Son of the Moon
Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Harry Potter is the property of J.K. Rowling. Doctor Who is owned by the BBC.
'Talking'-text, writing
August 9, 1000 PNMM
Four days after Harry's attempt at Applebucking and subsequent injury he found himself trying to convince Applejack that he could still help around the orchard despite the fact that he was barely able to walk while carrying something heavy; Macintosh had, after some serious thinking, decided to allow Harry to use his magic to assist him.
Even though this went against the Apple families desire to not use magic during the harvest, Macintosh recognized that Harry would be unable to carry back any baskets of apples without injuring himself further. Therefore, after discussing it with both Harry and Granny Smith it was agreed that Harry would be able to use magic to carry the full baskets from the orchard to the barn; the only problem was Applejack herself, whom was insisting that she could handle the entire harvest by herself, even if she had to work from before Celestia raised the Sun to well after Luna raised the Moon.
"Applejack, please, listen to reason: I know that it goes against your families traditions, but both your brother and grandmother have accepted it as a way for you to have some help this harvest time, at least until Macintosh is healed up enough." Harry said, trying to make his friend listen, who just shook her head in a negative response before speaking herself.
"No can do Sugarcube; I do honestly appreciate what you're trying to do, but I'm an Apple, and we Apples have not used magic during the harvest since our family was first founded five hundred or so years ago."
Sensing that he would be unable to convince her that if he used magic it would prevent a potential disaster, especially if Applejack made good on her declaration to work as long as she said; eventually Harry thought of a way to possibly convince her to still let him help out.
"Fine, you won't let me use magic to move the full baskets, and I won't be able to carry them with my leg; what if we see how long and how many empty baskets I can carry to and from the barn during a normal work day. If I can do it, would you consider letting me help you with at least the set up: pick a stand of trees, I'll place the baskets around them, you buck them and carry back the full baskets while I set up the next set. Would that be agreeable?" Harry said in as calm a voice as he could manage, even though he really wanted to start raising his voice.
After about a minute of thinking it over Applejack responded. "Alright Harry, we'll try it your way: if you can keep up with me for a day moving the empty baskets from the barn to the trees than you can help with the harvest next week. However, If you can't then I'll just have to do the work myself; come back tomorrow at dawn and we'll get started."
With that the mare turned and started to trot towards the orchard, intending to get the rest of the day's work done before she lost too much more time. For his part Harry turned to Macintosh, yet before he could say anything he was surprised when the larger stallion gave him a nod in thanks before speaking up.
"Harry, thank you for that; what you just offered to do for Applejack should save her a few hours a day, just in prep work alone. Now come on to the barn, we should see how many empty baskets you can carry by yourself without over straining that leg before trying to have you pull a cart of them."
As the pair of stallions made their way towards the barn Macintosh started speaking again. "Harry, I'm glad you thought of that, you taking care of the empty baskets I mean; all I ask is that you keep an eye on my sister, how she's doing during the day. Applejack may not realize it, but tending the orchard is easily a three or four pony job at least, and we've been doing it with two for the last few years."
"I realize this is none of my business, but have you considered hiring other ponies to work at the Acres?" Harry asked, acknowledging in his mind that this was a rather inconsiderate and obvious question.
"I've tried to talk it over with Applejack and Granny a couple of times, but they find some way of changing the topic. Honestly though Harry, stallion to stallion, I don't think my sister will be able to handle the entire orchard this year, even with your help with the empty baskets." Macintosh finished as they entered the barn and Harry saw just what he had gotten himself into: along one side of the barn were around twenty five stacks of four baskets each while on the other was a pair of flatbed carts, waiting to be used.
'Buck me.' Harry thought as he watched Macintosh head over to the side with the baskets and carefully lifted a small wooden beam with straps on either side to carry a basket each.
"Come on over Harry and let's get this fitted for you and see how much you can carry." Macintosh said before looking over at his friend and smiled at the look of shock on his face.
Sometime later Harry slowly made his way into his and Twilight's home and was greeted by the sight of Rarity, Fluttershy, and Twilight all talking about the spa trip they had and the possibility of going again next week. As he entered Fluttershy saw him and smiled shyly at him, before turning her head away, causing both Rarity and Twilight to notice him.
"Harry, what happened? I thought you were only going to talk to Applejack and Big Macintosh about what you might be able to do during the harvest next week?" Twilight asked as Harry walked over to the couch and sank his tired body onto it between Twilight and Rarity, while Fluttershy watched from a nearby chair.
"I did Twilight; Applejack, Macintosh, and I have come to an agreement that if I can keep up with Applejack for a day's work; I'll be responsible for bringing the empty baskets to the trees that need to be bucked while she takes the full ones back. I was able to get Macintosh and Granny Smith to agree on letting me use magic to help out but Applejack wouldn't budge on it, she's rather set on following her family's traditions."
"Darling, from what Twilight told us when you were at Sweet Apple Acres Nurse Redheart told you that you weren't supposed to be doing anything strenuous for the next couple weeks at least." Rarity said, concern for her friend filling her voice as she placed a hoof on Harry's shoulder.
The day after the spa trip Harry had gotten up and as his leg still wasn't feeling one hundred percent, he visited Ponyville General; after an examination by Nurse Redheart he had been informed that he had strained the leg muscle.
"You're right Rarity, I was told not to do anything strenuous and I intend to follow those instructions to the best of my ability until I'm healed; however I made a promise to Applejack that I would assist her during the harvest, and as Twilight knows, I keep my promises." Harry said seriously, stretching out his legs to relieve some of the tension in them; his statement about keeping his promises prompted both Rarity and Fluttershy to glance over at Twilight with questioning expressions.
Taking a breath to calm herself slightly Twilight explained. "As you might remember Harry was brought back to Equestria five years ago from that other world he had been placed in by his father. Two years ago, on Nightmare Night, I had a dream where Harry went back to that world and for all intents and purposes, abandoned me. A few weeks ago we had to go back to Canterlot because a being from that world had found their way into Equestria and was under the impression that Harry was still a foal and would need training in the usage of magic. Both Harry and the Princesses set the record straight fairly quickly, although I'm curious as to what your father said to him just before he left."
At this Harry gave a grim smile before answering. "From what I've read about my father in the Royal Archives, he used to have so much mercy, letting ponies, Diamond Dogs, Griffons, and other beings around Equestria having multiple chances to correct their errors. About a hundred years ago, he changed somewhat: he walked up to a Diamond Dog pack leader that had entered Equestria and said something about this was their only warning. The scroll didn't go into too much detail about what happened next, only that the pack was defeated by units of the Guard shortly afterwards. I'm guessing that my father was giving that Dumbledore fellow his 'one warning'; Princess Celestia did say that he was known amongst their species as The Oncoming Storm, whatever that might mean."
A couple hours later the other two mares left for their own homes, leaving Harry and Twilight to discuss what he would be doing the next day at Sweet Apple Acres and how he could possibly keep pace with Applejack. A mere half day of work at the orchard had left him feeling as though he had gone three straight rounds of training with Shining Armor with additional weight spells on him. When Harry mentioned this to Twilight as the pair were cleaning up after a light dinner of salads, with ground gemstones in place of croutons in Spike's case who as soon as he was done promptly went upstairs and fell asleep, the mare thought it over before eventually speaking.
"Harry, didn't Doctor Stitches teach us a number of strength spells when you were going through your medical training and I wanted to learn all I could a couple of years ago?" She asked before continuing when Harry nodded as a look of understanding crept over his muzzle. "If you can cast a minor strength spell on yourself every two or three hours it might be enough to get you through the day; however tomorrow right afterwards you are going to go to Nurse Redheart and make sure that using those spells aren't causing any additional strain, magically or physically."
"That might work Twilight; I just hope Applejack doesn't notice me using magic, even if it is on myself; as I said earlier, she is very set in her family's traditions." Harry replied as he used his magic to finish putting the various utensils and dishes away before moving to join Twilight who had just gone into the main room of the library to find a book to refresh their knowledge of the required spells.
August 10, 1000 PNMM
As Harry walked through the main gate to Sweet Apple Acres he was greeted by Big Macintosh once more, who directed him over to a cart that already had a full load of twenty baskets on it, causing Harry to take a deep breath and calm himself for what lay ahead of him.
As the red coated stallion helped Harry get the harness on Harry spoke up about the fear he had. "Macintosh, if Applejack catches me using magic today, even if it's on myself, what's the worst that could happen?"
Pausing slightly, Macintosh replied in a hesitant tone. "Well worst case would be her accidentally putting you in the hospital. I know my sister would never purposefully harm you, any more than she would purposefully hurt me, but sometimes she lets her emotions get the better of her; on the other hoof the best case would be she just kicks you out of the orchard and won't let you help with the harvest next week. Why do you ask?"
"Twilight and I came up with the idea of using a low level strength spell on myself for today and during the harvest. I'm concerned that if your sister finds out she'll buck me from here to Trotonto and back, before insisting that she can handle the harvest on her own." Harry said as he cast the first spell and started to slowly pull the cart towards the orchard with Macintosh walking alongside to direct him as to where the first set of baskets needed to go.
"Well Harry, I won's say you're wrong about AJ insisting she can handle the harvest on her own, but as I said, she won't hurt you on purpose. Now, you need to take the baskets over to the East field and put a basket around each tree in the first couple rows; when you're done, leave the cart there and come back to the barn where you'll start to load up the next set of baskets onto the other cart and I'll tell you where to go. If you're fast enough, you'll be able to stay one row ahead of AJ; good luck." Macintosh said, watching as Harry slowly made his way into the orchard before turning back towards the farmhouse to make sure that the rest of his family was up and ready for the day.
A/N: I'm ending the chapter here; I will be finishing with Applebuck Season next time. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone.