This chapter is slightly longer than normal but that's good. I updated faster since I really felt bad that I had left a slightly cliffhanger at the end of last chapter. So the update is on. With this the story will probably start moving, problem is don't expect a super fine plot since I'm going to make this as realistic as it could be. And being real means, life is not truly planned.

So for now let us see how it goes and enjoy!


Not always was it him and I.
We would depart during the day.
At night we would unite.
Our satisfaction brought forth,
During the shade of light.

A satisfaction brought by no other.

"Annie?" He said confused, my name sounding more like a question. Glee filling my form as I allowed a ghost smile upon my lips… he remembered me.

It all didn't last long, his expression being completely controlled as he looked down at me; him not making a move to allow me to enter. And we stayed like that, as if a silent standoff was being announced. I didn't move, my hand coming over to my side as I looked at his jade eyes. We were locked there for a moment, me analyzing him as he did the same to me.

"Coming in?" He asked, a smug look appearing on his face.

And that was all I needed, my hand moving fast as it stroked against his smooth face. Tears brimming in my eyes as I began my rant, "how dare you!" I yelled as he backed away slightly, his expression passing from anger to confusion as he allowed me to enter the room. "I can't even get it past my mind! How come you dare make a bet just for sex! I mean it's as if you don't even consider one's feelings!"

He was quiet, his eyes glazed over as if a spark of hate was filling him at that precise moment. In reality I had no idea what he was thinking, and I doubt that even today I do. The silence continued, the door closing softly behind me as if an invisible hand or person was the one doing it. However, the only ones in the room were us. No, I remember seeing that Genesis guy enter the room, but never once did I see him leave. With that I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Where is he?" I asked as I moved further into the room, the door fully locking behind me as I heard it click.

But once more my question met silence. An eerie silence that had me feeling uncomfortable, his presence growing stronger as he neared my back. Footsteps were unheard by me as I found his breath against my neck, his body warmth sweeping right through my body. I paused completely my search, the man that I had questioned for being nowhere to be seen.

"The first time was also bet." Sephiroth whispered as I felt his hands hold me down, his torturing lips tending the skin of my neck making a shudder run down my back.

However the carnal pleasure wasn't enough to block away his words. And even if I had been angered by the fact that they were bidding, I was also sad at the fact of the truth. The truth was that I was a prostitute. I was someone that had no right to fight against immoral things when I was the first person that was being immoral. And to top it all, I wasn't against the bidding for my virginity, something I sold in pure and utter desperation. A good idea that turned sour, when I discovered that I couldn't leave the world I had entered.

Turning over ever slowly I faced the man that was known as the General. He was no longer breathing in my scent as he had pulled away. His jade green stare on me, as it moved slightly yet continuously as he stared at both of my eyes. I couldn't figure out why he would do that, his stare was penetrating. As if he would rip apart every single part of my body for further examination, his eyes going further than just staring at my pale blue eyes. No, his stare was something out of the ordinary, something that made me feel naked when in his presence.

At that I gathered my resolve. My hands coming to cup his face as he allowed me, my lips nearing his as I stood on my toes. But I never got to feel his smooth lips against my own. His hands were there to stop all movement coming from me. His push slowly separated the two of us as the distance grew. A small pang hurt coming to me as I felt rejection for the first time.

"Do you think I'll bed a woman that just slapped me?" He asked me as he moved away from me and towards the only bed in the room, a television set right across from it.

I observed him from afar, my eyes trailing his dressed figure as I saw him rest on the bed. His hand grazed the remote control, as if he was teasing me, and I was proved to be right. His eyes stared in my direction a sly smile resting upon his face as he pressed a button. At that instant the television turned to live, sound coming from it as a movie was being shown. I looked at the screen and tried to see from my position what it was, but the angle didn't allowed me as all I saw were shadows in the image.

"Aren't you coming to bed?" Sephiroth said with a humorous tone, as if something about this situation was funny to him. Well I wasn't laughing, not at all.

"After I slapped you?" I moved forward, only to stop at the foot of the bed. My arms crossed in front of my chest.

"Maybe there's something you can do to repent yourself of your actions." I rolled my eyes at his words. And on purpose I crawled on to the bed, my eyes set on to my goal. He looked to be pleased by my movements, his eyes trailing the curves of my body. Most of the time they stopped at my chest as the position allowed my cleavage to be shown. A sight that I knew most men would love to see. Soon enough he allowed just an inch of separation between our faces, his eyes lowering to my lips as he saw my teasing tongue come out and lick my lips.

"How should I repent myself?" I asked him seductively as I felt his breath fawning against my face.

There was silence once more, the sound of the television in the background being enough of an indicator that I hadn't gone deaf. "How about…" he began, his hand trailing my arm with a ghost touch, it felt great.

At his teasing I closed my eyes, his touch electrifying as I downed in the pleasure of his hands. A pleasure that I had missed still I whispered to him, "yes?" At the end my lips were left parted, his expression unknown to me as my eyes were still closed.

"Move," he ordered one of his hands lying on my shoulder as he pushed me away. My body falling to the bed as I laid there in shock, a smile to his face as he said, "can't watch the movie with you blocking."

And once more he didn't bed me immediately. Instead I sat there next to him watching an action movie. Both of us were laughing at how fake the movie appeared to be, the blasts being exaggerated and the acting extremely poor. It would be during those moments that we had gotten comfortable with each other that I laid there and thought. This had been the second time we would meet. However it felt different.

With him I didn't feel like the prostitute I was. With him I felt like a woman. A woman that was respected and treated rightfully. He wasn't like some of my clients were. He wouldn't place a hand on me. He hadn't done it and I thought that he would never try it. He was a real man, a man that showed respect, even to the type of human that deserved no respect at all.

Come on! Think of it, no one ever respect a prostitute. We were the scorn of the earth. We were the other one. The one that was in charge of breaking families, we were the worst. And never once had I felt right doing this job. Only he was capable of making me feel like a woman, only him. But I knew and had to keep reminding myself of my job, because with him I was still a prostitute. I was still that woman he would never marry or take out on a date. I was the one he would meet at night, where no one would remember. I was the one he would never consider.

Time had passed and a new movie began, but no longer being interested in the movie we began our own. At that moment my head was resting on top of his chest. His slow and controlled breathing acting like a lullaby as it helped me relax to him. His hand would rest on top of my head, soft caresses coming from his as he untangled my slightly matted hair. Soon I felt him shift, the second movie forgotten as he sat up, my body imitating his as his strong hands pulled me up to him.

We would stay like that for a few seconds. His hands caressing my face, our foreheads touching, and our eyes closed taking in the moment. I don't know what it was. I don't know why for me moments like this moved ever so slow. But I wasn't about to protest. I took it all in as his lips brushed against mine, still not in full contact for it to be called a kiss. It was exciting. The slow teasing of his, our breathing slow and calm as he breathed each other. His musky scent was unique to him.

Our lips brushed again, this time the friction caused something in me. Something that had my hands moved away from my lap and to caress his face. His hair was parted away as I allowed my eyes – through half closed lids – to study his perfect form. From his unnatural cat like eyes, the azure green of them hypnotizing. His smooth skin, a perfect alabaster that held no blemish to it giving out a soft glow that appeared to be emanated from him.

His lips would brush mine once again, the contact being finalized as I responded to him. Once that was done everything moved once more at normal speed. One of his hands would no longer hold my face as he allowed it to be lowered towards my hips. While the other once would tease and graze at my neck and that was all we needed to fall into our lust.

We lusted for each other as we devoured. His taste filled my mouth as I breathed his scent, the husky wood scent that came from him. So distinctive that was only something that I could find with him, just him. And we continued our way to our devastation, his teeth nibbling my lips as he allowed our tongues to battle. The dominance being questioned as both of us didn't give up our quest for dominion.

At that, parts of our clothing were forgotten. Teasing and trembling hands playing around as I gasped. His face deep in my neck as he played, our bodies no longer kneeling next to each other, instead he rested on top of mine. We continued our battle as we gave, me sometimes fighting against him as our game was in full play.

It had been marvelous. A marvelous dance that had left us pleased as we rested on the bed. His body looked towards the white ceiling as I rested my head to his chest. I moved my index finger creating imaginary circles on his body, my touch innocent as I played. We would lay there like a couple in love. My touches doing nothing to him as he looked towards the cement white sky that surrounded us.

"What are you thinking?" I asked him as I moved my head, my eyes looking at his face as he appeared relaxed.

"Thoughts," he answered his eyes not moving one bit, as if there was something interesting in the ceiling.

Imitating him I accommodated my body next to him and stared at the ceiling. There was no tear, blemish nor dark spot, only an immaculate white ceiling. "Why are you staring at the ceiling?" I asked as I continued to look at it, somehow wondering if he could observe something that I couldn't.

"Because I can," he answered his voice smooth and calm as ever. It was all as if I hadn't slapped him upon seeing him, and much less having just finished one of our sexual encounters. However, our calm didn't last as he turned over to his side, his bare body facing me as his eyes trailed my curves.

"Because you can what?" I asked back, his hand touching the skin of my hips as he played with soft movements. Invisible circles being drawn as I had done on his chest not so long ago.

"Because I can repeat," when he said those words I looked at him incredulously, still accepted him when he pushed himself on to me. Lips once more connected as we kissed, the feeling magnifying itself as he touched me carefully. All parts of my body were traveled by his hands, nothing being left behind as he provoked the best experiences I could have.

"Who said you can?" I asked him as I tried to push him off and be on top of him. He didn't budge. It was a great frustration that I couldn't fight equally against his muscled body, my strength being nothing next to his. He smiled at me, his body still atop as he lowered towards my ear, his hot breathing tickling all of my senses alive.

"Want to play fair?" He whispered as he took a hold of my hands and lifted them over my head. Quickly he changed hands and allowed for only one to hold me still. The one that was free was there to tease me to ecstasy.

"No, stop!" I playfully yelled as I tried to battle against his hold, my legs giving him full opportunity to dominate me as I tried to push him off.

"If you say so," and he stopped. All of his teasing movements were gone; his hold on me leaving my body as he stood up and began to leave. However my whimper stopped him, it was an unconscious sound that came out of my throat as my body missed his touch. At that he chuckled and turned over, silver hair moving behind him as he moved on to the bed once more. "Missed me?"

"How about no," I said to him as I lay on the bed. My eyes directly on him as my posture were the same as he had left me, arms still resting above my head.

"Doesn't convince me," he said in a husky voice as his body covered mine once more. Tiny bites being left on my shoulders as he nipped at the skin, moans resounding as I enjoyed his doings.

However, he kept teasing me. His mouth covered all areas of my body, and even thought I hinted at being prepared he ignored me. "Aren't you going to finish?" I told him rudely as I was nearly successful in strapping myself to him.

"Aren't you a little desperate?" He said in between his own humor as he fully penetrated me. My body adjusting quickly to the change he had just begun. "Satisfied?" He asked in a murmur as he moved slowly.

"Could be better." I told him as I felt his grip tighten around me, bliss becoming the only thing I felt.

The night had ended and morning had come. A shy glow of the sun had awakened me by a single ray of light. It was still dark inside the room. His arms still wrapped around me as we slept together. I was satisfied, a smile reaching my face as I remembered all that I had lived with him. Even if this had been the second time I had seen him up close. It seemed for me like the time we had spent together was by far longer than the scarce hours we truly had.

At being near him I cuddled in closer, his arms wrapping around me tighter. Still as I looked up at him he was still fast asleep. Had I wished for many things to have? If I were asked at that moment I would have answered with something simple. Something that would have allowed me to see what was behind that hidden smile he allowed free when we were together. I would love to see what lay hidden under his thoughtful eyes. His smile, I wanted to know what was behind that singular smile of his. What do Sephiroth dreams of?

I smiled shyly as I thought of a movie I had seen not long ago. And here I was thinking of Sephiroth, a man that was known as the General, as the First Class SOLDIER; as the man that could easily make my dreams come true and all I thought of was a petty song in a movie. A movie about drugs, alcohol, a prostitute…? Not sure if it had a prostitute, but seeing him sleeping and thinking of that song was a marvelous morning humor.

Still as I moved around in his arms, my body dirty with sweat I reminded myself that today I had the noon shift at my job. At that I cursed inwardly and pushed his arms rather reckless from my body, him only changing position as my warmth left his side. Even his body didn't miss me.

It was as I walked away from him towards the bathroom that I giggled lightly, the song I remembered of the movie ringing in my mind. With a smile on my lips I began to murmur the lyrics of the song. "What do tigers dream of? When they take a little tiger snooze. Do they dream of mauling zebras or Halle Berry in her Catwoman suit…" at the ending of what I knew I laughed silently, my body entering the bathroom as I prepared the water for a quick bath.

Silently I entered the shower and allowed the water to reach me. The water's temperature perfect for a quick bath. And I allowed it all to flow, my hair getting wet as I stood under the shower. However, I have no idea why, why every time one is under the shower the deepest thoughts tend to come out. It was that how I allowed my mind to begin torturing me. From the small aspect that even if I was living far more comfortable than before I was doing something immoral. I was something that none will look at with good eyes.

I was a prostitute, a woman without morals. I was woman that no man – not even him – will look at with thoughts of marriage proposal. That sole thought depressed me. All that I did was a hidden contract. Sex wasn't meant to hold feelings, it wasn't meant to feel good. For me sex was the material that was interchanged for the money, something that for some would hold feelings for us sexual workers was a material. It was part of our job to give it, part of our job to act as if we enjoyed it, but never once had it been described what would happen if we enjoyed it?

I had heard stories of how the personal relationships of those women were and it wasn't something that I would like to imitate. It was like the case of Bunnie or Sophia as she was called. She used to have a on and off relationship with Bordus, both of them having problems when she left for work. But no one knows just how bad their problems go, no one can't imagine the danger of when a prostitutes falls in love. Much less one can't imagine the danger of falling for the prostitute.

I had no idea what this lifestyle would end up with. I had no idea what would happen between Sephiroth and me. Both of us were from two different dimensions. He was the General of the war, a hero hailed by many. I was a sexual worker, which anyone with money could buy. And both of us would unite in lust. It was not love, he didn't love me. This was no loving relationship and we were no couple. I was the prostitute and he was the client.

Somehow my thoughts had gotten deep to me. I knew I couldn't stop thinking of him ever since the day he had first bought. I knew the feelings of betrayal that I felt upon seeing him again weren't because he was bidding. No it was because I knew that if I wasn't the prostitute he would have bedded someone else, and that thought hurt me. I had liked him since day one, I've been hopeful he would have become my hero and save me from this world, yet I knew that couldn't be done.

It was then that I allowed my back to rest against the wall. My hand covered my mouth as I allowed a few silent wails of cry. I cried, for I knew that all of this was fake. I cried because I knew that I could only dream. And I cried because I wanted out. I don't know for how long I stayed like that, but after calming down I finished the showed. My mind fully set on leaving as if I were to stay any longer I would be late for my job.

Exiting the shower I found myself face to face with the pale haired man, his naked body flaunting himself to me.

"Leaving?" He asked as he observed my face closely, my eyes were red but he could relate that to using soap. But the strangeness in my mood could give out far more.

"Yes," I answered as I walked towards the sink that stood behind him. The inside of my mouth cleaned as I continued towards my goal of leaving.

"How about we enjoy ourselves first?" He openly suggested as he took hold of my body, his chest being tightly pressed against me.

"Can't." I answered him as I pulled away from him and moved towards the room we had shared. Moving around for a few seconds I located all of my clothes, quickly putting them on as I stared at a clock. In only two hours my shift would start.

"What if I pay for it?" He asked as I felt his hand touch my shoulder. However he couldn't see me. With my back to him it was fully hidden when my eyes began a water show. Shock filled me as I expected that from any client of mine, but not from him.

Slowly I turned over, his eyes widening at the fact that was nearly about to cry. "Excuse me?" I asked him; anger filling me, yet something bigger was hidden behind that anger. And it was deception; I was completely disappointed with him.

"Annie?" He called my name as he was slightly in shock, him not knowing what to do with me.

"Don't you consider my feelings?" I yelled at him once more, him probably not knowing how to deal with people's moods and feelings.

"I only asked if you wanted me to pay." He stated as if it was the most normal thing.

"You are so insensitive!" I grunted as my hand flew once more to his face, but this time he was prepared and took a rough hold of my arm. "Let go of me!" I yelled as I tried to fight against his hold, however he didn't budge.

"Last thing I knew that is how you speak to a prostitute." He said calmly, his words stinging my mood as I stopped fighting, tears escaping from my eyes.

"I'm leaving." I told him quietly, his hold fully gone as he allowed me to leave. Realization hitting me hard with the truth of my profession, still in my hurry to leave I forgot one of the most important things that I carried with me. My cellphone, still being the proud persona I was kept walking away.

And it's done hope you enjoyed!

I'll like to thank those who reviewed, VervainGirl and like always Azarin.
So should Genesis be cupid?
Probably in a few chapters it'll be noted, could he be a cupid? Don't know but the idea got me thinking... : D

Question: From what movie was the song? :P

PS. I do not own the lyrics of that song of that movie.

See ya all!
