Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.


In the middle of a well decorated room was a beautiful woman. She hummed as she moved the brush through the delicate parchment. Her strokes were graceful and precise but filled with a hidden passion. Her blue eyes were narrowed in concentration. Her playful side was revealed when her tongue stuck out as she drew a sharp turn. Her hair was done in a complicated bun, with many jeweled hairpins. Even with all that tight control a few dark strands hovered above her eyes.

Her body was covered in many layers of valuable kimonos. The long sleeves were rolled up for her comfort in painting. They were the sleeves of an unmarried woman.

But not for very long.

She thought, a little bitter. Ever since she was born she was promised to the son of a powerful lord. His name she knew not but her father kept saying her marriage would change their lives forever. They would be respected, perhaps feared. Her family would possess great influence over the lands. They wanted power. She could not understand why they could ever want more. Her father possessed more land than all the villagers of the region and they had riches beyond comparison. Their servants already respected them; they were even grateful for their jobs on the fields and house. He mastered the fleets of merchandise and knew the seas like the palm of his hand.

Yet it was not enough.

"Our line is not noble! Our blood is not blue!"

Nothing. To him, everything that he accomplished was simple baby steps. Her father dreamed big and thirsted for immortality. She feared that his ambition would be someday his downfall. Nonetheless, her destiny was tangled in his web and she could not ever be released. As his daughter, it was her duty.

With a last finishing touch, she gazed upon the painting she had been working on for the past two weeks: a perfect characterization of the sakura blossoms glistening in the spring sun. She loved them so. The sight took her back to happier times; her childhood. Every year, by the end of March, her parents would take her to one of their private gardens. And this garden was not just any garden. It was a garden of sakura trees. Oh, how delighted she would always be right when she laid eyes on that mantle of pinkish white. She smiled fondly.


-Isn't it a sight, my dear?

The cute toddler by the woman's side giggled and nodded. The little girl grinned and spread her arms as if trying to contain all the seemingly endless trees.

-It's beautiful, mother! Just like the year before, and the other, and the other! They're always so beautiful!

Suddenly, a pair of strong arms caught her and tickled her mercilessly. She squealed and between pants and laughs she managed to plead her father to stop. He smiled at her, making the wrinkles around his eyes more noticeable. She grinned back since she always loved it when her father would smile. He was such a pleasant person whenever he was happy. She placed a little hand on his freshly shaved face and placed a sound kiss on his cheek. What she loved the most on their little family trips was that she could openly show and receive affection. It was a bit weird, to her, to have to behave so formal when they received visits or were invited to important meetings or parties. They would always tell her to be a good girl and not to act silly. Whatever silly to them was.

The family of three resumed their flower viewing with happy sighs. Their daughter broke the silence with a childish giggle and pointed at the many petals that littered the ground and covered the thick branches.

-Look at all this girlish snow!

*End of Flashback*

Her smile stayed until it slowly disappeared into a neutral tilt. As much as she missed them, she was a grown woman now and those times had come to an end. She would be a part of a marriage that was planned during her whole life; to a man she never knew and give herself to him until the end of her days. With much care, she cleaned her painting tools and let her work dry. She let her sleeves drop and called a servant to help her get off the heavy kimonos and undo the uncomfortable hairstyle.

When only in a thin beige kimono she asked the kind middle aged woman known as Sara to get a hot bath ready for her. The woman did not speak for she was a mute but smiled and nodded, hurriedly doing her bidding.

Two young girls and Sara returned holding a large wooden tub filled with warm, perfumed water. She mourned the fact that the inner hot springs were under maintenance but this would do for now. The two girls kneeled and rested their foreheads on the neat floors as the most revered bow. She sighed and nodded for them to proceed and they quickly undressed her and helped her get in the tub. She felt really frustrated, even if she did all of this with an indifferent expression. She was a big girl now so she could do all these things by herself but even so the servants insisted that it was only their duty to do them for her. Every time she wanted to do it they would act as if she had slapped them in the face. She sighed happily as the fumes that the water emitted caressed her skin and reached seductively her nostrils. She turned her head and raised an eyebrow at the two girls that were still standing there. The older one, known as Kagura, blushed and fidgeted with her sleeves before saying meekly.

-Forgive us, mistress but…is there anything else you wish?

Her eyebrows shot up as she realized she completely forgot to dismiss them. With an embarrassed chuckle she waved them off.

-No, no. You may retire for the night. I'll see you tomorrow.

Kagura's brown reddish eyes twinkled in relief and once again they bowed.

-Rest well, mistress.

Kagome only hummed and sank deeper into the tub when she heard the shoji door slide shut. She closed her eyes and sighed. She had her seventeen years to get used to this marriage business. Yet it did not change the fact that she would set sail on a ship headed to the main land tomorrow to begin her courting. What of her family and friends? Would she really leave her whole life behind?

She had always wanted to know what was beyond Hokkaido. To see what she learned in her studies. She could always look on the bright side. For the first time in her life she would set foot on a real ship and sail the sea. Meet new people, maybe see new cultures. Perhaps this was the change her life needed, even though she felt like she was just exchanging prisons. She sighed for what seemed like the tenth time and rested her head on her folded arms over the tub's rim. She gazed upon the crescent moon through her window and wondered what it would be like to watch it on the other side.

The place was tormented with loudness. From the sounds of giggling prostitutes and malnourished dialect of the drunken men to the clash of tableware and occasional bar fights. He sat on a secluded spot, seeking some peace but still keeping a sharp eye on his crew. He raised his sake filled cup in a mocking salute to the crescent moon hovering the night and downed it in one gulp. He decided that was enough alcohol for him tonight even if he could handle it well. He glanced at the seemingly ecstatic men celebrating their newest 'conquest' and couldn't help but snort.


He muttered. He did understand that their newest catch was quite big. Bigger than usual. The Matsumae's flag has been roaming with voracity. They had always great treasure and what a fool would he be to let this opportunity pass. He let out a silent sigh and reclined in the chair. Tomorrow, he would roam the Northern sea circuit since the rich bastard has been favoring that area lately. Specially, between Hokkaido and the main island. He pulled out one of his many knives hidden in his long leather coat and the harness across his chest. Sometimes he wondered if he really needed this many weaponry but nowadays you were never too careful. He sharpened his knives and his two favorite cutlasses. They were magnificent weapons, their blade was perfectly forged and their hilt was beautifully decorated with expensive jewelry and intricate patterns. One even had a Chinese dragon surrounding the bit where the blade connected. He made sure to commend that captain for his good taste before he buried his very swords in his heart.

After he finished cleaning his guns he stood up and made way to wash his wands because there was still one person, which means him, that cared about hygiene. He had almost reached the basin when a loud mouthed and rather…overweight…lady blocked his path and dared to touch him. He twitched his nose as her alcohol laced breath hit him mercilessly.

-Where do ya think you're going, stud?

She then opened the upper buttons of her dress and pulled out her oversized breasts for him to see. His eyebrow twitched and he took a deep breath. She then made sure to wiggle them right in front of his face. She gave him what she hoped was a seductive smile and whispered in a clearly aroused voice.

-Think you can handle these?

He opened his mouth to kindly refuse but she placed a finger to his lips and winked. He allowed her to caress his muscled chest just so that she could leave him alone. She moistened her lips and continued to whisper.

-Upstairs, first room on the left. I'll be waiting for ya.

She brushed a few of his rebellious silver strands away then moaned into his ear a bit too shrilly and he made a gigantic effort not to gag at her scent.

-I'm already so wet for ya…don't want to keep me waiting.

She turned and walked away much to his relief. He finally washed his hands and equipped all his weapons. His vision, though a bit blurry, caught the stairs and he shook his head; he couldn't believe he even considered it for a second.

-I'm not that drunk, thank you.

Kagome woke up to the sound of insistent knocks. She huffed and allowed the two servants to come in. Seeing their mistress' displeased frown the rushed to bow in apologies but she told them to stop and resume their morning duties. Obediently, they dressed her, made her hairdo and applied the custom make up. Truly, she felt like a live doll. But then again, she should be used to this treatment already. Ever since she had been deemed a woman that her mornings were always like this. If she thought that her father barely touched her before then he avoided her altogether now. Sputtering nonsense that she should never be that familiar with a man and only with the closest females. Nonsense! He was her father! Why was it wrong to want a hug or even a simple comforting pat from your own father? She just couldn't swallow all that etiquette that those uptight women and men taught her. She feared that she was living an exaggeration of social basic manners. Nevertheless, she would face her father with a smile today. Even if it might be the last time she would ever see him again for a long while.

"This is your destiny! Be happy to fulfill it and bring honor to the family. Many do not have this precious chance."

Her forced smile turned bitter. Yes, of course. She should be grateful. She should praise the Kami for being so fortunate.

The servant Kagura knocked delicately on the shoji door and opened it when her father told her to enter. The servant stayed bowed to the ground when Kagome only bowed slightly and hid half of her gorgeous face behind the elaborate fan. Her father seemed pleased with her behavior and her day turned a bit brighter when he flashed her a smile. He truly seemed proud of her and if he was happy then she was happy.

Their journey to the docks was silent but meaningful. Her eyes glistened with tears as she gazed upon the majestic ship that would carry her to her fate. She turned to her father and lowered her fan. Her lips trembled a bit. His eyes softened and he opened his arms. Damning etiquette to a place where the sun doesn't shine, she all but threw herself in his arms and hugged him to her heart's content. After a few minutes they finally found the will to part but they both knew that father and daughter had reached a mutual understanding and their respect for each other grew stronger than ever.

When the captain offered her his help she gracefully took it and couldn't believe she was really going to do this. Leave everything behind; with only her belongings and her two faithful servants, Kagura and Sara. She waved back at her father and admired the sight that was the sea. As the ship wavered at its will she suddenly felt rather lightheaded. Kagura and Sara shared a knowing look and tried to sooth their mistress' guts. It was, after all, her first journey on ship.

Author's Note: So…I had this idea on my mind for a long time now and decided to just let it out. I proudly present to you my first SesshKag fic xD Hope you liked it and I'll be sure to upload it as fast as I can!

(The Matsumae clan really existed and was a powerful family in the feudal era. Though in this fic they are still a powerful family they do not have the same power that they had in reality)

Everybody is human here but Sesshomaru will retain his original appearance.