A/N: Before you read this omake-thingy-wabatubashibo, I better tell you. This little scene happens in between the time I-pin confesses on Fon's behalf and the time Viper kind-of-sort-of-not-really asks Fon out. Ya geddit? Great! Read on!
Chrome looked up as Viper stormed into the apartment, banging the door shut behind her. "Viper-nee!"
Fran poked his head out of his bedroom, looking disheveled and very sleepy. "Huh? Behind the tree?"
The teal-haired youth blinked groggily and noticed the way Viper's lips were twitching in minute movements, jerking up and down like they were having a spazz. Then he realized the full importance in the motions and joined Chrome in staring blankly at his elder cousin.
Viper took off her hoodie and chucked it across the room, her mouth still jerking at random intervals. She noticed the bewildered looks on Chrome's and the now wide-awake Fran's faces and raised an eyebrow. "Muu, what is it?"
Fran and Chrome looked at each other before simultaneously shooting bemused glances at the purple-haired miser.
A vein twitched in Viper's forehead, and Viper's mouth spasms stopped for a moment. "Muu. What?"
"Viper-nee," Chrome began timidly, "…Are you…trying to smile?"
Viper blinked. Fran gagged.
"Holy shitake mushrooms, she is!"
"I am?"
"Yes you—wait, you don't know whether you're smiling or not? What is this madness! Ay vey, why me?" Fran wailed dramatically (and yet still with a blank face) as he stumbled backwards back into his room. Chrome bit her lip and murmured, "I'll go get you some strawberry milk, Viper-nee" before scurrying off into their apartment's kitchen.
Viper blinked her unseen eyes once more and frowned, momentarily halting her unconscious mouth twitches.
"Muu, what's gotten into them?"
A/N: Because Viper doesn't know how to smile. AT ALL. Emulate Fran and Chrome—RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!
…Aaaaanywaaaay… I wrote this kind of as an extra. And I liked the idea of explaining Viper's weird mouth twitching so…
Hope you liked!