After looking at some pictures/collages of Merida and Hiccup together on Deviant art(The person who made them was CHARLIELOU107), I had the urge to try and explain what story was behind each picture . Some of the stories are kind of Romeo and Juliet-ish because of some videos on You Tube that inspired me as well.

OH! And each drabble is titled after the picture/collage thingy. LOL, don't know what to call them. :P

Forgive me and my horrible way in trying to write Merida's accent, I just gave up at sometimes and made her just say " ye'". One last thing, I guess these little drabbles are set after HTTYD, and you can imagine Hiccup and Merida at any age you want them to be. I just go with them being teenagers. Nuff said.


" I brought you a cake! It's not the best, but I tried my best to make it for you!" Merida smiled brightly handing Hiccup the little cake that sat on the plate in her hands.

With no wait, Hiccup was eager to try her dessert. Pastries in Berk? Yeah Right, everything about Berk is tasteless and rough…especially what grows there. It would be a blessing to have something sweet and sugary to eat.

Hiccup grinned, grabbing the fork and plate. He quickly dug the fork into the little cake and was ready to finally taste it. He quickly felt his eagerness die, and his face slightly winced. He was ready to barf the horrible cake out, until he saw Merida's face of disappointment.

"Oh crap… well Hiccup you ate a raw fish barfed by a dragon before, I'm sure you can gulp down a sour cake."

He gulped it despite the salty taste it had, and grinned his

slant smile at her. Despite how much he was holding down his mouth's dissatisfaction.

" Um.. This was fantastic! Really, really…delicious. Never had anything like it…never."

Merida's face lit up and she squealed " Aw thank you Hiccup! Why don't you eat the rest then!"

Hiccup shuddered and realized he'd have to just take in some more…


The arrow sliced threw the air. It pierced right through the circular piece of wood painted with a red centered dot. The arrow's tip smack right into the center of the target. Their was a moment of silence.

The boy lowered the bow, and opened his closed right eye to see his success in finally hitting the target perfectly. A look of pure shook stuck on his face, despite the spontaneous laughter and applause from the girl next to him. Her untamed curly hair dancing all around, smacking him in the face most of the time.

He looked over at the girl who continued to cheer for Hiccup. " You did it, Hiccup! Ye' made the perfect bulls eye!" She exclaimed clasping her hands into her wild hair. She looked off at the target, blissfully unaware at the look Hiccup gave her.

His lips slowly turning into his infamous crocked smile and his left eyebrow slowly lowering, he stared at her bright eyes and excite.

She finally turned to him, with a big smile and noticed the look she was receiving. Soon, her face started to slowly clam and slightly mock his. She pulled a stray curl behind her ear and felt a blush overcome her face.

They both finally came to the realization… were they actually, "just friends".





Hiccup and Merida were glaring at each other in the extreme. Hiccup's stern face slowly turning into a look of disappointment and disbelief. Merida's glare fading into a look of confusion.

" Merida… w-we just can't."

"Wha' do ye' mean?"

" Our friendship… it's way out of line… I'm a Viking. And you're the princess of DunBroch… a Scott! We're suppose to be at each other's throats… not…frolicking in a field of flowers!" his voiced trialed with usual sarcasm.

"So? Who says I can't change my own fate and make my own decisions? I thought you understood that."

Hiccup looked down at Merida as he stood on the high rock. Holding his face of disappointment. All he could do is sigh as Merida looked up at him with a stare of longing for him to come to an understanding. She hoped he would come to an understanding and not let their families' battle overcome him.

" Well… do you understand… please tell me you do Hiccup." Merida held her face of hope and anticipation looking up at Hiccup. The large boulder he stood on kept their distance further apart. Only making the decision he was about to make worse.

"J-Just go." He turned his face away from her, biting his tongue. He didn't want her to leave, but for her safety…he had to.

"Wha- how could ye' say tha' Hiccup! I thought we were friends!" Hiccup continued to hold back as Merida came closer to the rock, possibly trying to climb onto it. " AT LEAST LOOK AT ME!" she yelled at him.

" JUST GO ALREADY! Don't you get it?! You could be killed, I defiantly would be killed for being a possible traitor or spy or something ! I've just been accepted by my village , and here you come making my life hard to deal with AGAIN ! Just leave." He looked back down at her, with that same look of disapproval and disappointment.

" I can't believe you just said that..." She held her firm look, and with that, she turned around and ran off.

Secret Glance

" Peace Treaty?! With you hooligans?!" yelled the mighty, strong Stoic. Behind him was his good friend Gobbler, a few other Vikings, and his son Hiccup.

The Vikings stood in a large room filled with candles and a large desk. On the other side of Stoic, was the very unsettled King of DunBroch. Next to him was the Queen, a few of his others , and his only daughter, Merida.

" Why you good-for-nothing savages! You want to stay stubborn, fine by me! This means war!" yelled King Fergus. Stoic gnarled and his facial expression showed nothing by irritation. As they argued, Stoic and Fergus didn't noticed their children secretly glancing at one another.

Not to mention completely unaware of their secret friendship they had, as well as kind-of ended a few days ago.

Hiccup stared at Merida the whole time, her wild, curly, fiery red hair covering most of her face. Yet he could see her hazel eyes staring deep into his. They acted as if they never met, and as if they didn't know one another.

Yet, despite their silence, Merida could read his expression all over his face. His eyebrows were heavy over his eyes, and his mouth slightly ajar like he wanted to speak but couldn't. She could read the feeling of regret and remorse. He just stood their next to his father staring directly at Merida.

His dark olive eyes tried to read her face. All he could see was innocence, and nothing else. She was so good at concealing her emotions he guessed.

" What have I done… I need to fix this…"he thought to himself.

He felt his father grab him by his shoulder, yanking him out of his stare and pulling him back on earth so-to-speak. With one more look as he followed his father and fellow Vikings out the room, he was determined.

" I'm defiantly going to fix this… time to nearly kill myself over a friend…again."


Merida fiddled around with her bow and arrows sitting next to her good friend Angus. Sitting in the open field, she had enough peace and quiet to think to herself. About the war between her kingdom and the Vikings. How distant Hiccup was the other day during her father and his father's argument. She knew they were fighting over land or something like that, honestly she wasn't quite sure. She always heard people say that Vikings were ruthless thieves, pirates, vandals and such.

She automatically laughed to herself thinking of Hiccup. Hiccup was a suppose Viking but was nowhere close to the description. He was quiet, meek, sweet, and very awkward. But what drew her to Hiccup was his stubbornness to be different and to look at things differently than others. She remember the story Hiccup told her and his forbidden friendship with his Dragon Toothless. How his village hated dragons and tried to kill them at all times, yet he befriended them.

Hiccup was like her, she thought. Trying to make his own descions in life and change his fate. That is…until it came to their friendship.

Merida really thought he liked her, until his friend Astrid told him Merida was the princess. Merida felt a sudden hatred towards Astrid. But what's the use, he was going to find out sooner or later.

In a forest behind Merida, sat a certain someone starting at her. He hid behind a tree and some bushes and grass. Thinking on how he was going to approach her and apologize. It didn't help that she had arrows in her hands and was very good at aiming…

" Okay… I'll just walk up to her and…apologize…" He mumbled to semi-himself and towards his dragon that hid right by him.


" This… This is the Hiccup I met at first." Merida said as hugged him for dear life. She pulled away from the bear hug that made him very red in the face.

"I-Uh... umm." Hiccup stuttered, being overcome by his natural awkwardness. Merida sneered and stared deep into his eyes, just to make sure he wasn't playing any type of trick. With their faces so close, that only made Hiccup stutter more.

"W-Well, I-I was s-sidetracked a bit... but toothless bent me back into shape... a bit." Hiccup snorted dorkly as he watched his dragon roll all over the grass in the open field. When he turned back to Merida , a sudden awkward silence covered them both. For what one knew why.

" So… now that the war is official and our families are gonna start battling… we need to be extra careful I'm guessing." Merida said pulling a hair from out of her eyes and over her ear to get a good look at Hiccup.

" Extremely, because I'm still not too keen on dying …but I'm defiantly not too keen on giving up on y-you..." Hiccup mumbled the last part trying to look at anything but her.

Merida smiled genuienly, " I can say the same ya awkward little viking...your definatly too special too lose."

Hiccup felt a sudden reassurance, and smiled along with her. " that makes me feel... 100% , We defiantly can't just walk up to our parents and go ' Hey, guess I'm best friends with the enemy!"

Despite the fact they were speaking about each other lives being on the line, they couldn't help but just feel happy.

" I guess we can think up some crazy plan tomorrow morning, it's getting dark." Merida said softly, looking up at the sun that was near it's end at setting.

Okay, I might make some more little stories oand continue on with my little timeline . Once I see more pictures . And kudos again to CharlieLou107 and your ability to recreate some awesome pictures! I recommend everyone to look at the pictures on Deviantart by CharlieLou17, so you can really see Hiccup and Merida's expressions better !