Summary: Bella Swan smiles at me and right then, I know I'm wrecked. EPOV.


Bella Swan smiles at me and right then, I know I'm wrecked. This girl is beautiful, I think to myself. She isn't fake or unreal in any manner of speaking and damn, I'd do anything to have her for myself. When she laughs, it doesn't seem strained or forced; whatever she does is natural.

That's what is so special about her. She is who she is and doesn't try to pretend to be something she isn't. How can one resist not loving her?

People say that once you fall in love, it feels as if your heart no longer belongs to you. It's like it is physically with you but that's it. For all other intents and purposes, it's meant to be with that person whom you believe to be your other half.

I think she's my other half. No, I'm sure she is. But thing is, she doesn't know this and I believe that she won't be happy if she does. In all honestly, she'd look at me like I'm crazy and then proceed to tell me that I'm good at making jokes.

My heart pounds in my chest as I watch a grin break onto her face as she laughs at something my brother has said.

"Oh God, Emmett!" she says. "You're too funny." Her eyes are alight with happiness as she places a hand on his arm.

Emmett rolls his eyes at his girlfriend. "It wasn't that funny, Izzy", he replies, shaking his head towards me. 'Was it?' he mouths when he thinks she isn't looking in our direction.

"It is", she says. "Isn't it, Edward?"

I sigh internally. Why does she always have to unnecessarily drag me into these conversations? I agree that Emmett's joke isn't humourous at all but don't voice that out loud. "Em's always funny", I snicker, lightly punching his shoulder. "He's a funny man. Come on, when isn't this guy making a fool out of himself"

Emmett mutters something under his breath before he lifts up his books from the lunch table and stands up. "Well babe", he says to Bella. "I gotta head to Chem class. I've got a major test today and knowing Varner, it's not gonna be easy."

"Okay", she says, accepting a kiss from him. "Good luck, you're gonna do fine so don't stress over it."

I turn away with unease as my younger brother locks lips with the girl I'm secretly in love with. Yeah, I've gotten myself into a shitty situation by falling for her.

Suddenly Bella lets out a small sigh and I turn to look at her. Noticing that Em has gone, I ask her which class she has next. She doesn't answer, seeing how she is occupied with watching my brother's retreating back walk out of the cafeteria and in to the hall.

"Earth to Swan", I wave my hand before her face.

"Sorry", she says, startled suddenly. "Did you just say something? I was…" Her voice trails off. "

"Ogling at your boyfriend?" I offered; the words tasted bitter on my mouth. "I get it."

"Um, yeah", she says, her face reddens and she seems slightly embarrassed.

"Uh huh", I say, not knowing what exactly to say. "I'll be going to soccer practice then. See you later, eh?" I get out of my seat and begin to gather my things. Swinging my bag onto my shoulder, I get a hold of my lunch tray and start to walk towards the exit.

"Sure, sure", she answers, twirling a finger around her hair and popping a french fry into her mouth. "See ya."

"Bye Bella", I say almost to myself, feeling as if I'm sinking into the floor as I stare at her. What the heck have I gotten myself into? This can't get any worse than this. What kind of man am I? Falling for my younger brother's girlfriend?

I can't go any lower than this, can I?

A/N: Want me to continue? You know what to do. Review! ;)