The night was cold as Morgiana walked around the town. Sinbad kindly let them stay at his palace as they stayed there as guests to gain strength. Unlike most humid nights, this one was significantly colder. Morgiana frowned as she looked up at the ocean of starlight from above. Her feet pressed deeper in the sand. How did she make it the shore again? She was merely thinking about her life recently. How much it had changed because of the two boys she had met.

From behind, a twig snapped and she whirled around in a fighting stance. Ready. The red haired soldier smirked some, which was uncharacteristic on his part. Masrur wasn't much for showing emotion.

"Some night training, Morgiana?" He offered.

Though the fighting stance didn't relax, her tension dissolved seeing a friend and not a foe. With a slight nod, she gave her answer and they began to spar. Masrur watched her moves intently, and only could seem to think about what that silly sword freak mentioned.

'You spar with her all the time right? Lucky.'

Masrur's eyes trailed to her body shape, like his eyes were his fingers now as a brick like kick landed on his stomach. It didn't make him move or gasp, he was reaction less as ever but his mind was reeling. The slight curve of her neck, the pronounced collar bones, the lean muscle that held so much power.

'Beautiful, isn't she?'

'Sure is a sight..'

All the side comments from the festivity on Morgiana's appearance came flooding into his mind and he lost balance. Morgiana's kick sent him on his bum the second it landed. She gracefully landed in front of him and knelt, her eyes trained on the sandy ground beneath them.

"You seem..distracted. Is..something wrong?"

Masrur and Morgiana weren't talkative. They discussed means of becoming stronger and if their companions arrived, they'd make a short discussion about ending practice early and greeting them. Heart to hearts were never, and have never, crossed his mind. Nor Morgiana's but she felt the need to ask.

He nodded shakily and quickly shot up.

"I must be tired, that's all. I just..thought I should check on you seeing how you made it out to the beach alone."

She only stared blankly at him.

"I know. You're capable of handling something but it's better with comrades."

Though that's not why Morgiana stayed silent, she couldn't help but smile happily at the man and his reassurance. She nodded, the smile still painted strongly on her lips as she pointed to the palace.

"Shall we both return?"

He nodded this time.

The two walked in silence, and he even went so far as to escort her to her room. His heart was acting funny, as well as Morgiana's. Her's even caused a blush to spread on her cheeks as she chewed her lip nervously. Masrur smiled at her, it felt weird to do so but he found he could smile towards his fellow finalist. They weren't to such shaky feelings. Both wondered what was wrong with them. They've sparred quite a bit together. Why is this so different?

Her blush worsened but she smiled nervously back before going into the room and closing the door behind her with only a slight nod toward him as she did so.

Masrur was stuck there for a few moments, rooted in place, trying to keep his heart in the place it should be and not in his throat. The thought was like a scream in a silent room as it passed-
