Hello everyone! Yes I know its been a very long time. But this has been playing on my mind for…well for a long time and I was watching Lord of The Rings today and thought 'why not' So here we are. I owe nothing!

A nasty bump

This wasn't real. Rei Kon is dreaming. How could he not be? One minute he was at home, sitting in his tree reading his romance novel. He knew his team mates would laugh at him, but he craved for romance, being eighteen he had only been in one relationship and even then that wasn't serious. But this...this defiantly had to be a dream, it had to be.

Rei was laying in what seemed like an open field, tall grass around him, a dark forest seemed to surrounded the open field. The sky was pure blue, the odd cloud in it. But that's not what bothered Rei, no, it was the eight people standing around him, each one dressing and looking rather...different.

"Look he's awake!" One of the younger ones, he seemed rather cheerful of life, that was noticeable, also was his clothes were rather unique they were a musty green trouser pants, and a white shirt with a beige waist coat. He also had a cloak. Rei had to do a double take of the child's feet, they were bare and...well rather hairy

"Come on Pip, leave the elf some room" Rei looked at the child standing next to the other, he wore similar clothing and had similar features, golden curled locks tuck behind their pointy ears. Rei looked at each one individually, each having something unique about them. There were the four children, two previously mentioned, one rather bulky one and a very slim one that seemed to cling to the bulky ones hand. Next to them was a rather sort man, ginger fizzy hair that went to his beard, he was wearing armour like clothing, and was that an axe attached to his belt?

Rei's eyes widened as he looked over the other companions. "Shh, its alright were not here tp hurt you" a soothing voice came beside him, Rei looked over and saw a beautiful male kneeling before him, long white blond locks reach down past his waist, also tucked behind his pointy ears. Rei noticed a bow and arrows behind the male, but could not bring himself to panic any further, the male seemed to sooth him completely

"W-were am I?" Rei's voice stuttered, the evidence that panic was still within him. When no one answered him straight away Rei quickly sat up "W-who are you all!?"

"Calm down master elf" The Short man growled out, with what seemed detest

"I'm not an elf!" Rei cried out, this caused the eight companions to freeze.

"Dear sir, have you forgotten who you are? Your ears gave you away, not just that but your looks too. You are an elf" A oldish male spoken, reminding Rei of an old wizard like Merlin. The old man was wearing a greyish blue robes and his hat was tall and pointed like a wizards.

"Gandalf...please he's just scared" The beautiful male spoke before turning to Rei "Forgive us. I'm Legolas Greenleaf son of King Thranduil of Mirkword. What may your name be?" The beautiful male spoke

Rei looked uncertain but the males patience was soothing to him "I-i'm Rei" He said slow

"Rei...it's a pleasure to meet you, how old are you?" Legolas asked curiously, the boy looked young.

"Eighteen" Rei muttered lowly but the elf heard

"Eighteen hundred?"

"No...eighteen years" Rei said with a frown, it was impossible for him to live as long. But everyone in the group gasp

"It's not possible!" The old man said "You look way older for an elf"

Rei growled "I'm not an elf! I'm a neko-jinn" Rei looked at each of the confusing faces of the group members

"Legolas I got the plant it should - Oh...he's awake." Rei's head shot around when he heard a new voice. The male was tall and well-built, his dark brown locks laid by his shoulders, but his eyes, those what got Rei's heart thumping. They were pure grey, like looking into the males soul. Rei couldn't move, speak nor could he breath!

Aragorn was suffering the same. He has never seen such a beautiful creature. He lightly coughed "Hello. I'm Aragorn son on Arathron...but you can call me Estel if you wish"

"He's not an Elf" The small male snorted out making Aragorn look at Legolas with confusion

"He say's he's a neko-jinn" He muttered softly, looking just as confused as the ranger. But none the less he ran his fingers through the boy's hair, soothing him as if he was his child. Rei leant into the touch, a soft purr escaped him, once again making everyone freeze.

A small nod from the wizard was made to Aragorn and Aragorn followed him to the off side of the group "I think he's telling the truth" The old wizard muttered "Look at his clothes, and he certainly doesn't speak elf either"

"But Gandalf, what is he? I have never heard such a thing called a neko-jinn" Aragorn stated, but his eyes were still upon the creature, how could he feel the need to protect his being?

Gandalf was quiet for a few moments "Well...he could be from...another world" the wizard spoke slowly for Aragorn, who looked at him in surprise shock "It has never properly been confirmed but there are notes from passed elfs and wizards, indicating a person not from our time were here. They never went into detail, I believe he could be one of these people. Perhaps he could help us" the wizard stated with hope

Aragorn looked back over to the boy who Legolas seemed to come rather close to, like his own kin. Aragorn felt the same, the need to protect him. But his reasons were far different from Legolas'