We walk into the busy and magnificent sight of the workshop. I instantly smile as we walk in. Flying toys are buzzing around and colors fill the room.

"Well this is the workshop!" Tooth says flying around. I'm walking around and accidentally run into someone. I turn around and look up to see a gigantic monster. They're everywhere.

"Don't worry, the yetis are friendly. They make toys for all the good children in the world." Tooth explains to me. The yeti says something I don't understand and waves.

"Come on I have even more to show you!" She says taking my hand.

She shows me the storage house, where they keep all the toys. She also shows me the main floor where all the toys are made. She leads me to the reindeer stables and explains to me that they pull the sleigh. Then she explains that Santa is the one that delivers the toys to the children.

All of a sudden three little creatures waddle up to me. They all have pointy hats with a bell on them.

"Okay guys. You know you're not supposed to be down here." Tooth says trying to push them away. One points at me and then looks at the others that nod.

"She's a guest here. Treat her kindly, now run along." Tooth says.

One hugs me then the others follow, then they all run away. I smile as they run off.

"I'm sorry about that. The Elves don't see new faces around here often." She says flying off. I walk slowly through the workshop admiring it.

"So how are you liking workshop?" I turn around to see Santa. I nod and smile.

"Good. Good. How about I fix some breakfast and we can discuss some things." He laughs heartily. I follow him out of the workshop.

The kitchen is small, but big enough for a few people. The walls are made of stone, as well as the floors.

"How about some porridge? Hmm?" He smiles as he takes out a few pots. I walk around and examine the photos on the wall. Some are of the people I met earlier. One is with Santa and a young boy with white hair. He has some drawings from children as well.

I sit down at the round, wooden table as he places a cup in front of me. I sniff at it, unsure. He laughs.

"It's eggnog. It it good. I drink it all the time." He says sitting down. I take a sip and it's creamy. It has a hint of cinnamon as well as a rich flavor. He's staring at me, though he probably doesn't realize it. I smile at him and he looks away.

He clears his throat,"So I suppose we need to start teaching you how to speak." He says smiling again. I nod my head in agreement. He tells me I can comprehend things and understand, but I can't make the words myself just yet.

"We'll worry about that later. Let's give you a name firstly!" He sits back thinking, stroking his long beard. I take another sip of eggnog and watch.

"Hmm... Ah! I got it! What about Mary? Mary Christmas." He says smiling wide. He seems proud of himself and I smile.

"I mean you were born on Christmas Eve anyway. I think it fits perfectly." I nod and smile.

I start to smell something burning, and soon so does Santa. He jumps from the chair and races to the stove. Without thinking he picks up the pot. The pot falls to the floor with a crash and Santa's cursing in Russian. He drops to his knees and I run over to him.

His hands are burnt. Badly. I take one of his hands in mine. One of his hands barley fits in both of mine.

"This is nothing. I'm fine." He says wincing. I look at him with a serious face. I look around for a cloth. I find one sitting on the sink and I run cold water on it. I walk back over to him. He's leaning against the counter now. I sit down next to him and take one of his hands and place the cloth on it. He winces and tries to pull away. I look up at him and place a hand on his face. I smile letting him know it'll be alright. I place the cloth back on his hand to cool the burn.

"Thank you. I'm so clumsy sometimes-" I cut him off with my finger. I place the cloth on the other hand while rubbing small circles on his arm, to calm him down. I notice the tattoos on his arms and point to them.

"Oh those..." He laughs," I had those done when I was younger, before I became a guardian." He sighs and leans his head back. I spot a first-aid kit above me and I reach for it. I start to wrap his hands in gauze.

By now I'm done wrapping his hands, now I'm just rubbing circles on his arm while he talks. He talks about the times he was younger, how he always had a love of toys. I listen and soak up the information.

"Santa? Are ya back here, Mate?" Bunnymund walks in to see us on the ground. He narrows his eyes.

"What are ya doing?" He asks Santa.

"Ah Bunny! I burnt my hands and Mary here-" Bunnymund interrupted.

"Ya named it!?" He yells.

"She's not a stray dog, Bunny!" Santa yells back. "She's a sprite just like us!" He booms. He starts to get up and I help him catch his balance.

"Ya know what happened last time! She's just gonna die like the last one, Mate. You have to face it sooner or later." Bunnymund glares at me. "It's for the better. I can't see ya like that again, Mate." He storms out of the room.

I want to say something, but can't produce the words. I look at Santa's back. I can hear a slight sniffling sound. I walk over to him and place a hand on his back. Tears are running down his face. He turns his face away from me.

"Please. I need to be alone-" I grab his arm. I start to clear my throat.

"I-I... not, leave." I tried my best to say it correctly. He turns to me and I see his blue eyes again. I wipe the tears from his face. I take one of his hands and show him the bandages.

"You want to take care of me?" He asks. I smile gently. I hug him around his neck. He soon hugs back and we stay there for a minute.

He lets go and smiles. "Thank you." He's still upset, but he's a little better. I smile a little and begin to clean up, the now cooled, pot and the spilt porridge.

I'm putting the pot away when I start coughing. It progresses into a coughing fit. Santa runs over to me and pats my back. It subsides and I'm panting.

"Why don't you go lay down? I'll finish up in here." He says leading me down the hall. He starts to walk back toward the kitchen. I'm about to walk into the bedroom when I thought about his burns, I don't want him to hurt himself. I start to walk back toward the kitchen. I'm about to round the corner when I hear him talking to someone.

"I heard her coughing, Mate. Stage one. Next thing you know, she'll be coughing blood. Then she'll become weak, leading to paralysis. Her organs will start shutting down one by one. Then that's it, Mate." Bunnymund says.

"I know, trust me I know. What can I do to stop it?" Santa says.

"Ya can't do anything, Mate. That's how they're lifespan works."

"Not if we change it." Santa yells.

"Tell me how you're gonna get 4 billion children all over the world to believe in her." Bunnymund yells back.

"We'll think of something. We will." Santa starts to get quiet.

"Ya can't keep doing this, Mate. What happened to the other one was bad enough. I can't watch ya heart get broken again." He places his paw on his back.

"But Bunny, she's different than any pre-myth I've ever seen. She has true potential in becoming like us." Santa says brushing him away.

"As your friend I can only believe that's true. Ya have a week, Mate. Before she disappears." With that he walks out of the room.

I see Santa playing with the hourglass I saw earlier today.

"A week, huh. I hope it's enough." He places the hourglass down and walks out of the room.