No one in the room could believe what just happened. Jenny was gone. Again. She left her kid like it was theirs to raise. Blair and Chuck certainly did not expect her to leave again. They thought it would be a great night. The lost daughter coming back. Now they wished they had let her leave in the lobby cause it had totally ruined this 'party'. Rufus was back where he was three years ago. Hopeless. He had thought seeing Jenny back after those years and knowing that she is OK would feel great. But it didn't, cause it made him realize that she didn't regret leaving. She had been just fine without her daddy. It probably would have been less painful if they would've found Jenny dead, knowing that she had been screaming for him to come and take her home cause at least she would've needed him then. He was a horrible father, he said to himself.

Of course this was a total lie. Rufus was probably the best father of the Upper East Side. There's not a thing he wouldn't do for his children. He just doesn't know always what to do and how to handle situations. If they would just tell him, they would make everything so much easier. He blamed himself for not reacting the way he should've had when Jenny was playing with the idea in her head of leaving. He had been thinking for three years of what he should have done, but he still doesn't know the answer what he did wrong. If only he would realize that he didn't do anything wrong. Whatever happened, was going to happen no matter what. Maybe it was Jenny Humphrey's faith to get lost.

As soon as the elevators closed their doors, Jenny hit the floor with a hard smack and started crying uncontrollably. It was the kind of crying that didn't took long, just long enough until she was back at the ground floor. She had nothing now. No family. She had even abandoned Avan. She could never forgive herself for that, even though she believed she did it for the right reasons.

It didn't seem that the next time she would come back, there would be another warm welcome home hug. Dan was furious and so was Rufus but he was still more in shock.

"I can't believe her!" Dan cried. "She just shows up, leaves her kid and walks away. What is she nowadays? A prostitute?" He had never been this mad in his life.

"Does she even know how long we have been looking for her? How hurt we were? But she doesn't even care!" He yelled hysterically. Serena walked up to him and tried to calm her fiancé down.

"She had her reasons, Dan. You saw how scared she was." She said quietly.

"Don't protect her, Serena. She's just as cold as she always was." He said, like he was throwing knives at her. He didn't want to fight with his fiancé on this night because of his stupid sister.

"Sorry." He whispered to her. Serena understood his reaction. She nodded and stroked gently over his back.

Rufus had to sit down because of the emotions. Just an hour ago he was looking at her pictures, gradually taking peace that he'll never see her again. But now he was back to where he was three years ago. He just lost another daughter.

Lily was worried about her husband. The people in the room started to talking again, all at once. They shared different opinions for Jenny's departure and coming back but all of it seemed to go past Rufus. He didn't even notice. He just shut the world out, like he always did.

Nate still didn't know what to think. He had thought about Jenny a lot in the years. If she would be alive. About their short romance they had when he was still a senior and she a sophomore. He always felt protective over her. When he found out Chuck slept with her, it was like a slap in the face. He had been so over Jenny. He was so in love with Serena and he still was. He hated seeing Serena with Dan. But still, there was something about Jenny Humphrey. Even though she had just walked in after three years, drop of her kid and explained she was in trouble – she didn't even say it with that much words – and he still thought she had something very innocent. He knew Jenny Humphrey. She must have thought this was her last option, or she would never have returned.

He stood up what and all eyes were on him right now.

"What are you going to do, Nate?" Serena asked with a warning tone.

"I'm gonna check up on Jenny." He said. He didn't even know why he would, but something in his mind told him he should.

"She's probably not even in the building anymore! Besides, she made it very obvious she doesn't want any of us in her life." Dan spitted out.

All this years he had so much respect for Jenny. He loved his little sister. He wanted her to be remembered as a great person. But it hit Dan Jenny wasn't his sweet, innocent sister anymore. She was self-conscious. She had lost all dignity. They all would've waited for her an eternity, but she was once again thinking about herself. She was in trouble. She needed help. Well, he didn't care anymore. Jenny Humphrey, the sister he knew, was dead to him. And he didn't want some whore to ruin his memories about her. The Jenny he had seen today, wasn't the person he loved so much this entire time.

But Nate thought the same things as Dan. Jenny was in trouble. Jenny needed help. And he cared. She always had been there for him even before she had raccoon eyes.

"I'm just gonna check." He said. Dan and Serena were looking disapproval at him. He turned his back and began walking towards the elevator.

"Wait, Nathaniel." Chuck yelled. He asked permission with his eyes to Blair. She nodded. Chuck loved some drama, even now he was quiet amused but he just wanted to go with his friend. There had to be something he could do for Jenny Humphrey. If the problem she had would be out of the way, there could be a family reunite and it would be good for all of them. Rufus wasn't going to forget this day easily. He probably needed the best therapists in the world right now.

He followed Nate to the elevator. They both were in a hurry to push the elevator button. It reminded Chuck of how he used to make that a game when he was younger. He loved buttons. They always did something. He liked that. When you push a button, something is gonna happen.

But the guys were not in the mood for games right now. She wasn't in the building anymore, as they expected, so they run to the street. Maybe it was stupid to think they would immediately see her blond hair. There were so many people. So many people with blond hair. The rush of courage they both had, sunk down. How where they going to find her? It was hopeless.

They were about to give up when Nate saw her. Just a glimpse. He lost her again in the crowd but he knew where to run to. Witch direction to follow. He quickly ticked Chuck's shoulder, as a sign he should follow him and ran to the spot he had seen her.

They were both running, Nate a bit faster than Chuck. They both had to push people away, sometimes didn't even take the effort to apologize. Nate could see Jenny perfectly now. She could barely keep her balance on the high heels she was wearing. Why on earth was she wearing those? But she moved quickly. Like a snake through the people. Chuck was following his mate blindly. He still hadn't seen Jenny and he began to wonder if Nate was hallucinating. Nate didn't dare to call her name out loud just yet. She would probably hideaway and he wouldn't find her anymore.

He was finally close enough and out of breath so he decided to call her name.

"Wait. Jenny!" It felt like the last couple of steps were the most difficult. Jenny didn't heard it or didn't react. He shouted another time.

He could see her body shiver. She turned around, confused.

"Nate?" She asked. She couldn't see anything due to the tears in her eyes.

Nate sighed. Jenny immediately knew it was him because of that. She had never heard anyone sigh the way he did.

"C'mon Jenny. There must be something we can do. I can't let you slip away again." He said. Finally, Chuck also reached them.

Chuck tried to catch his breath. He hated running. Once he felt he could speak again, he did.

"I can get you a private room in one of my hotels. If you want to, you can stay there undercover. No one will know there's a Jenny Humphrey there except for us." Chuck said. He sure knew how to convince people.

"I don't have any money." Jenny said. She already had a lot of debts because of the crappy apartment in Brooklyn.

Chuck laughed, despite of the circumstances. "Money's not a problem in my world, Jenny."

Jenny didn't get why the boys were doing nice to her. She had almost ruined both of their relationships.

Jenny didn't realize Chuck and Nate were waiting for a response. She just stared at them. Her sight was so blurry.

She was thinking were she was supposed to go. Her plan was to go to Europe, maybe she could start over. But she hadn't any money to even pay for the flight ticket. She had to leave her apartment. She rather have Chuck spending his money on her getting out of their lives but it didn't seem like he was going to do that.

Chuck pulled Jenny to a calmer spot on the sidewalk, next to some green dustbins, so he was sure no one could hear their conversation.

"C'mon Jenny. Whoever it is, you know I have the power to put him behind bars for the rest of his life." Chuck looked into her eyes.

Eventually, after thinking of every other option she had, she nodded. She shouldn't go. She didn't want to go. She wanted to stay.

Nate gasped. He was relieved. Chuck just smiled. He knew he was a convincing man. Secretly, he was proud of himself.

"Okay now, we'll get your stuff and we'll go to your new home." He said.

Jenny shook her head. What now, Chuck thought.

"I will get my stuff. You two, or anyone else, won't step any foot close to that apartment. You understand me?" She dared to look them both in the eyes. She sounded very serious and the guys understood they had to agree with that. She gave them a thankful smile. Nate realized it was a long time he had seen that.

"I'll get you a new passport in that time." Chuck said.

"No one can now, Chuck. Not even my dad or Dan." She said.

Chuck sighed again. "Are you kidding me, Jenny? I can't keep that a secret." He didn't want to lie to anyone. Not anymore.

"But.." She wanted to say but Nate supported his friend.

"No buts, Jenny. If you leave a second time out of his life, I don't think he will let you in a third time." Nate said.

I already left a second time, Jenny thought, just now. But she also thought of Avan. If she didn't tell her dad then she wasn't going to see him anymore and Avan was the most important to her.

She agreed.

While Jenny went to get her stuff, Chuck and Nate went back to the Van der Woodsen flat.

AN: So, another chapter! I really enjoy writing this!

Don't be afraid to write reviews! I would like to improve my writing style.

xoxo R