A/N: SURPRISE! Long time no see, eh?
Here's a little holiday present!
I'm finally back from that my trip, and I gotta say, I enjoyed myself. Not so much the car ride, though. That was the stuff of nightmares with all the traffic, constant stops, and my bickering family members. So when I FINALLY got back on my computer after nearly four days, I found this fic was next on the request list. Which rather works out, considering I was already planning to update it as way of celebrating the recent release of Rogue One. Which brings up another question that I think we should give some credence.
Should I see it?
Is it any good, particularly?
Please let me know here, folks!
Also, ya'll can expect an update for Shinobi Menace, soon! Now...
...onto the next update! Sorry if it is short!
"Yeaaaaaaaaah...I'm not flying this thing."
"Why not?"
"Because we'd all be dead by now."
In Brightest Day
Commander Bly was not having a good day.
It had begun with that thrice-blasted Order Sixty-Six and ended with the deaths of two jedi. As well as a pounding migraine. Said migraine was presently doing its best to beat him senseless; hammering his temples and setting his skull screaming for relief. Bly rather felt like a fair bit of screaming himself, given the circumstances. Orders or not-chip or not!-there was only so many atrocities a man -even if he was a clone- would willingly commit before he began to question them. And questions he had, questions aplenty.
Staring at himself in the mirror, his gaunt reflection offered no answers.
"Well," he rumbled, "What am I going to do, now?"
Had they done the right thing?
Had he been right to shoot, first?
Had the Jedi truly betrayed the Republic?
At the time he'd followed the order without thinking. Good soldiers followed orders, after all. All clones knew that much. But with time came questions and questions, doubt. It had seemed so right at the time, he hadn't even thought to argue it, at all. Why had he blindly followed that order? Why didn't he question it? Why? A real soldier knew when to disobey a bad order. A real soldier didn't blindly listen to distant superiors who knew next to nothing about the ways of war, let alone how they were waged. Yet he'd believed in them. Trusted them.
...he didn't know what to believe.
All he had was a pounding headache.
Two other padawans had been gunned down on Felucia. He didn't even remember their names, and that was troubling enough by itself. Of Aayla and Bariss, there was nothing to be seen. Bly counted himself lucky in that; if they were alive somewhere on the planet down there, he at least hadn't taken part in their deaths, nor had he seen any sign of their bodies. Because for all their orders and the jargon that the Jedi were now enemies of the Republic-he couldn't bring himself to believe any of that. It just didn't make sense. He'd acted on orders without thinking once already, and look where that had gotten him. No, he needed to be careful about this, keep his suspicions to himself lest he voice it to others.
He'd taken to banging his head against the wall for the last five minutes to smack some sense into himself. Oddly enough, it had lent him a strange sense of clarity. With clarity came confusion. Regret. Surely there had been a mistake. The Jedi wouldn't just take over like that. It wasn't in their nature. And even if by some chance it was...no.
Surely Aayla and Bariss weren't a part of that.
He'd served with those girls for the better part of the campaign, learned to fight beside them as a true comrade should. They were more than just generals to him. They were allies.
They were good.
He refused to believe that they, at least, were involved in such duplicity.
Of course, it didn't matter what he believed now, did it?
If there was one thing he knew for certain about Palpatine and Republic High Command it was their refusal to acknowledge the individual. When it came to matters such as these; his superiors would likely just sweep his questions -and him as well if he pressed matters too far!- under the rug, never to be heard from again. The Supreme Chancellor had been adamant in that; his unit wouldn't be leaving Felucia until both Bariss Offee and Aayla Secura's bodies were presented to him.
And it was only the first day!
Realizing he'd been drifting off, Bly recluctantly closed the vibrating blade of his razor down and stowed it behind the mirror's base. Locked it, trying his utmost not to meet the haunted eyes of his reflection. He reached for the lights with a sigh, quietly resigning himself to what would likely be the first in a long string of sleepless nights to come. His fingers paused at the last instant, reconsidering. Slumber was just as likely to be elusive at any rate. He needed a good cup of caff to wash it all down. Maybe a drink. Some time with his men. Perhaps then he'd be able to forget about this. Misery loved company, after all.
It was a vain, fleeting thought, but at least it gave him some relief.
And thus, without thinking, he palmed the lights.
Briefly plunged itself into darkness, Bly cursed himself for the slip and hurriedly slapped the switch for a second time.
Whitewashed walls greeted him at once, his humble quarters the same as they'd always been. There was his bunk in the corner, his chest with his armor and helmet-
The power failed suddenly and inexplicably before Bly could complete his inspection. Nearly on cue, the Star Destroyer gave a mighty lurch beneath his feet, groaning as though it had been struck a terrible blow. For a fleeting instant the room dove back into darkness once more. But only a moment. Then the emergency power kicked on with a sputtering star, dim red panels of wan illumination reluctantly lending light to the shadows to banish the blackness, however slightly with their crimson flares. Bly couldn't bear to look at it.
It reminded him too much of the blood on his hands.
"Damnitall!" the words exploded from him in a rush, like bile burning at the back of his throat. "Why did we listen to that blasted order?! What were we thinking?!"
So consumed was he in his own thoughts that he nearly didn't notice the shadow until it was nearly too late.
Old instincts weren't easily abandoned, however; and some sixth sense compelled him to turn and look up. With a start, he noticed a pair of striking blue eyes peering at him from the shadows of the ceiling, veiled in a thin veneer of glowing energy. As if someone were physically standing on the high surface itself. But that was impossible. You'd have to possess some kind of gear to defy the gravity like that and that kind of tech was anything but silent so how?! As if sensing his fear, the intruder grinned at him pearly whites flashing mercilessly in the dark. A deep, throaty growl rumbled into the gloom.
"Nice ship ya got here."
The unprofessional oath Bly bellowed would have alerted the Star Destroyer's entire crew-had she one left to meet muster. When no alarms blared in response, when no one came running to his rescue, he realized what had transpired on his watch. It didn't take a genius to see the red blood on the blond's hands, nor did it require one of comparable intellect to put two and two together. Somehow this assassin-a Separatist of some sort, perhaps?-had managed to infiltrate their cruiser and incapacitate, if not outright kill the crew.
Alas, the intruder didn't give him time to dwell on it.
The next he knew the shadow blurred and a the air crackled with smoldering ozone. Bly threw himself backwards and just in time at that; for a pair of green and blue blades scissored towards his neck, nearly pinning him to the wall as the glowing weapons firmly buried themselves into the durasteel. Searing heat caressed his neck, promising pain-and instant death-if he so much as twitched. Bly wasn't inclined to test his luck. He was far too baffled to even consider it. Coupled with his crippling guilt and the commander all but found himself paralyzed.
"Don't move," a dark hiss trickled into his ear, "Unless you want to end up like the rest of your friends."
Bly tried to speak, all that emerged was a strangled croak.
Incredulity warred with anger and he glowered in disbelief at the one who'd gotten the drop on him. Where had he found those lightsabers? He'd never seen the man before in his life. He didn't wear the robes of a jedi, nor a padawan for that matter. Far from it, in fact. He'd donned trooper armor of all things, the pristine white material stained with blood, pitted and scorched with the signs of battle. Worse, he looked absolutely chipper despite the blatant affront to his pride. An impostor, then? An infiltrator? It would be just like the damn Separatists to attempt something like this.
For a fleeting instant, no one moved. Nothing happened. Nothing at all.
Neither clone nor man moved, each staring at one another.
Of course, this silence only lasted so long, mind you.
"So, commander." the blond began with a chipper smile, "I couldn't help but notice your little monologue back there. Feeling guilty, as we?"
Bly growled.
"If you're going to kill me, get it over with."
The blond seemed to consider him for a long moment.
Then, incredibly, the blade-wielder shook his head and stepped back.
"No," he declared firmly, "I have a better idea."
Abruptly he extinguished both sabers, drawing a blink from the commander.
Bly never saw the first fly at his face until it was too late.
"I can't believe that actually worked."
"You say that like its a bad thing!"
"Says the girl who died."
Aayla exhaled in quiet, unutterable disagreement as she finally felt the floor shudder underfoot, her world shaking quietly in the dark. But with that distant tremor came relief. It was a clear, irrefutable sign that they were finally underway, that the autopilot had taken control and the clones in the hold had been dispatched. It was...difficult not to flinch at that thought. Even now she still found herself thinking of the clones as allies, unable to reconcile their sudden betrayal with reality. It made no sense. Why would Bly and the others turn on them like that? The idea that one so loyal could turn so easily was...worrying.
Terrifying, even.
As if sensing her disquiet, Bariss laid a hand on her shoulder, squeezing her gently.
"It'll be alright," the padawan's voice soothed her, "We just need to trust him."
Right. Trust. Because she was so capable of trust right now.
Trust an absolute stranger.
Ah, sithspit.
She couldn't properly see her fellow jedi in the dark, but then again, she didn't need to. Even in absolute blackness, Bariss burned in the Force like a blinding beacon of light in her senses-a radiant, second sun when she opened herself to it. Aayla couldn't find a proper explanation for it. There was just seemed to be something...different about her. An aura of peace she couldn't fathom. She didn't seem as distraught about the deaths of her fellow jedi as Aayla herself was; saddened, yes, but not all but broken by it. If anything, she seemed to have embraced it since her rebirth, as well her emotions, and that troubled her a great deal.
Her own feelings writhed and seethed under her grip, threatening to slip the leash if she gave them too much slack.
Anger, anxiety, loss and pain so much pain she felt like she couldn't breathe. The anger was worse. All of it swirling together in a heady, intoxicating brew, longing to lash out of everyone and everything. That was the problem with tamping down your emotions. Suppressing them. One could only do so much, for so long.
Their world shuddered again and Aayla groaned, tucking her knees tightly to her chest.
She'd never been good with tight spaces.
Bariss had been slightly more fortunate in that regard.
This had been the only way to get them off-world, however.
Now she-and Barriss-had been crammed into a crate.
T'was a small world indeed...
All because of his plan.
(...Some Hours Earlier...)
"Now then, shall we?" Naruto's voice carried over towards them, prompting both jedi to turn...
Just in time to find him squirming into an armored suit. In the time since they'd started conversting he'd stripped a nearby trooper of his bodysuit and armor, slapping the relatively intact pieces on one by one. Now he held the helmet tucked under arm, grinning like a chesire cat. Before either woman could ask him what the devil he was up to, he placed his hands together. A plume of smoke enveloped him abrupt, when it cleared, they found themselves standing at an exact replica of the very clone the blonde had slaughtered.
"Whaddya think?" The pseudo clone-trooper asked. "I look and sound just like the real thing, don't I?"
"By the Force...Naruto, what are you doing?" Bariss breathed. She'd known he possessed all manner of supernatural abilities, but this? This was insane! He looked and sounded just like the genuine article! What was he up to, she wondered? More importantly, how could he transform himself into someone else?
"I'd thought about transforming into old Palpy himself," he admitted with a wry laugh, "Hell, I could've even used the Sexy Technique to just incapacitate the bastards but now that wouldn't be any fun." A flick of his fingers summoned a horde of kage bunshin, near-exact duplicates of himself in his current transformed state. The women awaited an eventual explanation to this mad-hatted plan of his. None came. The blonde's only response was to simply slide the bucket on his head, and turn his attention toward the dead troopers littering the clearing. Or more importantly...
...their armor?
It wasn't until each clone had picked each body clean of weapons and armor, clearly avoiding those who were too mangled to use, that Aayla finally understood. It was brilliant. They found themselves staring at an entire clone trooper platoon, virtually unrecognizable from the same squad they'd slain only hours before. Beside her, Bariss gasped. Evidently she too, realized what he intended. The idea was so convoluted, so off base,that she'd all but dismissed it out of hand. But now, now...she could see an idea forming in his head.
Naruto's grin couldn't be seen behind his helmet, but rest assured, it outshone the sun.
"I'm going to enjoy this...!"
"Well, that might work for YOU and Bariss," Aayla groused, folding her arms, "But what about us? I can't wear one of those helmets."
Naruto grinned.
"Well, first things first...
His laughter turned dark as he-and his clones-donned their helmets.
...we're going to a need a box."
Aayla and Bariss exchanged a baffled look.
"Knock, knock! Anyone home?"
A light tap upon their ceiling jerked her out of her reverie just in time to remind the jedi where she was. She knocked back thrice in reply, two fast knocks, followed by a pause, and finally, a third. A fleeting moment of an awkward silence followed, punctuated by a muffled curse as they struggled with the lock. Eventually losing their patience they simply snarled and tore it free, evidenced by the sharp shriek of sundered steel. The lid of their hideaway creaked open a heartbeat later, bringing with it blessed light and the promise of freedom.
Blue eyes shone down on them and a not a moment later, a hand was offered.
"Up and at 'em, ladies."
"No, thank you."
Aayla shook off Naruto's palm, preferring to rise under her own power rather than accept aid. Not so for Bariss. She took his arm gladly, using it as leverage to pull herself out of the battered ammunition crater, hissing softly as blood rushed back to her numbed legs. Naruto for his part seemed content to help her get her bearings, and Aayla could only assume that the whiskered warrior had managed to poach a shuttle after all, if the familiar interior was anything to go by. In the army, you saw one ship, you saw them all.
"Thank the Force." the padawan moaned, shambling to her feet. "I've got this awful crick in my neck...
"I give a mean massage, ya know." Naruto chimed, grinning.
To Aayla's disbelief, the padawan actually mirrored it.
"Hmm. I just might take you up on that."
"Oh, for the love of...!"
Aayla barely heard their banter, consumed in her daze as she was. How could they be so chipper?! The Jedi Order was in shambles! They'd been betrayed by the Republic! Thus fuming, she all but leaped the last few steps to the bridge; nearly flinging herself into a nearby chair in her haste to sit down. Bariss also failed to suppress a long-suffering sigh as she slumped bonelessly into the bench beside her. She didn't blame her for the . Every fiber of her being still vibrated with uneasy tension from the weight of their ordeal, her legs trembling when she tried to stand and found no strength.
"I still can't believe your trick worked on the troopers." she sighed, palming her face.
Naruto, for his part, took the perceived slight with a smile.
"Of course it worked. I'm not that dumb."
"What, do you actually believe that?"
All eyes turned toward the blond.
"I'm not saying believe it." the blond deadpanned, his expression a flat mask of distaste at the mere mention of the phrase. "That's just...no. Who would say that? Why would they even want to? And a bit of gratitude would be nice, ya know. I did just save your lives."
Anger coiled in Aayla's stomach, hissing like an angry snake.
The ninja gave her a flat look.
"I trust you didn't have too much trouble with the autopilot?" Bariss interjected with a small smile before they could come to blows. "Seems you've done a good job with it."
Naruto blinked.
"What? The shuttle didn't have an auto-whatever. I had to get someone to fly it for me."
Bariss, frowned thoughtfully.
"Someone to fly it for you? But...
A cold sliver of dread stabbed at Aayla's heart.
"Wait, whose flying the ship, then?"
"I can explain that-
Fumbling to her feet, she stumbled towards the cockpit. Naruto started after her and she rounded on him with a dark glower, a nasty remark itching to spring from her lips. The blond shrank back and she stormed on, a mask of regret slipping from her face. This was all wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. The fear, the paranoia, the guilt, it was eating away at her from the inside, and she couldn't stop it couldn't control it...
The chair turned, and against the viewscreen, silhouetted against the blaze of hyperspace, she saw.
She recognized the armor straight away, just as she knew the armor, knew that face. The world ground to a halt. It was the same visage she'd fought beside for years, the same one who'd slain two padawans and tried to but a blaster bolt between her ribs.
"General." he grunted. "I'm glad you're still in one piece'
The clone must've seen something snap in her eyes, because he immediately drew back after that.
Aayla bristled.
Her saber was out and ignited before she was even truly aware of it; a blazing blue line leveled at the man who'd tried to kill her only hours before. Rage obliterated reason, the singular desire to strike down the man in front of her overwhelming all else, consuming her in a roaring red wave. Somewhere far away-as if outside herself-she heard Bariss pleading with her, trying to talk sense into her. Just as distantly she felt herself shake the padawan off and stalk forward. Murderer, her mind gibbered. This man was a murderer, a traitor, a friend and she had trusted him and he had betrayed her, tried to kill her, killed those padawans-
With a shriek, she lashed out!
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Aayla! STOP!" Naruto thrust himself between them before she could make good on her killing stroke, a glowing, golden hand intercepting the blade. "Calm down! We're all friends here!" His sudden intervention and shining appearance cut through the fog and she balked at what she'd done. Then the rage rolled in, thunderclouds darkening her brow. Ripping her weapon free from his hand-and quietly confused that he still had one at all-the Jedi Knight scowled darkly at her companion.
"Are we?!"
"Fuck's sake, woman! Calm down!"
"Will you just let him explain, Aayla?!"
"Not now, Bariss!"
Bly took a moment to consider this unexpected turn of events as the trio bickered amongst themselves. In all honesty, he'd expected to lose his head, seeing as both Jedi still had their lightsabers. Ah. That answered one question, then. The stranger must have claimed the ones belonging to the fallen padawans, then. Not traitors. He reminded himself, forcing down a stubborn thought, little more than children, those two had been, forced into a war they didn't understand. That rankled him a bit, but the blond had thrust himself between him and certain death just now.
Allowances could be made for that, he supposed.
They could not be made for the poignant look of utter betrayal etched into Aayla Secura's face. That was justified. He'd seen the pain there. The agony she'd endured, and knew he had to make amends, the only way he knew how. Before anyone could further belabor the point, the clone commander dropped to his knees and, hands in his lap, presented his head.
"When this is over, if you want my life, I'll understand." he murmured. "But please, general, I'm begging you...let me make this right first."
It took everything she had not to strike him down on the spot.
Dark whispers-the dark side-rioted in her head, urging her to act, to lash out.
With every fiber of her being, she resisted them. With all she was, Aayla closed down her saber.
"Once we get to Coruscant...I never want to see you again."
Naruto took a deep breath and exhaled it just as slowly.
"Look," he began with surprising solemnity, "I'm no expert on this "Force" of yours, but I'd say that both sides, light and dark, have their flaws. One's all about letting go. The other? Absolute control, no emotions at all, conceal, don't feel, blah, blah, blah." Moving aside, he fixed the sullen jedi with a determined, dour look. "Its...fanatical. Crazy. Learning is a long life process, nothing teaches a person more than mistakes and their consequences. Bly, he made a mistake, and he feels like shit about it. Give him a chance."
Aayla turned her head and spat. Barris gave him a piteous look, but otherwise remained silent.
Bly took that as a sign that she, at least, wasn't going to kill him outright.
"Begging your pardon Ma'm, but how did you escape?"
Bariss sighed.
Aaya facepalmed.
"Great. Look what you've done."
Naruto, for his part, grinned cheerily, eager for a change in tone.
"Ah, Bly, my boy-yeah, I think I'll just call you that-lemme tell ya a story...
A/N: Bahahaha! What insane plan does Naruto have up his sleeve?! I totally enjoyed writing this! Our favorite blond is quite himself in this story-a kind, caring soul who loathes evil...yet willing to obliterate anyone at a glance. Willing to take a punch and embrace someone in the next instant. And it seems our lovely ladies are beginning to fall for him... Wonder who else he'll manage to save *hint hint*!
And now, thanks to Aayla and Bariss, he's gone and set his sights firmly upon Palpatine. Yoda and Naruto vs a Sith Lord...that's obviously gonna wreck Sidious's day. Perhaps even Anakin's. After all, Naruto's obviously strong enough to obliterate tanks with ease, as I made quite clear with that Bijudama. What will happen next?! You'll have to stay tuned for the next chapter of...
...Paragon! And be sure to let me know what the pairing should be!
I've a fair idea of where I want to take this, but I just wanted to get this out there between updating Dark Side of the Moon and my other fics.
I suppose this is the result of that finished product, ne?
And so, in the immortal words of Darth Vader...
...REVIEW! It is your destiny! And enjoy the previews, you must!
"Well, I'm definitely not in my universe anymore...
Bariss thought she detected a note of pain in his voice just then, a chord of sorrow singing out over the blond's sad smile. For a swift, fleeting moment the young man looked incredibly frail-frightened even-a shell of his former self, shuddering at the thought of stepping out into a world so alien to him. A cold realm of skyscrapers and steel, one he knew nothing about. Hestitantly, she laid a hand on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry, what?"
Naruto shot her a rueful look and laughed.
"No, its nothing. You think I'd be used to hopping dimensions by now, eh? Well then...
Rolling his shoulders, he turned his head.
Raised his gaze to the senate building.
"Lets go can us an asshat, eh?"
"The Light burns. The Darkness soothes."
"So do lies. I've had enough of those to last me a lifetime."
"No, no, wait! You fool! I can give you power! Power beyond your wildest-
"Don't want anything from you, wrinkles. Now hold still and take death like a man!"
Sidious blinked.
"Imbecile. You truly think the likes of you can defeat ME?"
"Yes, I might not be able to wield the force, and yeah, you're probably a lot stronger than me, but...
...when has that stopped me before? And unlike you, I don't fight alone!"
"For your actions, call you a friend, I do."
"Well, thanks-
"But approve of your actions, I do not!"
"Aaaaaand on that note, we're leaving! C'mon, Bariss!"
R&R! =D