This would not go unpunished. Eris stood above the humans looking down at them in a way she was most unaccustomed to... watching them as they went about their daily lives.

Her gaze shifted from the calm city scene to her hand. Her light mortal hand attached to the rest of her new mortal body. He would pay.

She sensed a presence behind her, joining her on the rooftop. A strong powerful presence laced with hatred, power and just the slightest hint of stupidity. Just like the war that was about to come crashing down on the unknowing mortals below.

"Sister." he said extending his hand .

"Leave me brother." She hissed clenching her hands. Her sharp nails dug into her skin causing her for the first time ever to feel pain.

"Sister... The gods are-"

"The gods are WRONG!" She shouted. "Ares! You of all people know the truth and yet you allowed him to-" She turned expecting to find her twin brother looking down at her, his eyes ablaze with joy at the slaughter that was about to begin at the hands of his pawn Hitler, but she turned to an empty rooftop; Ares was gone. Off to begin his plans for the second world war to devastate the planet no doubt.

With an annoyed sigh, Eris again directed her attention to the humans below. She may have been banished to live as one of them, but she still had some power left. The only thing he'd managed not to take. Her chance would come. Until then, she would be patient.

This wasn't over.

Eris opened her eyes. Something was happening; something large. Something magnificent.

She sat up from the bed and blinked the last bits of sleep from her eyes. She could sense it; all of it. The feelings, the pain, the panic, the fear. And the chaos. The glorious chaos.
Immediately she felt rejuvenated. She was back in her element. It had been nearly 7 decades since she'd last experienced it. And now she had it all back, her full power.

Slowly her limp mortal hair began to dance in the air around her head, her olive skin becoming florid once again as her mortal body began to vanish. She ran to the glass window and pulled back the large curtains desperate to see what was causing her happiness.

The curtain ripped apart and fell to the floor to reveal the whole of downtown New York falling apart before her.

She choked back a sob. It was beautiful. Odd creatures scaled the walls of the tall buildings, destroying everything in their path. A huge gaping hole in the sky served, from what she could only assume, as a portal of some sort. A doorway for large worm like objects shooting from its sides... pods?

It wasn't until one of them flew close to her building that she realized, the worms were just a carrier for the monster like warriors tearing through the city.

One of them attached itself to her window and let out a deafening screech. Eris couldn't help it; she smiled and waved.

However it seemed that just as soon as the carnage began, it was over.

Eris, expecting the the complete annihilation of New York to be a lengthy show, pushed one of the sitting chairs in her spacious living room to the window, popped one of the more tasteful mortal foods; popcorn, and grabbed a "Coke" from her fridge before settling down prepared for a show.

Everything was going perfectly. Every once in a whole a building would crumble or the wind would bring a scream of terror her way. Of course, she'd seen , and been the cause of, similar scenes; raids during the time of the Vikings, The Trojan War and the Battle of Thermopylae. But this! This wonderful collaboration of discord and panic. She sighed in adoration of whoever the mastermind of this attack was. He or she had to have had some former experience.

A stream of fire shot into the air and vanished within the portal and everything changed. The creatures suddenly fell down dead, all of them, and the portal began to close.

The invigorating feeling she'd begun getting used to for the last 30 ineuts began to fade. It was over.

"Well..." she murmured to herself as she dusted her once again human hands, wiping away popcorn crumbs. "It's not exactly what I was looking for but, I suppose it's a good sign." It may not have been the 'all problem solving' solution she'd hoped for but, then again, she didn't think it would be... At least, not that easily.

No, it was a start. But once again she'd have to be patient.

And perhaps do a bit of research.

-One year later-

Loki sloshed through the rain slightly irritated; he had just wasted an entire evening at what the humans claimed to be an excellent performance. The opera was mediocre at best, lasting only two hours and having a plot that left much to be desired. A black car drove by him as he attempted to cross the street, splashing his entire torso in the process. Loki bit back a growl. How he loathed these humans. These pitiful, stupid creatures that found nothing better to do with their time other than to 'text' or 'Facebook' each other. Past times, that throughout his banishment to this pathetic piece of rock, his 'brother' Thor had tried desperately to convince him to indulge in.

Yes, upon his failed attempt at overthrowing Midgard his brother had not only banished him from his rightful home in Asgard, but instead had forced him to live on Earth under constant supervision of S.H.I.E.L.D. Glorious, simply glorious. The only redeeming factor in this whole situation (if he would dare to even call it that), was that the mortal Tony Stark was funding his living here; giving him the chance to make his hovel of an 'apartment', as he was informed they were called, as close to his old chambers as possible.

He saw the lights at the tip of the tall skyscraper that was his temporary home and continued forward through the harsh rain. Unwillingly, he continued thinking about his current situation. Not only was Thor the newly proclaimed king of Asgard, but he still took every opportunity to visit his "favorite brother." 'The big oaf.' Loki thought rolling his eyes. He was his ONLY brother. And even then he was adopted.

Through the sound of the rain a loud annoyingly familiar tune suddenly began to surround him.

Speak of the devil. He dug into his completely soaked through pocket and pulled out the vibrating silver midgardian device. The 'cellular phone' he was required to keep on his person as a part of his parole. He stopped under an awning and flipped the device open.

"Hello Thor-"

"BROTHER!" Loki's greeting was cut off by an over enthusiastic Thor on the other end. "How have you been? It has been many a day since we've last spoken!"

"On the contrary, I think it has been too few." Loki mumbled.

Despite the haziness of the connection, Thor somehow managed to hear him. "Oh, Brother, you jest! How are things in your new home? I trust the Man of Iron has offered you comfortable accommodations."

"Yes, Thor, they are suitable." Loki said, once again rolling his eyes.

"That's wonderful!" Suddenly Thor began to shout. "I do believe the phone connection is breaking up Loki! I shall come to Midgard to visit you soon!"

Whatever attention Loki wasn't paying was suddenly honed in on Thor's words. "Wait- What- Thor- NO!"

"I must be going, brother! I look forward to our visit!"

"Thor- NO WAIT YOU'RE NOT LISTENING TO ME!" A mechanical female's voice began speaking in his ear to confirm the lost connection and Loki flipped the phone closed giving an aggravated sigh before he slipped it back into his pocket. Great. Now he had that to dread.

He pulled his scarf closer around his neck and continued down the street. Whoever was responsible for his fate was cruel indeed. He had fallen so far, failed so many times, and even now, on another planet, he was STILL overshadowed by Thor. The humans hailed him as a hero while he, once seen as a monster, as the bringer of doom upon the realm of Manhattan, was reduced to a faceless nobody living out his days in New York. It was he who should be king, he who deserved–

He stopped himself. he'd had this same conversation with himself over and over, and as frustrating as it was to realize, nothing was going to change. It was best to shut his own personal demon up before having to menatlly deal with it again for the rest of the night.

Nothing ever changed.

It was at that moment, when he was chilled to the bone and wanted nothing more than to reach his apartment and retire, that someone collided roughly into him.

'Move it, old man!' She said shoving him into a wall. Annoyed, Loki righted himself and began straightening his collar, pausing when he felt his damp hand on his bare neck. He saw his scarf in her hand just before she rounded the corner and vanished.

This mortal was a fool indeed if she thought she could rob him. Loki had been through much in his life, many traumatizing events that had driven him well into the abyss of madness. But it was at that moment, having his scarf taken from him by some mortal (his favorite scarf no less, it matched his eyes), the tiny remnants of his sanity seemed to shatter.

He took off down the sidewalk, shoving passed people completely ignoring insults thrown at him as a result. He rounded the corner and looked up into the dark alley. She was standing on a fire escape looking down at him with a smirk snide enough to match even his. He'd never felt more agitated. Feeling the long dormant training he'd endured as a child wake up inside of him, he began to jump up, clutching onto each of the metal rails as he began to rise level by level. Up above he saw her continuing to scale the building as well, twisting and jumping in ways suited more to a warrior herself rather than a simple mortal. She flipped over the last rail and landed on the roof of the building.

Loki followed closely, ignoring any common sense that would have been telling him something was off. He clutched the top of the rooftop and pulled himself over, feeling magic waiting to be released. He growled a bit as he watched the girl, soaking wet like himself, tie the scarf around her neck and cross her arms as she waited.

"Helloooooooo Loki." She said with a grin.