Double Negative(My Way)

Disclaimer- I don't own My Babysitter's A Vampire, cause if I did Ethan and Benny would be dating and probably doing naughty things that isn't appropriate for Disney.

A/N: Hi all, I'm Hellgirlniki, Niki for short! I decided to try my hand in this since I'm a huge fan of the show. I liked the episode Double Negative and wondered what would happen if Ethan and Benny were dating in the episode, how would it of turned out? So I decided to try and rewrite the episode. Granted it will be different but if it wasn't then this would just be me writing the whole episode down for people to read and get pissed cause I did that! Note this is a Bethan, if u don't like that, then please don't read it, hate it, and send me a flame. Flames r my enemy and I really don't like it when someone reads something and leaves a nasty message that they didn't like it just cause it wasn't what they were into. Be nice if u leave a review, it would make me happy to see reviews, I don't mind reviews that tell me where I need improvement, but NO FLAMES PLZ! Also this will be beta'd by my good friend Adrenaline-Jess! She's going to keep me on track and give me ideas, so if it's beyond awesome make sure to thank her too! Now onward with the first Chapter!

Chapter One The Camera

Benny was going through the basement of his house looking for something to sell in a yard sale. He was needing some money so he could buy an anniversary gift for his boyfriend of nearly two months, Ethan Morgan! He came across an old looking chest that was locked. Stupidly he unlocked it and found a very old camera. He picked it up and it flashed in his eyes. 'This is perfect to get a couple of bucks off of!' he thought. He put it in a box of stuff he was planning on selling. After finding not much more, he ran upstairs and set up the yard sale. Some people came, some buying and some just looking. Finally a girl from school, Hannah, came and spotted the camera. She picked it up and studied it.

"How much for the camera?" she asked.

"Uh… how about 5 bucks!"

"How about 2 bucks?"

"Come on, I need the money for a gift for Ethan!" Benny whined.

"Oh, fine, sold for $5."

Benny smiled as she handed him the money. By the end of the day he had $20, not too bad, but was still disappointing.

*At Hannah's House*

Hannah looked at the camera and decided to try it out on herself. She smiled and took her own picture. Monday at school, she would use the Dark Room to develop the pictures on the film to see how they turned out.

*Monday Morning At Whitechapel School*

Hannah had just gotten to the Dark Room, and was developing the pictures. She found one of a surprised Benny that he must of taken by accident. After she developed her picture she smiled as it came out very nice! She turned to put the negatives somewhere safe but felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around and was meted with the sight of Benny Weir.

"What are you doing in here Benny?"

He smiled an evil smile that unnerved her, "Can I have the negative of me?"

"Why do you want it?"

"Just hand it over, geek!"

"Geek? Who you calling geek?"

"I think that would be you," a voice said from behind Benny.

She looked and was completely shocked to see, herself. Hannah was staring at herself as if she were infront of a mirror. The other Hannah moved quickly and forced the real Hannah into a chair looking to Benny.

"Give me some rope."

Benny looked around and grabbed a long piece of thick string and handed it to Hannah. After tieing herself up she looked to Benny who had grabbed his negative and shoved it in his pocket.

"What are you doing?"

"I was just grabbing my negative in case something happens to the others. By the way don't ever order me around again!"

"Like, why should I care?"

Benny shrugged his shoulders, "Not like I'm really going to spend my time with you anyways." He started for the door.

"Where the hell, are you going?"

Benny smiled and turned to her, "Unlike you, I have a boyfriend to get to before the goody-goody me figures out what he sold."

With that Benny left the room.

*At Ethan's House*

Ethan had just eaten breakfast and was grabbing his stuff and stuffing it into his book bag. He was a little disappointed that Benny had a doctor's appointment this morning and wouldn't be walking him to school. But he just sighed and walked out the door, backpack slung over his back. When he got outside he was greeted by a pleasant surprise.

"Benny? I thought you had a doctor's appointment this morning?"

Benny sporting a leather jacket said in a low voice, "Yeah, got cancelled. Decided to surprise you!"

"Why are you talking like that? You sick?"

"No," Benny rolled his eyes. "So, are we heading to school or do you want to ditch and spend the day together?" He said suggestively.

Ethan let out a nervous laugh, "Are you ok? I mean, you know I got a important paper due today."

Benny chuckled, "I know, but thought I'd try."

Benny held his hand out for Ethan to take. But pulled it away before Ethan could take it. Seeing the look Ethan gave him made him smile.

"Benny, you ok? Should we go tell your grandma you need to go to the doctor?"

"No, no!"

"Plus you forgot your book bag!"

Benny looked weird for a minute then said, "How about I meet you at school so you won't be late?"

Ethan frowned but said, "Ok, be sure to tell your grandma I said hi!"

A/N: What do you guys think? I did my best! Please R&R!