Forgive and forget
A/N:- So this is the last chapter. Thank you for the reviews and enjoy.
Celty opened her eyes, blinking at the three people around her. Shizuo, Izaya and Shinra. Shizuo who was her friend and now like a brother to her. He had looked after her everyday after she lost her memory. She could see the worry on his face, it was okay. Then there was Izaya, he was manipulative and treated her like a courier. After she had lost her memory he had been nice to her, even if he had an ulterior motive, he had changed.
The last one was the man she had fallen in love with. Shinra who had found her, when he was a child, who she had grown to love him. Then he had changed, he had tried to kill her. She knew it wasn't his fault and she could tell by the guilt in his eyes. It wasn't his fault, he wasn't the one to blame. She knew that, but it would take a while to get over.
Her hands reached up to her face. So many years she had searched for her head, now she had it back. She had the new memories she had created as well as the old ones before she got her head back. Even better she had her original memories, the ones from her days in Ireland. She remembered having her head in her hands, wearing a dress, while she rode the carriage, led by her horse, Shooter.
All three of them were still watching her, waiting for her to say something. She knew how to speak, she had been fine since she lost her memories. But she was having trouble syncing her memories, her mouth was dry as she tried to form words. "Mirror." Shizuo nodded, taking the one from the bathroom. He held it up in front of her, so she could see her reflection.
She wasn't headless, there it was her pale face, deep green eyes and her hair. It was all there, she was whole again. "Celty?" Shinra's voice was hesitant, she could see the fear in his eyes. "I remember everything." It felt odd, speaking after so long. "I see. And?" She looked up at Shinra. "Shizu-chan, let's give them some space." Shizuo nodded, letting Izaya take his hand and lead him from the room.
"Do you think she's okay?" Izaya moved them over the the sofa, they were still holding hands. He wasn't risking letting the blond go. "She seemed okay, she has all of her memories back and she didn't attack us or Shinra." Shizuo nodded. "Yeah, she'll be fine." He rested his head on the flea's shoulder, Izaya's free hand running through his hair. "Stop worrying about her, Shizu-chan."
"It's not like you to be so quiet, Shinra." They hadn't said anything since Shizuo and Izaya had left the room. "I-I hurt you, Celty." She reached up placing her hand on his cheek. "It wasn't you, Shinra. Everyone else hurt someone close to them. It wasn't your fault." Shinra shook his head, he shouldn't be forgiven so easily.
Celty climbed out of the bed, leaning on the door frame. From here she could see, Shizuo and Izaya on the sofa. "Shinra, come here." The illegal doctor did as he was told, standing away from Celty. "Shizuo and Izaya hated each other. They've tried to kill each other, over and over. Look at them Shinra. You can see how happy they are." Shinra watched them, he had never expected this to happen.
"I'd never hurt you, Celty." The dullahan smiled, jabbing him in the ribs. "You experimented on me with your father, if I hated you, it would have been back then. But, I love you Shinra." Shinra smiled. "I love you, my beloved Celty." The dullahan smiled, wrapping her arms around him. "I forgive you."
Shinra put his arms around her, feeling tears come to his eyes. It was over, everything was over. She had forgiven him. He had never been so happy. "We should let Shizuo and Izaya know." Celty smiled, nodding. The two on the sofa were silent. Celty stepped around the front, watching them. Izaya's gaze met hers, placing a finger on his lips. Shizuo was sleeping.
Her eyes narrowed, her old distrust of Izaya still there. But she could see how much he cared for her friend. He had come after them, never leaving them alone. She knew Shizuo trusted him now, his head was on Izaya's shoulder, hands connected while he slept. She could see the silver ring on his finger. The two of them really were in love with each other.
So she didn't wake Shizuo, she took out her mobile, typing on the screen like old times. We've made up, so it's okay for you to leave. Shizuo doesn't have to worry. Izaya read over the message, letting out a small sigh of relief. Good, he didn't have to deal with her. She wouldn't be clinging to Shizu-chan any more.
He gently nudged the blond. "Shizu-chan. Time to go." The blond opened his eyes, seeing Celty standing in front of him. "Celty, Is everything okay?" The dullahan smiled, throwing her arms around him. "I remember everything. I've forgiven Shinra." Shizuo took in the slight blush. "Okay, so you two want some alone time?" Celty nodded, letting him go. "If there's any problems, give me a call."
"Come on, Shizu-chan. Lets leave them to it." The blond nodded, the two of them leaving the apartment. Celty took Shinra's hand, leading them to the bedroom. She removed her clothes with ease, now that she had control of her shadows back, lying seductively on the bed. Shinra had a dopey looking grin on his face as he hurriedly undressed, tripping over his lab coat. Celty laughed at him and never had he heard such a beautiful sound.
A week later and they were back in the apartment. Shinra was a very happy man, Celty was smiling as well. She even hugged Izaya. Shizuo and Izaya were still close, holding each other's hand. He had told the flea time and time again that he wouldn't disappear, but Izaya still held on refusing to believe him.
"Shizuo, Izaya. We wanted to let you know we were leaving." Celty smiled. "I'm taking Shinra with me to Ireland. I want to show him, my past." Shizuo smiled, leaning into Izaya. "When will you be back?" Shinra handed them their drinks. "We don't know yet, we'll see when we get there. We wanted to let you know. Besides, I'm not needed, now that you two aren't trying to kill each other." He gave them each a look. "You aren't planning to go back to that are you?"
"No." They both said it at the same time. They had no intention of going back to how things were. "That's good to know. So it looks like we won't need that double date after all, Izaya." Izaya shrugged. "That's fine, I've planned ours for tonight." Shizuo glanced at him. "You didn't tell me about it." Izaya smirked. "You didn't need to know yet, Shizu-chan."
"Come on, Shizu-chan." They were walking around together in the dark, Izaya leading the way. Shinra and Celty had already left. He was glad they had gotten back together. His friend had never been happier and with her head, he could see just how happy she was. "Where are we going?" Izaya squeezed his hand pulling him along. "You'll see."
Shizuo looked up recognizing the school. Why were they here. "Shizu-chan." Izaya was already half way over the gate. The blond followed, his movement slightly clumsy. Izaya kept walking, bag in hand, leading Shizu-chan to the field. "You never do anything ordinary, do you?" Izaya shrugged,. "This is where we first met Shizu-chan."
"You're dragging up a bad memory now?" He still followed Izaya to the bleachers. It wasn't the same, after all the school had been remodelled after they had left. "Everything we do, leads to something, Shizu-chan. If we didn't meet, then we wouldn't be here. Good or bad, it was still the starting point, silly protozoan."
Izaya and Shizuo sat together, sitting on one of the benches. It was exactly where Izaya had been sitting, all those years ago. He watched the flea open the bag, handing him two boxes and a drink. Izaya opened his own one, taking a bite of his ootooro. Shizuo opened his, the first contained a variety of cakes, the second contained six pudding cups. "Thanks. I guess normal doesn't suit us."
Izaya shrugged. "We're above humans, Shizu-chan. We're anything but normal." Shizuo smiled, still a little confused. He didn't think now would be the right time, to tell Izaya they were both human. "So what now?" He waited until the flea had finished his mouthful. "What do you mean, Shizu-chan? You already agreed, we'd spend our lives together."
The blond choked on his cake. "Since when did I agree to that?" Izaya smirked at him. "When you accepted that ring." Shizuo looked down at the glint of silver on his finger. "You gave that to me as a promise, flea." The other shook his head. "To spend our lives together, which you accepted."
"Wait you mean...marriage? I didn't agree to marry you, Izaya." Izaya put his food down. "You accepted the ring, Shizu-chan. If you don't want to, give it back." Shizuo looked down at the outstretched hand, his fingers curled over the ring. "No, it's mine now." Izaya leaned over, cupping his face, threading fingers through blond hair. "Then you're staying with me, Shizu-chan."
Shizuo pushed him away. "I'm not marrying you." The food went everywhere as he was pushed down onto the bench. "I love you, Shizu-chan." Damn, why couldn't he beat the flea once? His face heated up, Izaya leaned down to kiss him. "Love you too, stupid flea. But I'm still not marrying you." Izaya kissed him again. "Fine, we can talk about it after you move in." Shizuo groaned, his blush deepening. "Who said I'm moving in?" He was having a hard time keeping the smile from his face, bringing Izaya down for another kiss.
A/N:- So that's the end of that one. Thank you for the reviews, follows and favourites. I hope you enjoyed it and let me know what you thought.