I know you are all wondering what i am doing starting another story but i am. The rest of my story's as of now are On Hiatus, I sadly am having trouble writing anything with happiness and just in general to deal with the character of Rachel Berry. So i've decided to write a Quinn Centric piece with mentions of Rachel and Faberry. I have decided to set this story before the movie Thor and the Avenger's as i have decided to have Quinn delve into that universe but the story is all about Quinn, her relationships, her highs and her lows. If anyone has questions feel free to P.M. me. Now on with the story.

It was Monday morning, early by my standards as I walked the halls of McKinley, heading toward my locker. I am about there when a shock of red hair catches my attention, and I slow imperceptively, going over reasons for why she could be here in my head. Finally I realize that there are only two options to why she would be here, a) I did something to get myself into trouble or b) I am being called in. Both options make my stomach roil and I feel tension spreading through my body, slowly seeping in like the cold. Finally I reach my locker, not making eye contact with the agent to my right, hoping desperately that she will leave me alone. Just as I am turning away she calls to me, almost inaudibly, but I still hear her.


My whole body freezes and I turn, my eyes meeting the green ones boring into me.


I arch an eyebrow looking at the S.H.I.E.L.D agent in front of me.

"Quinn, I need you to come with me."

At that I immediately begin to backpedal away from her, not wanting the words that she is saying to be true. I'm only eighteen and I don't know whether or not I want the life of an agent. Without a word from me, I turn heel and swiftly walk away, but all too soon I hear the footfalls of her boots close behind me. Quickly I duck into an empty classroom and after she has entered I shut and lock the door.

"Are you here alone?"

Natasha's facial expression doesn't change and I know I'm not going to get anything from her, but I don't have to I already know the answer. I quirk a small smile, "No matter, just tell Barton he might want to move the car before Sue Sylvester gets here."

This gets a small rise out of the stoic agent, as a small smile graces her lips. "Not bad Fabray, and I will tell him."

I nod my head taking the compliment from the normally standoffish agent. "I try 'Tasha but you already know that. Now please tell me why you are here."

I watch as Natasha lounges gracefully against the wall keeping in sight with the door.

"I'm here because Fury wants to speak with you."

I look at the senior agent a moment before turning away. "And what you just volunteered for the task?"

When I don't get an answer I turn to look at her glaring, but I find her nodding her head in answer.

"Wait you volunteered to come and get me? Why? And why now?"

The red haired agent pushes of the wall and walks till she is a few paces in front of me but still in line with the door. " I volunteered because I know this will be hard for you but also because I know you trust me. As for why now I can't say. Fury keeps a lot of things to himself."

I glare at Natasha angrily, "You have no idea what this is doing or how I feel. I just got my life to where I finally feel like I'm me and now you're here with orders and screwing it all up."

She takes a step closer as if trying to console me but I back away. "Don't Tasha. I don't want your pity."

I move toward the door but halt stiffly before turning back around. "I will go with you but before I do I need to say good bye."

I don't wait to hear a reply from the other agent, instead I simply unlock the door and walk out. I can feel rather than see Natasha following me but I brush it off. Seeing Santana and Brittany by their lockers I make my way to them. I can see Santana looking between Natasha and myself when a devilish look crosses her face. I sigh knowing nothing good will come from her mouth. I am about an arm's length away from her when she says, "So Q are you finally going to introduce us to your lover?" I don't show any emotion even though one of my best friends just outed me to my superior officer. I look at Santana my gaze unrelenting.

"Santana I have to go and I'm not sure how long I will be gone. So please tell everyone in Glee that I'm sorry , especially Rachel." My heart clenches at the thought of the petite brunette and how she will take this news. Santana looks at me, really looks at me and sees that I am telling the truth.

"Of course Quinn. Will I hear from you?"

I glance back at Natasha who nods her head yes. Turning back to Santana I answer, "Yeah you will but, when and how often I can't tell you." The fiery Latina I have come to know crumbles as she pulls me into a hug followed by Brittany and for a moment I bask in the warmth and love but I know I can't stay so I pull away. Uttering a soft good bye I shoulder my bag, turning and walking away, closing off all emotions. When I walk out of the building Natasha is next to me and silently we walk to the car where Clint is waiting for us. He greets me with a smile, "Hey."

I don't reply or even acknowledge I've heard him, instead I just get into the car. Natasha and Clint sit in the front talking quietly as we drive away from the only life I have ever known. When we reach the airport, the three of us take a jet to the S.H.E.I.L.D hellicarrier. Finally we touch down but I am reluctant to leave my seat and have a white knuckled grip on the armrests. Clint see's this and calls to me softly as he and Natasha vacate the jet.

"Come on Fabray, I don't think you want to live in here." Clint and Natasha walk off the plane leaving me sitting there alone. Feeling the tension ease from my body I release my death grip on the armrests and move stiffly from the jet, falling in a short ways behind Natasha and Clint. We all walk to the bridge of the ship where my fate awaits me. Nick Fury, in all his brooding silence is staring out the huge windows at the vast ocean. Natasha and Clint both take seats at the table but I remain standing, my weight balanced precisely so I can move quickly if need be.


That one word rings out loudly and my eyes immediately lock onto Fury.

"Barton, Romanoff, you're dismissed, I need to speak with Agent Fabray."

Hearing him address me as Agent sends a shiver down my spine and it sinks in that I am really leaving my old life behind. The two agents head out, Natasha giving me a searching look before leaving me. I turn and look at Fury and try to gauge how this conversation will go but I can't read him at all.

"I know you are curious as to why I called you in, it's a highly classified matter, known only by myself and a select few. When you were first brought to our attention it was your dedication as a leader and your athleticism that interested us, but now that has changed.

As we have watched you we have noticed an increase in your strength, speed and senses. We wish to keep you here for a month for evaluation and testing, then send you on your first assignment in the field."

I stare at Fury wide eyed, to shocked to say a thing. Finally he turns to me, "That is all."

The dismissal is sharp and his tone brooks no argument. I turn heel, biting my tongue to keep from spouting some inane thing that will surely get me in trouble.

Growling under my breath I find my way to the gym area, and without breaking stride I begin to wallop on a punching bag. But my concentration breaks when the bag snaps from the metal hooks holding it, and when it hits the floor sand spills from a hole in it. Glancing at my hands I find them covered in fine grains. I truly have no idea what to do so in a moment of quick thinking I pick up the bag and drag it off to the side and then go in search of a new one. My search turns up empty so I decide to do the only other thing I know will work to blow off steam, run. I start off with a steady rhythm around the track and before I realize it I have picked up substantial speed. As I am running I get this feeling that I am not alone, and once I am able to pin point where I believe the person is I level myself up in a jump, twisting my body so that I am able to throw a small knife I always keep on my person. I hear the knife as it sinks into metal but by that time my feet are firmly planted on the ground watching and waiting. I don't have to wait long as Clint climbs down from the rafters with my knife in hand.

"Woah Fabray, easy with the pointy objects, wouldn't want to have to explain why we need a new agent."

I breathe a sigh of reliefe, "Well thank gods for that, I don't want to talk to Fury anymore than I have to."

Right at that moment the speakers crackle to life, "Fabray, report the the deck immediately."

My smile immediately turns to a frown and I turn quickly, leaving Clint to stare after me in amazement.

I don't know what Fury wants but if he keeps this up, he is going to have a very angry agent on his hands.

So i hope you all liked the first chapter and if you have any questions just P.M. me and i will answer them. :D Also if you could review you would totally make my day.