Disclaimer: Saying it once, I don't own anything.

A/N: This is an idea that popped into my head one night. Enjoy.


Chase scowled as he looked at the images in his spying orb. He was most displeased at what he was seeing.

Recently, he had noticed a significant drop in evil activity. (It had gotten so bad that the monks had even held a celebration party.) The evil man decided that he should see what was going on. So now he was observing the activities of the rest of the members of the Heylin side. Well, if they could even be called that. Most of those cretins wouldn't know true evil if it came up and punched them in the face.

For example, Tubbimura, the obese ninja, was currently at the dog-groomer's, of all things. He was having a ridiculous conversation about marshmallows with the stylist as she tied a few pink ribbons in his small dog's hair. As if sensing the dragon lord's discomfort and deciding to make it worse, she made sure to comment on how nice and friendly the Japanese man always was.

Pandabubba wasn't any better. The odd-looking man was currently sitting in an armchair and separating a huge pile of money into wads. The greedy look on his face certainly wasn't good, but it was far from evil.

Vlad was snoring away in a hammock somewhere on a beach. By the spirits, why were these morons so lazy?

Katnappe was with a group of what he assumed to be friends in a mall somewhere. Every once in awhile, she would discreetly sneak a small object from a store into her pockets. Shoplifting was certainly bad, but taking things like candy and toys was by no means evil.

Le Mime was on a street corner, busy...being a mime.

He didn't bother spying on Wuya, for he already knew that the witch was flipping through fashion and gossip magazines somewhere in his citadel.

Hannibal, he didn't even care about.

That only left one person to look into. Jack Spicer.

Truthfully, he made a habit to check in on his troublesome fan at least once a week. As annoying as the boy was, Chase could see that he did have potential. He was far ahead of his time when it came to things like robotics, and he at least tried to be constantly evil. But he was a braggart, and he seemed to have no common sense. And on top of all that, the boy was a huge coward.

The immortal sighed and leaned back in his chair. He knew that if he took the boy on as an apprentice he could easily get rid of all those troublesome traits. But Spicer had no sense of loyalty or honor. The little worm would probably betray him the first chance he got.

Now that he thought about it, they were all like that! Every time they formed an alliance with each other, somebody always ended up betraying their partner. It seemed to be a common thing on the Heylin side. He betrayed Hannibal, Wuya constantly betrayed him(or at least tried to), and everyone of Spicer's partners always betrayed him, if not the other way around.

Perhaps that was why he had not yet managed to take over the world yet. As powerful as he was, he himself couldn't bring ten thousand years of darkness upon the world. But if he had the right help, he might be able to, even without Omi (although he did have several plans to get the small monk back on the side of evil).

He smirked as he came to a decision. He would personally train everyone on the Heylin side to be loyal to him. He would also get rid of all the things that made them weak and annoying. Honestly, the lot of them made evil a laughingstock. But after he was through with them, the monks and everyone else on the side of good would learn to fear them.

It might not be an easy task, but he wasn't afraid to use more...extreme methods.

Turning back to the task at hand, he ordered his orb to show him Spicer. As expected, the boy was tinkering with his machines in his basement. Chase frowned as he heard the heavy metal music the red head was listening to. That would have to be one of the first things to go.

He smiled cruelly as he stood from his chair. It was time to pay his new apprentice a visit.


Jack yawned and stretched his arms over his head. He had been working on his new robot for the past five hours. Sometimes he felt as if he worked himself too hard on his machines, but he wouldn't have it any other way. His robots were his pride and joy. Especially his new one.

He called it the "SGW Grabber Bot". It was specially designed to sneak into the monks' temple and steal their Wu. It was five feet tall, painted gold in color, and had the same general design as his Jackbots. He programmed it with a special cloaking device, so it would be hard to detect even if it was hit. And it could run and fly faster than all his others bots.

Also, it had an awesome evil laugh! Sort of like Jack's but deeper and more...robotic.

"It's an interesting idea, but it still has many flaws," a familiar voice said from behind him.

Jack turned around quickly to face the intruder. "Chase?" he gasped. "Why are you here?"

"You'll find out soon enough," his evil idol responded with a smirk.

Jack felt a sharp pain in the back of his head before everything went black.


A/N: So, any good so far? Feedback would be appreciated.