Jack tried to quell the student's nerves as he pulled the cloth away to assess the damage. Luckily, the cut wasn't too deep but long enough to bleed at the amount that it was.

"Okay, not too bad Li. You're doing fine. Just a bit of disinfectant and a couple bandages and you'll be set." Jack assured, flipping open the top of the first aid kit in order to find the appropriate supplies.

All the while Li sat silently stewing in his rising panic and embarrassment that didn't stem from his knife mishap. His emotions were suddenly colliding all at once and it left the younger man feeling ready to burst.

You're okay. Just stay calm. Calm, calm... Hei was trying to reign in his emotions.

All the while Jack delicately handled the younger man's cut finger. Even as he applied the disinfectant, Jack knew the younger man wasn't tense because of the pain.

Something not right here. The blond was glancing at Li very now and then as he finished up.

"Alright, all done." Jack applied just a small strip of medical tape to hold the bandages.

"Oh, t-thanks." Li seemed to snap out of his thoughts. "Why is it that I seem to hurt myself when your around?"

In the student's mind it sounded like a light jest, but when it came out of his mouth it sounded more like an honest question. One that Jack seemed to have taken seriously.

"I-I didn't mean it like that!" Li was trying to backpedal unsuccessfully. "I just haven't been getting enough rest. I don't know what I'm even saying! J-just ignore everything I've said! W-why are you smiling?"

Jack was sporting an amused grin as he laid a comforting hand on the younger man's shoulder. "You're rambling, and it's cute."

Li was positively red in the face from a mixture of embarrassment and from the fact that Jack's hand felt incredibly comforting.

"W-well I'm glad one of us is getting some enjoyment from this..." Li mumbled before he stood to clean up the spots of blood on the floor, but the blond stopped him yet again.

"Let me get this Li. It's the least I can do." The Brit offered, and the younger man found himself settling back into his chair.

"I'm really sorry about all of this Jack." Li spoke softly as he pointedly looked away from the Brit, still feeling embarrassment about the whole ordeal.

Silence stretched between them as the Brit made sure to clean up each and every blood spot, and it didn't get past Li that the Jack seemed to have something on his mind. The way his brow furrowed was the dead give away.

Why does he worry about me... Li found himself thinking as he toyed with the frayed edges of the bandage wrapped around his finger. The younger man was so caught up in his thoughts that he failed to notice that the Brit was done with his task and had taken a seat at at the table.

"Li, I don't mean to pry, but are you okay?" Jack spoke softly, and he knew when the student looked up that he was anything but alright. Li always seemed to have a sad look in his eyes even though his mood tended to fall between cheery and aloof, but at that moment the Brit could tell that the younger man was barely holding it together.

"If this is a bad time for you I can leave." The Brit offered.

Li seemed to stiffen at his words. His mouth opened and closed as he tried to formulate a response, and the more the Brit watched the more he realized what was happening to the younger man.

He was coming undone right before Jack's eyes.

The blond picked up the slight shaking in Li's posture, the way his breathes were coming quietly and quickly, and the tears that threatened to fall but didn't through sheer force of will. Jack was surprised when the young man finally spoke up.

"No. I don't want to be alone."

Aaand, next chapter will be mostly fluffy angst. Until next time!