A/N: I don't own any of these characters

Flushed cheeks. Heart racing. Sweaty palms.

It seems to be a perpetual state of being for Kim Crawford as of late. It has something to do with a certain Jack Brewer. At least she's willing to admit it now. She went through a stage where she wouldn't admit it even if someone tied her to a fencepost. But ever since she told Joan about her feelings for Jack, she feels like a load's been released off her chest, and now she doesn't feel so secretive about it anymore. So what if Jack finds out? Isn't that the point?

Either way, the blushing isn't completely unprecedented. Jack seems to have an affinity for taking off his shirt lately. It's almost embarrassing how vividly she remembers the first time he took his shirt off in front of her. They'd been working on a new routine together for a partner's tournament, and as Rudy went to go get them some snacks and beverages, the two of them sat on the floor, breathing heavily, shirts soaked with sweat. It didn't help that Rudy had been too cheap to turn on the air conditioning. Milton and Jerry had already given up on attempting to spar, and lay on the ground shirtless.

It had to be at least a hundred degrees that day, and as Kim retied her hair, she was slightly surprised to see Jack strip his shirt off. "Rudy's got to turn on the air conditioning before we all die of heat stroke," Jack sighed, carelessly throwing his shirt to the side.

Kim nodded, trying hard not to stare at his torso. While it was common to see Milton and Jerry shirtless, there wasn't really much to look at with the two of them being so skinny. On the other hand, while Jack was skinny as well, he'd definitely filled out in the past year. On top of that, he's sweaty. Sweaty and shirtless.

She turns her head abruptly when she notices Jack looking at her amusedly. She's not going to give him the satisfaction of knowing that she's staring.

She isn't completely sure how long this habit will last, but she is sure that her efficiency level decreases by at least twofold whenever it occurs. She shouldn't be blamed for not being able to concentrate on sparring with Milton when Jack is on her right, shirtless and sweaty, abs taut and tightened as he strikes the punching dummy. Kim has never ever seen herself as weak, and not even a girl made of steel would be able to concentrate with an image like that.

It's gotten especially bad ever since the heat wave took over Seaford, Jack seems to be walking around shirtless quite a bit. It's gotten to the point where he's begun running full practices without his shirt on. The other boys have followed suit, but Kim hasn't found that nearly as distracting.

She's been very careful not to stare for too long, but her mind seems to be keen on detail when it comes to a certain boy's upper torso. She's counted four scars, two along the side of his stomach, one near his collar bone, and another near his hip bones.

It isn't helping that Jack seems to be finding any excuse to interact with her while shirtless. Kim's not sure if she's looking too far into his intentions, but Jack seems to be doing it on purpose. It's not like he has to take off his shirt. It's only a hundred degrees it's not that hot.

Even now! They're sitting inside Falafel Phil's, and though he doesn't have his shirt off, the top button of his shirt is undone, and every time he leans over, the second button threatens to undo itself as well. Not that Kim's been staring at it or anything. What self-respecting female wouldn't recognize a button undoing itself on an attractive male?

The truth is, it's not just the buttons that are distracting her. It feels like everything Jack does lately is distracting. Stupid perfect hair. Stupid 'dreamy' eyes. Stupid flawless smile. Kim feels a tad bit pathetic for noticing it all. But hey at least she isn't alone. The girls at school have been murmuring about what Jack would look like shirtless. And Kim feels slightly better knowing that she has actually seen what they have only imagined.

She's tempted to tell him to fix his shirt buttons (or maybe just rip them all off), but when she finally builds up the courage to tell him, he glances over and their eyes meet. Her mouth suddenly refuses to form words, and she closes her mouth, choosing instead to reach over for the ice-cold soda. Jack looks at her oddly for a moment, before reaching over as well to snatch the soda from her hands. "Give me a sip."

As he leans, the second button finally pops open, and Kim's attention is diverted back to his chest. She catches herself staring, and silently hits her knee with her fist. Stop it.

Thanks for the reviews guys :) Kim might seem a little overly girly in this one-shot, but girl's are usually a little weaker when it comes to shirtless guys. And hey, she's only human. This one-shot came about when I noticed that Milton and Jerry end up shirtless quite a bit, but Jack has yet to show up shirtless in an episode, which is a little disappointing in my opinion...here's to season 3! I've got enough ideas for at least three more one-shots, but you guys should message me with any ideas you might have! Do you guys want these one shots to be longer?