Terrible two's and bad news

Did you miss me? Probably not but I'm back anyways. So it has been a very long time since I updated this and I'm not gonna lie. I kind of forgot about this story…whoopsies! Anyway I have been watching some spideypool vids and I'm re-inspired to write more. So here it is.

I received a review from a reader asking how Steve and Tony conceived, and I wish I had a fancy explanation, but I boiled it down to the serum. Allowing Steve to form an artificial womb of sorts… yeah not glamorous but hey I'm using what I got! Enjoy dearies

Time jump from previous: 2 years

"Alison, no!" came the firm and annoyed voice of Steve Rogers.

Said girl was scampering around with one of Tony's tools. Normally this wouldn't be an issue but it was one of the few that carried a charge. Tony had never been known to leave his tools scattered about, ever since they adopted peter, but the past month he had been acting weird. Steve snatched the current driver from her small hands as she bolted past him, leaving her pouting something terrible at him. She had Tony's pout and it was his greatest weakness. Still he knew that if he didn't put a stop to it now Alison would only use it against him.

"Nuuu, Mine! Mine!" she whined as it was plucked from her chubby fingers. Her blue eye peering up at her blonde father. "Daddy!" she huffed.

"Now there will be none of that Ali. These are Daddy's. They are not for little ones." Steve soothed placing the tool on the counter and scooping up the raven haired toddler.

He smiled as she pouted in his arms, but as she always did she sagged into his warmth, the tool forgot in favor of nuzzling into Steve's Bomber jacket. As he rocked slowly back and forth on his heels Steve looked back at the tool. Electronic neutralizer, he had seen Tony use this countless times on his suits. He picked it up and slide the button on the side, the device sputtered then died. Well at least Alison wouldn't have been killed, still he needed a word with Tony.

That thought in mind he turned toward the elevator and clicked in a floor number. As the box descended lower Steve hummed softly as his tiny daughter started to nod off in his embrace. Her black hair tickled his neck lightly as she wiggled into a more fitting position, and he couldn't help the smile that carved onto his face. The soft ping of the Elevator returned the Soldiers attention back to the task at hand. Already he could hear the muffled thumping of ACDC Thunderstruck blasting in the workshop. He peeked over at his daughter, but she was out like a light. Alison must have developed some sort of Mutation, because The child could sleep through an alien invasion. The child wasn't ever awoken by anything but her own desire to eat or play. Huffing Steve braced himself and punched in his access code 1777 and was assaulted by ear piercing music, Alison only buried her face in Steve's neck.

"Tony!" Steve called only to be ignored, as usual.

Rolling his eyes, he walked over to the wall and manual turned down the music to a suitable volume, his own ears ringing. For his part Tony had only made a grunt of annoyance, his body hunched over a piece of glass, under which lay a round piece of metal. Grease marked up his tanned arms, and a screwdriver hung from his lips. After a few minutes' pause, Tony sat up confused. Steve Normally spoke up when he turned off his tunes, and touch his shoulder. Perplexed he set everything aside and sat back, tilting his head back to spot is brick house husband and infant daughter. He smiled.

"Hey babe, hey baby. I assume there is a valid reason you are interrupting my work?" he flashed his teeth at his blonde lover, before sitting up and turning around only to be greeted by Steve's serious face.

"Tony, care to explain why I had to take this from Alison?" He asked, setting the slumbering child in the crib Tony had in his workshop, before waving the small tool in front of his oil stained husband.

"Hey! My neutralizer, been looking for this for hours! Wait did you say Alison had it?" Tony stood and popped his back before walking over and taking the object from Steve.

"Yeah, she was running around with it, luckily it is dead, but she could have died Tony, you really need to be more careful, you know how babies are." Rogers chided

Tony gave a sheepish grin and hooked it up to the charger, before returning to Steve's side. He needed the break anyway so he might as well take one now. "I didn't realize I had brought it upstairs with me. Won't happen again babe. Promise." He said and sealed it with a light peck on the lips. Steve raised a brow but sighed appeased for now, however his gaze wondered over to the table. It looked like Tony was working on another small arc reactor.

"You making another reactor? Are you ok Tony?"

"Huh oh yeah I'm fine, figured I could use and upgrade is all." He replied off handedly and blue eyes narrowed at him.

"Anthony Stark. Don't lie to me." Steve warned using his husbands full name.

"Steven Rogers Stark, I'm fine." He retorted smacking his arm

There was a pause before the blonde super soldier sigh and pulled in his shorter husband for a warm embrace. "Alright then. I need to go out for a bit do you mind watching Alison, Peter has pee wee soccer and I need to take him. Plus, I need to pick something up for dinner."

Tony buried his nose into the crook of his neck and inhaled before nodding. "yeah I can watch short stack. Are you sure you don't want me to come? I can stop for the day."

"No, no finish up, I know how you are with projects, besides if I wait for you Peter will be late."

"I just feel like I'm missing his childhood, I don't want to be like my father."

Steve chuckled. "Tony I'll film the whole thing, besides Peter understands. You are doing more than enough for him. Now get back to work."

"Aye, aye cap'n." he grinned before pressing his lips to Steve's once more.

When he turned to leave Tony gave him a sharp slap on the ass before hopping into his chair and rolling back over to his work bench. Steve huffed slightly before leaving for the upstairs living area. Making sure to relock the lab as he went.

。・:*:・゚ ,。・:*:・゚ LOVELOVE('∇^*) 。・:*:・゚ ,。・:*:・゚

A couple of hours passed as Tony worked on his project, the reactor well on its way to being complete. Alison, now sitting on his work bench after waking from her nap was playing with one of the wrenches on his desk. Tony glanced up every once in a while to make sure the small toddler wasn't in any mortal danger, content with her behavior he leaned back to examine his work. All he had to do was screw the last bolt into place and the new reactor would be finished. Steve had returned from soccer practice and dinner shopping; dinner would be ready in an hour. Pleased Tony picked up his phone and tapped in some codes which were immediately added to his research notes for later.

"Good thing I got this finished kiddo, this one is just about done for. Getting pretty tired of these damned chest pains." He spoke gently to his daughter who looked up and smiled at him.

"Shiny!" she chirped pointing at the glowing light.

"Yeah, shiny. Can you say Arc Reactor?" Tony smiled and picked it up showing it to her.

The black haired toddler knitted her brow in a pout as she tried to repeat what he said. "Ahk weeter?"

Tony snorted, and leaned back laughing at her attempt, she looked so serious and he couldn't help the laughter at her cuteness. Unphased she giggled too, pleased that her father was laughing. Tony's laughter stopped however when the pain in his chest flared up. Much stronger this time he pressed his hand to his reactor and groaned as a searing pain coursed through him. When he went to stand his knees gave out from under him and he fell back onto the floor, fingers digging into his shirt, clawing desperately at the reactor. Alison confused crawled to the edge of the bench and slowly clambered down hitting the floor with a flop.

Tony struggled to stand unable too due to the pain in his chest, panic started to set in. Alison waddled over and started to sniffle, her father's groaning causing her distress.


"Ali, its ok daddy is just…"

Tony was cut off by a painful jolt, his hand ripping the shirt over his reactor open. The teal colored light started fading and Tony paled. With his music up so loud Jarvis wasn't going to be able to hear him call for assistance, looking around he spotted his phone. His hand came a few feet too short as he groped for it, sighing he turned to his sniffling child, and using as calm as a voice he could muster with the pain he spoke to her.

"Ali, Ali baby listen to daddy, Daddy has an owie, can you give daddy his phone?"

"Daddy no Owie" she whined stomping to him without the phone.

"Baby girl, give daddy his phone, its ok, its ok little one just get daddy's phone." He voice was pained but he remained calm with her knowing she couldn't understand the gravity of what was happening.

Seeming to understand a bit she sniffed and nodded toddling over to the glowing screen, she grabbed it and tromped over as quick as she could, almost dropping it on her way. Relieved Tony typed in his code and pulled up the only name he could think of. Steve's face showed up on the screen as a call rang out, the answer was almost immediate, and his voice came over the line like a balm on a wound to Tony's ears.

"Yeah babe?"

"S-Steve, lab…need help." He groaned as the burning became worse, leaving him gasping for air.

"Tony? TONY? What's wrong talk to me?" Steve sounded worried but Tony wasn't able to muster up enough energy to speak.

"Daddy has Owie, he goes boom, and he crying too daddy." Alison whined hearing her father's voice.

"Steve!" tony barked

"Hang on I'm on my way down." The line went dead and the genius flopped back in agony

A few minutes passed as he lay on the floor, Alison by his side tugged at his shirt fat tears rolling down her cheeks as she watched powerless to help him. Steve nearly smashed through the glass door when he got there. Once inside he was next to his husband in seconds Picking him up he walked Tony over to his chair and sat him in it, hands going to his face. He knitted his brow as tony finally passed out, at a loss he looked around trying to figure out what was wrong. Seeing nothing right away he started to pat the bearded face next to him roughly, the only reaction was pained groaning.

"Daddy! Daddy! Lookie!" Alison tugged at his pants firmly Tony's new reactor in hand.

"Not now baby, hold on daddy is busy." Steve didn't bother to look down as concern for Tony flooded his senses.

After a few more tugs Alison huffed and lifted the device in her hand up towards him, giving a small grunt she opened her palm more and the reactor floated above her hand, a dark mist surrounding it, slowly it floated to Steve hitting waist level she tugged at him again more insistently.

"Daddy! Awk weeter awk weeter!" This time Steve looked at Tony's chest and saw the dimmed light.

"Oh shit Tony!"

Steve had done this a few times before so he knew what he needed to do. Without thinking he tore off the tee shirt his husband was wearing and pressed his palm to the warm metal, twisting he heard it pop and his finger quickly pulled it away from the metal lined base. Before pulling it out he looked around. When he saw it floating he knitted his brow in confusion. Alison smiled when he grabbed it and the black mist returned to her hand before creeping up her arm and disappearing. Shaking it off for the moment Steve pulled the old reactor out and carefully put the new one in hoping Tony had finished it enough for it to at least work.

There was a whole minute before Tony's eyes shot open and he took in a large gulp of air. Disoriented he flailed around in his chair, his hand smacking into the firm wall of flesh that was captain America. Steve brushed his fingers through Tony's hair as he calmed his breathing, the light in the reactor glowing bright, signaling it was working.

"You ok Tony? Jesus what happened?" he asked only when Tony sat back up

"My reactor, died it was on its last limbs I guess, hand me that screw driver really quick." He stated calmly despite him technically being dead for a minute.

"Tony what the hell you told me earlier you were fine."

"And I was."

"Finding you half dead on your lab floor does not constitute the word fine Tony."

"Steve I was fine when you asked and I'm fine now. I just didn't account for the time it would take to finish this. Everything is ok Steve." He rolled his eyes as he took the screwdriver and tightened a screw on the implant before looking up at his pissed off husband.

"Everything is not Fine Tony." Steve growled angrily as he scooped up the raven haired child at his feet. His blue eyes full of anger, when he spoke his tone was icy. "Dinner will be ready in 5 minutes, get yourself cleaned up."

With that Steve and Alison left the lab and tony behind. The black haired male sighed and pushed his hand through his greasy locks. Steve was pissed and of course Tony had managed to do so. As the pain in his chest receded he got up and grabbed a spare wife beater and put away his tools. Washing the grease and grime off of his hands before shutting down the lab and making his way slowly upstairs for dinner.

。・:*:・゚ ,。・:*:・゚ LOVELOVE('∇^*) 。・:*:・゚ ,。・:*:・゚

Dinner was tense as Tony had anticipated it would be, Steve had made a point to not make eye contact with him. Peter however, was able to at least help relax the atmosphere until Alison threw a fit and shoved her food to the floor, tears welling in her eyes. Tony offered to clean it up and took over trying to feed his fussy 2-year-old. Once Steve and peter had finished they excused themselves, the captain taking their son for his bath and then bedtime stories. Tony sighed knowing he was going to be in the dog house tonight, still he had a toddler to see to and so he did.

Eventually he got her to eat, though it wasn't without struggle. She seemed to be overly upset and uncomfortable, constantly wiggling about and pushing her fists into her face in frustration. When he finally got her to relax he took in her appearance. Her blue eyes seemed a tad darker in color, and she looked a little pale but other than that she seemed fine. He'd call Bruce in the morning but for now he settled with taking her for a bath and putting her to bed. The music box softly hummed out its song as she lay there restlessly, he feared she might not sleep, but after another bought of crying and writhing she fell into a heavy sleep.

Once she was down for the night Tony made his way down the hall, stopping into check on Peter who was staring wide eyed at Steve as he read a chapter from Peter's favorite book series Harry Potter. Tony smiled as he leaned in the door frame silently. His chest squeezed, he loved his family having something he never thought he would ever have, love. Sure Steve and him were arguing at the moment, but he knew it would pass, Steve would forgive him and Tony would continue to be an asshole, but these little moments with Peter and Alison made him want to cry. He felt complete and for once the man who had everything, had all he ever needed, a man who loved him unconditionally and two beautiful children who depended on him.

As Steve continued to read he caught Tony's eye and smiled, before turning back to the book. With that the black haired genius pushed away room the door and returned to his shared bedroom. Tossing his clothes in the hamper as he went, he made his way to the shower to wash out all the oil and grease he had accumulated over the day. The hot water was a welcome friend as it splashed over his sore shoulders and down his tired body. Grabbing his soap, he lathered up and cleaned himself meticulously before washing out the motor oil slicked hair and sighed at the sensation of fingers in his hair. He wished they were Steve's but the way he reacted earlier he doubted Steve would be touching him anytime soon. He couldn't blame him, he deserved it.

Toweling off he stepped into their bedroom, Steve was resting on top of the covers, one arm bent behind his head the other holding a picture. His blue eyes were soft with a light crinkle at the end as he smiled fondly. The smile took Tony's breath away and he slowly picked his way over, wrapping the towel around his waist and knotting it off. The bed dipped low when he finally crawled in, moving closer to his husband to see what he was just looking at. The blue eyed man casted his glance over and turned his hand to show the picture he was looking at. It was an old phot from when Alison was first born. Steve was still in the hospital bed Peter curled into his arm smiling like the silly boy he was, Tony was seated behind Steve resting his chin on his shoulder Alison in Steve's other arm smiling and looking at the camera. Her eyes where the same color as Steve's.

Tony reached over and took it from him and gazed on it, remembering when it was first taken and how he felt in that moment. Steve watched his lover's face with interest as chocolate colored iris's scanned the image. Steve was mad, but not at Tony, well not completely. He was upset Tony didn't talk to him about these things. Sure he didn't understand a word of what he was talking about when it came to technology but he wanted Tony to at least tell him when something was wrong. It hurt him to think that he could lose his beloved any moment because he was unaware something was going on.

"Steve, I'm sorry." Tony started but was cut off by the blonde

"No, I should apologize I flew off the handle. It's just I worry about you Tony. I know I'm not some technical genius but when these things happen and I don't understand I get scared. I don't want to lose you." Steve spoke as he moved closer, sorrow in his sapphire colored eyes.

Tony sighed as he reached over and took Steve's hand in his own, looking at the bands of gold around their fingers. "Steve, you are not going to lose me. I made a promise to you, that death do us part, sadly for you that means forever. I don't plan on dying anytime soon spangles."

"Tony you almost died down there, again. If You hadn't managed to get on the phone you might not be here." Steve set the photo back on the end table and hovered over Tony's still wet frame.

The brunette closed his eyes and let out a sigh. "I know and I am sorry, I didn't realize it had gotten as bad as it had, I should have finished the replacement sooner. It won't happen again ok? I promise."

The soldier leered at him for a solid minute, his gaze firm but it softened quickly into a loving grin and he nodded in acceptance of the apology. He leaned down and pressed his mouth to Tony's a hand placed gently on his cheek. Tony closed his eyes and sighed pleased into the kiss, arms coming up to wrap around Steve's neck. Large hands found their way to tanned slender hips, stroking a patch of bare skin before tugging free the knot in the towel. Tony practically purred when a warm hand started stroking his inner thigh. He loved when Steve got dominate, usually having to tease it out of him. Pulling away he panted lightly before Steve made a full assault on his neck, nipping and biting harshly, leaving dark, angry, red blotches in his wake.

Tony rolled his hips upwards, feeling the hard organ tenting in his husband's boxers. The blonde above him growled, before grasping Tony's cock in his hand and stroking slowly. A low moan escaped Tony's lips as his eyes fluttered shut and his head lolled back. Steve smirked above him, he loved unraveling the genius like this, seeing his mind slowly shut down. He reached over and took one of Tony's hands and pressed his fingers to his lips, tony cracked and eye open, then grinned pressing his fingers into Steve's hot mouth.

"I'm going to ride you so hard baby." Steve cooed his face going red.

"yeah? How hard?" Tony smirked narrowing his lust filled eyes at the blonde.

"Going to break the bed, don't want to walk tomorrow." He mumbled around the fingers in his mouth.

Tony groaned at the thought and flipped their positions, but just as he was going to pull his hand free, a cry erupted from the hall. Jolted both men stopped, Steve recognized it as Alison's cry and sat up. Tony sighed and flopped to one side, holding Steve's body down with his own. Steve knitted his brow as the crying grew more urgent.

"Tony, stop Alison is crying." He made to get up only to be pushed back down.

"She's a baby Steve that's what they do. She will be alright." He soothed as the crying died down for a second. "See."

Steve was about to relax when there was a loud shrieking cry, as if she was in pain. This drew Tony's concern and before he could even register the thought of moving Steve had shoved him to the other side of the bed and was tugging up his boxers as he ran out the door and down the hall. Cursing Tony bolted out of bed and to the dresser grabbing a pair for himself and barreling down the hall. When he arrived Steve was holding a squalling infant. Blood was staining Steve's chest from the wound on Alison. Tony quickly ran over and took her into his arms, ripping off her onesie to inspect her. Tiny fists pushed at his hands as he ran his finger over her fluttering chest, a small gash was bleeding originating from her sternum. A Dark writhing shadow curling out of it and waving about as if looking for something. The bleeding started to slow as the Shadow made a loop around her sternum and seeped into her skin. Her cries turning into pained whimpers.

"What in the hell…?" Tony rasped wiping the sticky red fluid off her and grabbing a baby wipe to clean her up.

"I'm calling Bruce…" Steve announced as he reached over to press the wall com and dial in Banner's number.

"Yeah, good idea…" Tony mumbled as he brushed away the baby's tears and petted her hair back out of her face.

And there we go! Sorry for the long wait! But yeah what's going on with poor baby Alison and for those of you wondering why they are not flipping out...Peter already has spider powers, he was bit a year before Alison was born so they are kind of used to weird babies.