A long time ago the four Nations lived together in Harmony. Water, Earth, Air, and Fire worked together peaceably with the Avatar alone controlling all four elements. The Fire Nation however was not content with peace and struck out against the other four Nations, wiping out the Air Nomads in hopes of destroying the Avatar. This story however starts 120 years earlier with the meeting of the Sun god Agni and a young Air Nomadess. They met on a mountain on the summer solstice and fell in love after 3 months. They were married by the Dragon Masters Ran and Shaou and not long after the woman became pregnant and gave birth to a girl. The child inherited her father's bending ability while keeping her mother's features and grew in both stature and ability. They lived happily upon the mountain for a few years, with Agni moving in and out of the Spirit World. As time passed however, the gods grew angry with Agni for allowing the child and her mother to exist in both realms and demanded he leave the mortal to live a normal life upon earth while he returned to the Fire Realms. Unwilling to have her lover punished, the woman left the Sun god to return to the Air Temple where she took a husband from the monks. She left her child to the band of warriors who lived on Mountain, called the Sun Nation, to protect the secret of her and Agni's child. The Sun Warriors swore an oath to guard the girl and to make sure she remembered who she was. The woman eventually gave birth to a boy. Surprisingly she was chosen to bear the next Avatar, but died before she could find out. Some said it was the strain of bearing another man's child others said it was the judgement of the gods. The boy was raised by the monks and soon mastered air bending. All had seemed to fall back into place until the Fire Nation attacked the Air Nomads. They quickly decimated the peaceful race hoping to have snuffed out the Avatar along with them. Thankfully the boy had fled the night before and had been sealed in an Ice Berg at the request of Agni. Due to restraints the gods had put on him, he was powerless to save his wife's people yet managed to save her son by asking Tui and La to imprison the boy in the ice when he fled. He also sealed off his own daughter, the boy's half sister, so he would have a protector when he awoke. Together they lay dormant for a 100 years until a pair of Water Tribe siblings awoke the boy. The girl was also awoken from her dormancy and joined the Sun Warriors who called her Soliel, daughter of the Sun.