Thanks for all the great reviews. This is the last chapter of this story. I'll be starting the next one soon although I'm not sure whether it will be Season 3 or Season 8. Thanks for reading!

Suddenly, I wasn't so anxious to get out of the corner. I turned around slowly to see Dean sitting on the edge of the bed with a wood-backed hairbrush next to him. Sam was sitting at the table by the window looking at his computer. Dean raised his eyebrows at me, and I considered running, but reconsidered when I remembered that running in the bus station hadn't gotten me very far.

"Jessie, do not make me come get you," Dean warned. I sighed and dragged my feet over to stand in front of him. He looked me in the eye. "Tell me why I'm spanking you."

Something flared inside me. "Because you're mean," I grumbled. "And you like to hit kids." The minute it was out of my mouth, I wished I hadn't said it. My eyes grew wide and I covered my mouth with my hand. I heard Sam choke behind me, but Dean just nodded.

"Fine, we'll discuss it when I'm done," he said. He reached forward, unsnapped my jeans, and pushed them down on my thighs before pulling me over his lap. The hairbrush was resting by my head.

"I'm sorry, Dean. I'm sorry," I insisted. He didn't say anything, just brought his hand down on my butt, hard, over and over. I squirmed and kicked, but he held me there and spanked me until I started crying. Then he stopped.

"You ready to stop being a smart ass now?" he growled.

"Yes, Dean," I said, I wiped my face with the bedspread.

"Why am I spanking you?" he asked again.

Somehow it was worse from the position of being over his lap, but I said, "Because I lied to you and I manipulated you. I told you I was going to do what you said but then I went and did what I wanted." I took a deep breath, trying to hold in the tears, but I failed. "And now you can't trust me," I wailed.

Dean said, "That's right, and I'm going to make sure that you remember it. Hand me the hairbrush."

I picked up the hairbrush and handed it to him, sniffling. I grabbed the bedspread, wishing that I wasn't over his lap, that I hadn't disregarded him. Then he brought down the brush and fire ignited across my butt. I was crying again instantly and unable to count the number of times the brush fell. Finally he stopped and helped me to my feet. I pulled my jeans back up.

Then Sam said, "Jessie, come here." My heart sank, but I turned around and walked over to him. He had closed his laptop and was frowning at me. "You have to answer to me, too."

"But Dean just spanked me!" I objected. Sam shook his head.

"I don't care," he said. He pulled unsnapped my jeans again and pulled me over his lap. He brought his bare hand down on my already sore butt.

"You need to think about how your actions affect other people, young lady," Sam said, his hand falling again and again. "You cannot go around the world doing what you want with no regard to how the people around you will feel. You cannot manipulate people or lie to them to get what you want. It's not allowed. You scared both of us. You hurt both of us."

"I'm sorry, Sam," I cried.

"We are the adults. We make the decisions. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sam," I said. I was hugging his leg and crying. He stopped spanking me and put me on my feet. I pulled my jeans back up a second time, wincing when they touched my sore butt.

"Back in the corner," Sam said. I dragged my feet back into the corner and leaned my head against the wall.

After a few minutes, Dean called me back out of the corner. I walked over to him and stood in front of him. He pointed a finger at me. "No more lying. No more manipulation."

From behind me, Sam said, "You will do what we say and let us make the decisions."

I nodded, looking at Dean with tears in my eyes. "All right," he said. "Come here." He took me into his arms and hugged me close to him. "You can stay with us. It's where you belong anyway."

Cuddled up to Dean, I was suddenly exhausted. It had been a long and hard day. I started to doze off in Dean's arms. "Jessie," Dean said. "Come on, wake up. You've got to get ready for bed."

I groaned but rolled out of his arms and staggered into the bathroom. When I came out dressed in a nightshirt, Sam had pulled the covers back on my bed. I got into the bed and Sam tucked the covers up around my chin and stroked my hair. "You're family now, Jessie," he said. He kissed me on the head and I rolled over to fall asleep.

Worth it, I thought as I drifted off. Totally worth it.

Dean woke me by shaking me the next morning. "Let's get moving, sunshine," he said. I groaned and climbed out of the bed, a little anxious to prove to them that I was good. "Shower," Dean said.

I slowly walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on. When I was done showering, I brushed my teeth and got dressed. I didn't seem any worse for wear.

When I came out of the bathroom, Dean was shoving my clothes from yesterday into my backpack and Sam was on the phone. "Yeah, Bobby. No, we're headed back there. Yeah, you can talk to her." He held the cell phone out to me.

I blanched but took the phone from him. "Hi, Bobby," I said into the phone.

"Damn it, girl. You scared the crap out of me," Bobby said. Dean carried our bags out to the car, and Sam started packing up his laptop.

I dug the toe of my sneaker into the carpet. "Sorry, Bobby," I said. "I didn't mean to. I didn't know what else to do, but Sam and Dean told me it was mean and manipulative, and that I lied to get my way, and I'm not going to do that anymore." I wondered briefly if I'd ever hear the end of this.

"You stole over two hundred dollars from my desk," he said. "You wanna explain that?"

I swallowed. I had kind of forgotten about that detail. "Sorry, Bobby. I kind of used that to pay for the bus ticket. I can give you what I have left when we get back. It's a little more than forty dollars. I just, well, I didn't want to be hitchhiking…"

"You don't steal, girl. You ask for what you need," Bobby said.

"But, you wouldn't have given it to me," I objected. "And you would have known something was up."

"Then you shouldn't have taken it. Put Dean on the phone," Bobby said.

Oh no, I thought. "I'm sorry, Bobby. I can pay you back or make it up to you somehow, can't I? Please?"

"Put Dean on the phone," Bobby repeated, punctuating each word. I dropped my head and handed the cell phone to Dean.

"Yeah, Bobby?" Dean said, taking the phone from me. "Oh, so that's how she got…" I scooted out the door and went to stand by the Impala, hoping that being out of the room would make it less likely that I'd have to pay this price right now.

No such luck. A couple minutes later, Dean stuck his head out of the room, said my name, and pointed to the spot of the ground in front of him. I sighed and dragged my feet back into the room.

Once I reached him, he grabbed my arm and looked me in the eye. "Do I even have to tell you what you did wrong?"

I shook my head. "I stole from Bobby," I whispered.

"It's a good thing that you were actually safer and easier to find because you bought that bus ticket or I'd be taking off my belt right now." My eyes got wide, my face went red, and I stared at him in horror.

"I'm not going to spank you again. I think you've probably had enough. Instead, you're on restriction," he said. "That means no books or TV and you ask before you leave our presence. When we get back to Bobby's you're going to be doing chores for him, a lot of chores, with no complaint or you'll get the spanking that I'm not giving you right now, and you'll still have to do the chores. You got it?"

"Yes, Dean," I said. I glanced at Sam, but the look on his face meant that I was getting no quarter from him. I looked at the ground. "If I can't read, what am I supposed to do while we're in the car?"

"You need us to find you something to do?" Sam asked. "Because I have some ideas, starting with you thinking about what you did wrong and how you're never going to do it again."

I swallowed. That seemed like a trap, so I said, "No, that's ok."

"You sure?" Sam asked.

"Yes," I whispered.

"All right," Dean said. "Let's get moving."

I got into the car and fastened the seatbelt. Dean cranked up his music and we were on our way back to Bobby's.

I stared out the window for a while and thought. A really happy thought occurred to me. "Does this mean I don't have to go to school anymore?"

"What?" Dean asked. "No."

"Well, if I'm going to be coming with you while you're hunting, then I can't exactly be enrolled in school." This was the best idea I'd had in a while.

Sam turned around in his seat and looked at me. "Ever hear of homeschooling?"

I narrowed my eyes and regarded him warily. "Yeah," I said.

"All we have to do is fill out a form excusing you from public school and identifying me as the teacher and we're all set. They even have to loan you the textbooks. All we need is a birth certificate and a couple of witnesses."

"So you're going to teach me?"

"Yes," Sam said.

"There's no one better," Dean said.

"I don't have my birth certificate," I said. "It probably burned in the fire, and if we try to register me here, the police will come after me."

"Bobby's working on that," Dean said. "He's calling in some favors."

Heat and shame suffused me as I realized how much I owed them. They'd rescued me in the forest and they'd taught me how to control my gift. Then, they were letting me stay with them, and now Bobby was calling in a favor to get me a birth certificate so that I could. I suddenly felt really guilty about how I'd been acting. My stomach hurt and I felt like crying, but I didn't want to do it where they could see.

I needed to distract myself. I reached down and dug into my backpack, pulling out the book that Sam had bought me. Just as I remembered that I wasn't supposed to be reading, Sam reached back and plucked the book out of my hands without saying a word.

So, I scooted over from the middle where I was sitting to the passenger side of the car and pulled my legs up on the seat with me. I hid my face in my knees and cried as quietly as I could, hoping that Dean wouldn't see me because he was driving and Sam wouldn't see me because I was behind him.

The next thing I knew, Dean was pulling over. They both got out of the car, and Sam opened the door on my side. I scooted away from it so I wouldn't fall out, and Sam slid in.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" he asked as Dean opened the door on the other side of the car and got in the back seat with me too.

I didn't know how to put it into words, so I just sobbed harder. Dean pulled me into his arms and Sam rubbed my back while I cried against Dean's chest. Finally, I said, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I've been so bad. You guys have done so much for me and I've been terrible to you."

"Shh," Dean said. "Shh. It's ok. We all love you, and we want you in our lives or you wouldn't be here. You're worth it."

"You're worth every bit of trouble you've given us so far and more," Sam said, a smile in his voice. "You've given me a niece and Dean a daughter."

I stopped crying at that news. "What do you mean?"

"The favor that Bobby is calling in is going to give you a new identity. You're Dean's daughter, Miss Jessie Elizabeth Winchester," Sam smirked.

"Why is that funny?" I asked, pulling away from Dean a little and craning my head to look at Sam.

"Well, according to the differences in your ages, Dean would have had you when he was 17, and have gotten your mom pregnant when he was 16."

Dean scowled and said, "Shut up."

I hugged him tighter and whispered into his ear, "Thank you." He blushed.

"All right, let's get back moving. We've got about seven hours of driving ahead of us," Dean said, and both of them got back into the front seat.

It was official. I was family now.