Sorry for being late.
Me and Beck were going to Mr. Quincy's History class. When we got in there most of the seats were being filled so I sat in the middle of two girls and Beck sat by some guys in the back. One of the girls had a Hollywood Arts cheer uniform on. I like the style (the link will be at the bottom).
"Nice red hair what's your name?" The girl asked me.
"Cat." I was kinda nervous, but awesome for me, I made a friend.
"My name is Karen. Karen Brown, and as you can see I'm on the Hollywood Arts Cheer squad. I'm also really popular, and that other girl next to you is Cassandra." The other waves at me and speaks.
"You can call me Cass though." I nod and Karen starts to talk again.
"Cat would you like to try out for the cheer squad, we are having auditions today." Cheerleading. Intresting, I might make new friends. Cass then taps my shoulder and I look at her.
"Cat if it makes you feel better, I'm trying out to." Karen nods then talks again.
"Yeah she was suppose to try out last year with me but didn't want to." Cass rolls her eyes and tries to argue back but I interupt them before it gets crazy.
"Soooo, try outs today." I ask trying to get rid of the tension
Karen stops aruging with Cass and smiles at me again. "Yep." she answers and then the teacher comes in.
"Lets get started class." Cass whispers in my ear before we start working.
"Eat lunch with us Cat." Karen nods and they look in the front. I smile and think to myself. Yes! New friends.
I sit in the back while Cat is in the front. A couple of guys are already there and when they see me they stop talking. I was nervous of what they thought of me but I can hide my emotions and play it cool.
"Hey what's your name?" One guy asked me, I looked at him.
"Beck." I try to say it as cool as possible, I admit I was a little nervous.
"Cool name, mines Kyle Savon," He held out his hand for me to shake, and I did then he stared to point out who his friends were. "Beck this Zack Keire, Johnny Knight, and some other guys from the team." I nodded and they all say 'hey'. After that class started. I saw Cat talking to a couple of girls and seemed fine.
I felt Kyle tap my shoulder, Turned to face him and raised my eyebrows. "You eating lunch with me today okay." It didn't seem like a option. So I nodded my head again and turned my head back to the teacher, I hope everyone else was having a good day like me and Cat.