/.../ Yugi to Yami

\...\ Yami to Yugi




Sickness and nightmare!

Yugi were inside the bathroom showering. He got out of there and got dressed and ran downstairs.

Downstairs at the kitchen table his grandfather Solomun Motou were drinking a cup of coffee and on the other side of the kitchen table his bestfriend and a ancient pharaoh sat eating his breakfast but stop when he heard Yugi come down the stairs.

''Good morning Aibou.'' Yami said smiling at the short boy.

''Morning Yami, Grandpa.'' Yugi said.

''Are you ready for school my boy? Solomun asked.

''Yes Grandpa.'' He answered smiling

''Come Yugi we need to go'' Yami said standing in the door.

''Coming!'' Yugi said with the breakfast in his mouth and ran to the door. ''Bye Grandpa!'' He said when he closed the door.

''Goodbye.'' Solomun said.

At school Joey, Tristan, Tea, Bakura, Ryou, Malik, Marik and Seto waited at the doors in to the school.

''Hi guys!'' Yugi said smiling when they came to the doors.

''Hiya Yug! Hiya Yams!'' Joey said.

''Stop calling me Yams!'' Yami growled.

''At least it's better then what Bakura and Marik calls us.'' Yugi said.

''That hurt.'' Marik said.

''Yeah Baka Pharaoh and Mini Pharaoh! Bakura said.

''Shut up Tomb Robber!'' Yami growled.

''Come let's get to class before Yami and Bakura starts a bloodbath.'' Ryou said and they all headed to class.

The last class for the day was Gym and Yugi hated it. Yugi had forgot his gymclothes at home and sat and watch insteed of playing. Yugi got up to go to the bathroom and to some buisness when he suddenly felt dizzy and cold.

Yami and Yugi had the mindlink and Yami felt the dizzyness and coldness that Yugi felt. Yami stopped playing and sat down to rest when he saw Yugi walking in to the bathroom.

Yugi shook his head trying to get the dizzy feeling away but it got worse. He felt very lightheaded and collapsed at the door to the bathroom.

Yami heard a thump behind him and saw Yugi collasped at the ground. He ran over and started shaking him.

''Yugi can you hear me?'' Yami said getting very worried because he couldn't feel Yugi through the link.

Yugi didn't answer and Yami toke Yugi up from the ground and walked in to the boys changing room. He changed his clothes, got his and Yugis schoolbags and walked to the nurse office. He told the nurse what happened and she told him to placed on the bed and she exsamed him.

''He has high fever and a bad cold.'' She said. ''You can wait until he wakes up and take him home if you want to'' She said and left the two boys alone.

Two houres later Yugi woke up. He's vision has blurry but he saw a man who looked like him sitting beside the bed.

''Yami?'' Yugi said. His voice was horse and low like a whisper.

''Yugi? I'm glad you're awake. I'm taking you home.'' he said looking at the boy.

''I'm fine I just needed to rest thats all.'' Yugi lied.

Yami knew Yugi lied and picked him up and carried him home and upstairs to his room. ''Stay put'' he said walking downstairs.

''Yes mother hen!'' Yugi said.

Yugi layed in bed and feeling the wave of dizzyness return and fell asleep soon after.

Yami came downstairs and saw grandpa sitting in the living wanting to know what was wrong with Yugi.

''What's wrong with him Yami?'' Grandpa asked.

''He collapsed outside the bathroom at school so I toke him to the nurse office and she said that he has a flu and a bad one too.'' Yami explained.

''I'll go the shop and get some medicines for him while you are trying to cool him down.'' grandpa said and walked to the shop.

Yami walked upstairs and saw Yugi tossing around in the bed like he was having a nightmare. Yami ran over to Yugi and shok him.

''Yami...Take me insteed...Stop!'' Yugi said in his sleep. he began to scream. ''Yami!...Stay with me...don't die...YAMI!''

''Yugi! Wake up! Yugi it's a nightmare you have to wake up! Yami said. shaking him.

*Yugis nightmare*

Yugi was running as fast as his legs could. He ran to and ally and was boxed in. Yugi turn around and swa Ushio holding Yamis unconcisous body under his arms.

''Let him go you creep!'' Yugi shouted.

''Why should I? He can be my new toture toy.'' Ushio said wiht a big smirk on his face.

''NO! Let him go please! Take me insteed of him!'' Yugi cried.

Ushios men kicked him and pushed him in 30 minutes. When Yugi looked up Ushio stabbed Yami in the the heart. Ushio thorwed Yamis body to Yugi and ran away.

''Yami!'' Yugi shook him. ''Stay with me, dont' die I need you.'' Yugi check Yami pulse. He's heart stopped. Yami has lying dead in Yugis lap. ''YAMI!''

*End nightmare*

Yami still trying to shook Yugi awake.

Yugi eyes opened too fast for Yugi so his vision was black in two minutes then his vision cleared. Yugi looked at Yami who had happy tears in his eyes.

''Yami! Yugi cried and hugged him and started cry hard in Yami chest.

''Shh...I'm here...shhh...don't cry...'' Yami said calming Yugi down.

Yugi had finally calmed down layed in bed thinking. 'Maybe I should leave? Yami thinks that I'm a burden.' Yugi thought.

''I'll go and get some soup and a wet cloth okay?'' Yami said and walk out of the room.

Yugi got up from the bed and stood up in 2 minutes and then started walking towards the bathroom. He lean against the wall for support but he hadn't anymore energy left and collapsed against the wall and his vision started get blurryer. With the last of his energy he got out.


\Yugi where are you?! You're not in bed!\


\Bathroom okay coming!\

Yami placed the food on Yugis nightstand and ran towards the bathroom. He stop when he saw Yugi unconcsious against the wall outside the bathroom. Yami carried him in to their room. He put Yugi slowly and carefully down on the bed. He went back to the bathroom and got a temperaturemeter. He went back to their room and put the temperaturemeter in his mouth. When it beeped Yami toke it and read it. '103,8. Not good. I'll stay with him until he starts vomiting blood.' Yami thought and got a wet cloth on Yugis forhead.

Yugi shivered at the toughs. Yami was getting more and more worried each minute Yugi was sick.

Yami was sitting in the sofa downstairs reading when he heard a moan through the link. He placed the book on the coffee table and walked upstairs.

Yugi opened his eyes slowly. His vision was blurry but it cleared after a minute. Yugi opened his mouth to say something but he coughed insteed.

\Talk through here okay?\


''How are you feeling'' Yami asked stroking Yugi hair.

/Like a truck have droven over me 100 times and then throwed in to a wall./

Yami chuckled a little. ''Let's take a bath'' Yami said.

/Yami I can't even stand so do you think I'm going to TAKE A BATH!/

''I'll carry you to the bathroom and puts you down in the tub.''