A/N: Wow, its been a long time since I updated this fic. Writers block sucks! Anyhow, I'm still not entirely happy with this chapter (It feels too filler-y to me) but I figured I may as well post it now than re-write it for the 5th time. Hope you enjoy!


A wide grin broke out across the face of Takuma Ichijo as his grandfather's car passed the grand gates of Kuran Manor. The manor itself looked absolutely stunning and the blond strained in his seat to get a better look. The doors of the Manor were wide open and bright light spilled out into the dark of the evening, illuminating the snow coated grounds.

Twinkling lights were strung artfully around the impressive columns on the front of the ancestral home and the snow glittered, sparkling where the light hit it, adding to the magic. Takuma trembled with excitement as the car came to a halt before the grand old house.


Zero Kiryuu stood quietly before the full length mirror in the room he, technically, shared with his brother. Although if Zero was honest about it he hadn't really lived in this room since he was a child. Since he was 10 actually, well if he was being specific since he was 10 years, 19 hours and about 45 minutes old.

That was the first night he had slept in Kana's room. It hadn't been a conscious decision. It hadn't been his decision at all. He had fallen asleep in Kaname's room during the birthday party Juri-san had thrown him and Ichiru for their 10th birthday and no-one had thought to move him afterward. After that it almost became a habit, a very nice habit.

The silverette blushed as he remembered the first time he had been caught trying to sneak out of Kana's bedroom unnoticed. Papa had had a fit. Ranting and raving about it being a training day and not the time for stupid sleepovers. If the talking to Kaname and Zero had received from Haru-san was anything to go by he and Juri felt the same way.

It was his mother that was the worst though. She didn't scream or yell or reprimand, no, she had just given him a knowing look. One that said quite clearly that she knew that he and Kaname didn't see each other as mere friends.

And she was right, about his feelings at least.

Zero had had a crush on the brunette for as long as he could remember. Not that he'd done anything about it, mind. He had no chance, after all. Pureblood traditions strictly prohibited dating before 15 or "the age of majority" as Haruka-san called it. Of course Kaname was 16 - plenty old enough to have a relationship according to pureblood law - and he was still single, a fact that was a great source of mystery for all. Traditionally dominant, pure-blooded male vampires stated their "intent to court" on the date of their majority, announcing to the world who their mate was and effectively staking a claim, but Kaname had not. And no one knew why.

Zero knew that Kaname's 15th birthday party had been the event of the previous year's social calendar; vampires had come from all over the world to attend the lavish party thrown by the Kurans. As was the norm for a majority party Kaname stood up after dinner and made a speech but rather than announcing his intent to court he simply said " I shall not be courting my love until they are ready and as of yet this has not happened. I apologise to those of you who are disappointed by this news but I shall handle this matter in my own way." Zero remembered the stunned silence that followed, he remembered the whispered rumours that Kaname would be courting Sara Shirabuki or even Yuuki, he remembered Haruka-san's pensive frown and Juri-san's concerned looks but most of all he remembered the pain in his chest. The ache of knowing that Kaname, his Kana, loved someone else. The ache that still haunted him every time he was near the older vampire.

Still Zero had mustered all the reserves of strength he had and pushed his pain aside. The silverette had savoured every moment he had with his Kana before the elder's bachelorhood came to an end. But after tonight Zero would have to return to his rightful place in the room he was currently standing in. It wouldn't do for him to be sharing a room, especially with a dominant like Kana, as an unmated 'adult' submissive. It would be "entirely improper" as Juri-san often said when referring to social rebellion.

You see, Zero wouldn't be making any announcements at the party, like Kaname should have and as his brother probably would, instead his status as a submissive would be confirmed and his parents would start vetting suitors form him. It was one of the many things that Zero hated about being a sub – he had no control over who his life partner would be. He counted himself as lucky though; he knew his parents would find him someone who would treat him well. He'd heard horror stories of political alliances and badly made matches where the submissives were neglected or abused or simply wasted away under the control of cruel dominants. Zero shuddered just thinking about it.

The silver haired boy took a calming breath as he straightened his tie and gave his suit a final once over in the mirror. Then he turned on his heal and strode out of the door, walking into his future.


Haruka Kuran was nervous, as he had found himself feeling often in the few months prior. He knew his son was up to something. Just what Kaname was planning he had no idea but he had quickly realised that it was going to be something big. That was Kaname's style after all; the boy never was one to do things by half. Haruka paced his study, his mind racing, as he tried to find some rhyme or reason for Kaname's odd behaviour. The Kuran patriarch knew that Kaname had a mate in mind, as did everyone else who attended his son's birthday celebration, but he had no clue who it was and that was his main problem. Haruka was slightly offended that Kaname hadn't chosen to share his plans or confide in him, but he understood. Haruka smiled ruefully to himself. His eldest child had always been shockingly independent, so Kaname asking for help would probably have been more worrying than his current silence.

The effect on Kaname's actions on other members of the household had not gone unnoticed by the Kuran Lord either. His wife, Juri, had initially been an emotional wreck when their son refused to explain his strange course of action to her. Over time she had seemed to come to a similar understanding to the one Haruka himself had reached, however he would occasionally see his lovely wife glancing worriedly at their eldest child. Leading him to believe that she was somewhat less at peace with the boy's actions that she let on. His best friend also seemed concerned but his worries lay more in the political implications of whatever Kaname was up to. Takeshi would constantly lecture the entire populous of Kuran Manor on the importance of bloodline continuation and making social connections and so on and so forth. Not that this seemed to effect Kaname in the slightest. No, the boy would simply respond with a polite "Indeed, Kiryuu-san, you are quite right" – much to Takeshi's vexation.

Haruka, though, was most worried for Takeshi's son; he had seen the flickers of sadness in young Zero's eyes in the months since Kaname's coming of age and quickly realised that the silver haired boy was far more affected by Kaname's actions that anyone had previously realised.


The Kuran Heir smiled knowingly as he watched his father pace the study anxiously from outside its heavy wooden doors. He'd given the man much to be anxious about over the past few months, he would concede, but it would all be worth it when he put his plan into action. Tonight.