Hold up, dear readers! From now on I'm discontinuing this since it's become EXTREMELY HARD T-T and I'd really like to say a huge THANKS to all who read! Been my first time a work of mine has become well-known, if not famous, outside of my circle of friends at school, and some teachers. Makes me know how all them famous authors feel like. XD

I know, I know, y'all gave me awesome ideas but then it won't be half as funny when I managed to twist the meanings, or it's just like, "Oh? Meh, okay. Yeah it's funny.." you know?

Yeah. Let's all say goodbye to Connor the Logic God! He's off to another mission now!

Thank you so much for reading! *waves*

PS I've also made lots of new friends ever since, and that's already enough for me XD I don't have trouble making new friends but it's really welcoming to see it...XDDD

I'll see ya round!