Hullow peeps!

It's MarkedByAkatsukiKain, previously known as FloraxHelia4Evaah.

I discontinue my other story, sorry for everyone who liked it, but I don't have any inspiration anymore.

But I have a good story (I think it's a good story) in mind with an OC that has my looks and personality… The prologue going to be deep and I'll start with a prologue so you guys can get in the flow of the story. It's about a girl that ends in the Vampire Knight world after she lost everything in the real world, hope you enjoy it!



On this cold, cruel and heartless world.

All alone.

That's how it feels in my soul. A cold wind blowing inside of me, the suffocating silence that's devours me slowly.

No one to hold me, to save me from my darkest feelings that are boiling up from the corners of my bleeding heart.


Hatred towards fate. One day you have anything that you can wish for, the other day you've lost everything.

Being pulled into the deep black hole where once was my soul. The darkness ate my happiness away until the was only dust that was spread all over the insides of my body.

A doll.

That's what I have to be from now on. Sitting still and never talk about my feelings. Maybe that will stop the stabs of pain caused by happy moments from the past…

That time seems so far away… Like if the memories are from another life.

This empty , cold feeling makes me think sometimes that I'm from ice… That's the feeling of being all…


That was the prologue! Hoped you enjoyed it! Please rate and review.

Happy Holidays!
