AN: I hope you all enjoy this story! I am only posting the prologue for now to see if anyone has sparked an interest in reading this.
I will post more if people, indeed, do like this story.
So! Without further ado, let us go read (Sorry it's so short)!
A tall shadow paced on stone floor. Piercing, golden eyes glowered in thought as the owner of said eyes ranted. "I was close!" a dark voice hissed. "I was so achingly close to a world without hope and wonder; to a world with nothing but fear!" The gray man growled under his breath. "It's entirely their fault!" he spat, whirling to face a lone, metal globe that was coated in bright, lit-up dots. "Those damn Guardians and their ignorant believers!" A shake of his head. "The world needs fear! Those dimwits need to get that through their thick skulls! Fear is what keeps everyone on their toes." A scoff. "That is, if the human population is able to stand on their toes without their obesity weighing them down."
He took a deep breath, folding his hands across his stomach. "No matter," he murmured, taking a few more calming breaths. "Fear cannot be banned from humanity forever. It's impossible." A wicked grin that revealed sharp, uneven teeth spread across the man's face. "Some precious fool of a child is bound to gain a fear and I will be back." A chuckle equal to the discomforting sound of nails on a chalkboard emitted from the man's thin throat. "It's a promise."
He looked around his lair, glaring at the small grains of Nightmare sand that remained. "I should look into a way to make sure that I will never again be touched by my own Fearlings…" He shivered at the distant memory of being dragged back by the black horses; the humiliation of being watched by the Guardians as his downfall took place forever implanted in his mind. He sighed, circling the metal replica of the Earth. His slow footsteps echoed off of the cool, brick walls.
"In the meantime, I feel it is, appropriate, time to start plotting my uprising. After all, revenge is the best cure for soothing battle scars and whatnot." His eyes narrowed into slits. A bony finger tapped his chin repeatedly as he tried to piece his plan together. "But where to start, is the question…" He stopped walking as his gaze landed on the globe once more. But instead of looking at all of the dots as a whole, he was looking at a particular dot in general.
A particular dot that was resting on top of where Burgess, Pennsylvania was. Pitch Black, the King of Nightmares, grinned maliciously. It was perfect; foolproof. "Let's start with you, shall we, Jamie Bennett?"