Disclaimers: I do not own fairytail

I am Beta-less

Hope u enjoy it

Fairy University

-The Sabretooth rugby club-

(Pseudonym: Dirty Apes)

"If god decided to give you a time period of 20 hours to be with any girl in the university, who would you guys choose?"

Gray questioned the group of boys sitting around him. The boys who were chatting about the match last night all paused and became attentive.

"Does god give out that kind of prize?"

"Come on, it's just a hypothetical situation, just answer it already."

"Obviously Lucy", Gajeel answered grinning. The boys all nodded in agreement, even Gray who questioned them agreed.

"Well what can I say, who in the world could ever reject Lucy Heartfilia," Gray stated and looked over to the said girl, sitting at a dining table with her group of friends chatting cheerfully. The blonde hair girl has always been the centre of attention in the university. Her white tank top matched perfectly with the iconic black jeans that she is wearing. It made her a divine beauty when it lies on her body, her milky white skin that has been revealed through her tops made most of the boys signed. The problem with her is that she never seemed to be interested in any of the guys at the university.

But who in the entire world, could say no to all those charms and not be interested in her.

"I for one do NOT want her!" A loud proclamation broke the silent. The boy who said it was none other than Sting Eucliffe, captain of the Sabretooth Rugby team, the hotty that could make girls scream till they faint.

"You're the only one dumb enough to say no" Gray muttered and shook his head ignoring the protest from Sting

"Well what do you see in her except for her breast, waist and looks?"

"My friend, those are the only things you need"

"There must be more to a girl than that.. " Sting paused, thinking of something to counter and said. "Brains . . . . . She doesn't have any".

"Do you have any?" Rufus muttered quietly so that Sting couldn't hear

"What kind of girl ties her hair like that, it's like she's trying to be a cartoon character exploring space or something" Sting mumbled thinking about Lucy's hair that is now tied into 2 locks. To him it looked like what a 5 years old watching power puff girls would do.

"Well, if you don't think that Lucy is hot, who's hot in your view?" The question made Sting silent before picking up a football article to read

"Hey, don't just stay silent and answer already"

"You guys won't understand it even if I told you. If you like that brainless girl so much then keep on praising her or whatever. No sane person would coat their Porsche sports car pink," Sting muttered, trying to change the topic of their conversation.

"Are you going to tell us or not about your type of girl"


"Fine, just wait till we find out who it is, if she's not better than Lucy then you're dead."

Sting laughed confidently. How could one ever compare the girl he likes to that brainless brat Lucy, all she could ever do is walk around alluring the boys to look her way, completely incomparable to 'her', who's basically is an angel.

-Fairytail Cheerleaders-

(Pseudonym: The devils in High Heels (thinking of Prada))

"Oh my god . . .. Seeing Sting's wearing tank tops just instantly made this hot weather warmer." Mirajane whispered whilst looking at captain of the rugby team sitting in the opposite side of the room dazedly

"You mean Sting?" Lucy asked coarsely before laughing "I just don't understand what you see in that brainless ape"

"Lucy! He's so hot." Levy added whilst also staring at Sting. "The more I look at him the more I like, he's just so cute".

The other girls nodded in agreement then turned to stare at the said tall boy's body that they want to touch so much. His messy blonde hair seemed so attractive and his dark blue eyes are so appealing. Added to this is his boyish personality that just made him the perfect man for the girls.

"I'd rather have Gajeel and Gray than have Sting."

"Just what do you have with Sting, is he your ex affair?" Juvia interestedly asked

"Affair? Do I need to have one with him before I have the right to hate him? No matter how I look at him he just look like an oorang ootang that has not been taught self control. Just thinking about him makes me wanting to puke

"He might be a little wild but isn't that the charm of a boy?"

"Nope," Lucy immediately rejected the notion and look to where Sting is sitting. Said boy is now reading a magazine containing a blonde hair woman wearing a bikini as the cover.

"What kind of good person reads porn in front of public like that?"

"Lucy, that's not a porn magazine, it's a football magazine"

"Really?" Lucy stated incredulously "what about the girl in front of the magazine, how does that have anything to do with football?"

"That's just a marketing strategy to promote the sales," Mira mumbled

"And only perverts will buy those kind of magazines."

"Lucy it's normal for boys to buy those kind of things. I don't think that a boy so clean and pure exist." Mira countered Lucy. Lucy became silent for a while before saying

"He does exist"

"What? Are you crushing on someone Lucy?"

"No, not at all," Lucy feigned; taking her bags and left the table before any interrogation from her friend could start.

'It's not just a crush, but it's a love . . . . . . my angel,' Lucy thought dreamily.


Which would you people prefer as the other pairing. Either Natsu-Lissana or Erza-Jellal

Reviews are most appreciated